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United at Bentley

Gender & Sexuality at Bentley

Gender Identity & LGBTQ Community

We welcome, value, and support students of all gender identities and sexualities. And we’re always learning how we can build a more inclusive, informed and compassionate community.

Across campus, you’ll find ways to advance equality and model an open, respectful community.

Diverse group of students walking on Bentley campus

Gender & Sexuality Student Programs

Gender and Sexuality Student Programs provides a welcoming and supportive environment for all students to engage with topics of gender and sexuality. We offer educational programs, dialogues, and campus-wide workshops to create a more inclusive, informed, and compassionate community.

Learn More

Center for Women and Business

Bentley’s Center for Women and Business (CWB) is dedicated to advancing gender equity and fostering workplace inclusion – the CWB facilitates hundreds of workshops with businesses worldwide. The expertise of this unique knowledge center on campus is leveraged in student programs such as the Fellowship, Men of Alliance, and Perspectives, where students can to gain the knowledge and skills to become inclusive leaders on campus and in the workplace.

Collage of diverse and happy people
A Venn Diagram model of Bentley's Inclusive Excellence framework. Components of Access and Success, Climate and Intergroup Relations, and Education and Scholarship surround the central Institutional Commitment and Capacity.

Office of Diversity & Inclusion

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion is responsible for fostering an inclusive community by leveraging interactions between offices, educating the entire community and working to increase the diversity at all levels of the University through university-wide, diversity-related programs and initiatives.

Campus & Local Resources

Coming Out at Bentley

This process is different for everybody, and we work to acknowledge the unique experiences and identities of all individuals. We strive to provide a variety of resources to help you decide when and how you want to come out in different situations. 

Coming Out at Bentley


Bentley supports all members of our community who identify as transgender or non-binary through individual outreach and campus-wide resources and programs.


Counseling & Health Center

When you’re not feeling well or need someone to talk to, you can turn to Student Health at Bentley. We’re your medical home on campus, and we’re open to all full-time students, regardless of insurance.

Campus Pride

Campus Pride is a nonprofit organization that helps student leaders and campus groups create safer college environments for LGBTQ students. Campus Pride has resources, programs and services to support LGBTQ and ally students.

Local Groups

Within the Boston area, there are a number of LGBTQ-supportive groups, bookstores, publications and congregations. Find local resources.