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Your Room

Drink Smart

  • Buy a Brita water filter to store in the fridge; this saves money on bottled water & plastic from the environment
  • Purchase a reusable water bottle; fill it up from the brita or with tap water (which is clean as bottled!) to save money and the environment
  • Remember, most things that you drink out of, are recyclable! Glass bottles, cans, plastic bottles, cartons, solo cups - send these items right into the recycling bin

Eat Sustainably

  • Purchase reusable dishes, utensils and cups rather than wasting money on single-use paper or plastic items
  • Dump or rinse out your recyclables - this ensures that excess foods/liquids don't spoil a batch of recyclables
  • Buy non-perishable food in bulk! This cuts your costs as well as the amount of packaging used to wrap each individual item
  • Consider buying food that is organic and fair trade Learn about the benefits here

Living Sustainably

  • Try buying used (and often cheaper) items through sites such as Ebay, or Craigslist
  • Use re-usable packaging when moving - for example load up a laundry basket or suitcase with clothes instead of wasting tons of trash bags.  If you do use items such as cardboard boxes - be sure to break them down and recycle after
  • When considering TVs, buy one that is Energy Star certified. These TVs save energy without compromising television quality
  • Buy a smart power strip to reduce vampire power
  • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs - they last 10 times longer than standard light bulbs and use a lot less energy