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Archive: Fall 2007 LSM

American Perspectives

  CIN 370 Male Image in Amer Cinema
  CIN 370 Spectatorship in Amer Film and TV
  CIN 377 E01 African Americans in  Film
  EXP 201 005 Expository Writing II (Esposito)
  EXP 201 007 Expository Writing II (Esposito)
  EXP 201 012 Expository Writing II
  EXP 201L 002 Expository Writing II (Speca)
  GO 100 American Government
  GO 105 City/State Gov and Politics
  GO 218 (H) Media and Politics
  GO 230 Current Political Issues
  GO 252 Politics and the Economy
  HI 303 Pre-Columbian America
  HI 342 Revolutionary Generation (US)
  HI 343 Modern US History 1900-Present
  HI 353 The American Economy in the 20th Century
  HI 356 The US: From Nation to Empire
  HI 381 The Civil War
  HI 382 World War I
  HI 397 001 American Women's History
  HI 398 001 Shaping the Self in Modern America
  HI 399 001 American Environmental History
  LA 104 Gender and The Law
  LA 105 Race and the Law
  LA 106 "Outsiders" and the Law
  LIT 262 Native Amer Lit and Culture
  LIT 362 American Literature:1830-1870
  LIT 364 Modern American Literature
  LIT 366 American Icons
  LIT 397 Transgender Lit
  PH 351 Perspectives on Poverty
  SO 241 Diver, Minorities and Soc Change
  SO 292 Soc of Native American People

Diversity and (In)Equality

  CIN 370 E01 Cinema Studies: Male Image
  CIN 377 African Americans in Film
  COM 320 Intercultural Communication
  COM 326 Language and Literacy
  GO 105 City/State Gov and Politics
  HI 266 Middle East:Islamic and Contemp
  HI 343 Modern US History 1900-Present
  HI 380 Modern East Asia
  ID 199 Religion in a Global Society
  LA 104 Gender and The Law
  LA 105 Race and the Law
  LA 106 "Outsiders" and the Law
  LIT 262 Native Amer Lit and Culture
  LIT 320 Introduction to Acting
  LIT 330 Literature of the Holocaust
  LIT 334 Women in Literature
  LIT 337 Caribbean Literature
  LIT 362 American Literature:1830-1870
  LIT 392 Literary Theme: Psychoanalysis and Lit
  LIT 393 Magic and Realism in Latin America Fict
  LIT 397 Cultural Studies: Transgender Literature
  MG 228 Managing Diversity/Workplace
  NASC 112 (H) Evol,Human Genetics and Beh
  PH 351 Perspectives on Poverty
  PS 330 Psychology of Women
  SO 241 Diver, Minorities and Soc Change
  SO 271 Self and Society
  SO 292 Soc of Native American People

Earth, Environment and Global Sustainability

  EC 311 International Economics
  EC 321 International Growth/Develop
  EC 341 Urban and Regional Economics
  EC 346 Environmental Economics
  FI 318 R E Investment Decisions
  FI 327 Insurance and Risk Management
  FI 351 International Finance
  HI 399 001 American Environmental History
  INT 100 Global Regions
  INT 106 International Relations
  INT 108 The Developing World
  INT 285 International Transportation
  LIT 362 American Literature:1830-1870
  MA 263 Continuous Prob for Risk MG
  NASC 111 Green Biology: Eco and Bot Conn
  NASC 122 Environmental Chemistry
  NASC 130 Principles of Geology 
  NASE 311 Ecology:Prin and Applications
  NASE 315 Human Health & Disease
  NASE 328 Water Quality
  NASE 331 Maps and Mapping
  NASE 333 Natural Disasters
  NASE 336 Hydrology
  NASE 337 Global Climate Change
  NASE 339 The Atmosphere
  NASE 344 Energy Alternatives
  NMSC 302 Water: Resources, Plan and Management
  PH 130 Corp Social Responsibility
  PH 133 International Business Ethics
  PH 351 Perspectives on Poverty

Ethics and Social Responsibility

   EXP 201 011 Expository Writing II
  EXP 201L 001 Expository Writing II
  EXP 201 H01 Expository Writing II
  GO 218 (H) Media and Politics
  GO 230 Current Political Issues
  HI 306 H01 War and Society 
  HI 307 Through Children's Eyes
  LA 101 Law and Society
  LA 104 Gender and The Law
  LA 105 Race and Law
  LA 106 "Outsiders" and the Law
  LIT 262 Native Amer Lit and Culture
  LIT 330 Literature of the Holocaust
  NASE 337 Global Climate Change
  PH 130 Corp Social Responsibility
  PH 133 International Business Ethics
  PH 215 Ancient/Medieval Philosophy
  PH 251 Ethics
  PH 313 Political Thought from a Global Perspective
  PH 351 Perspectives on Poverty
  SO 241 Diver, Minorities and Soc Change

Global Perspectives: Asia/Pacific

  GO 120 Comparative Government
  HI 200 (H) Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 200 The Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 353 The American Ecomony in the 20th Century
  HI 380 Modern East Asia
  INT 100 Global Regions
  INT 104 (H) Cross-Cultural Understand
  INT 104 Cross-Cultural Understanding
  INT 106 International Relations
  INT 108 The Developing World
  ML 151 Japanese Language & Culture I
  ML 152 Japanese Language & Culture II
  ML 161 Elementary Chinese I
  ML 251 Intermediate Japanese I
  ML 261 Intermediate Chinese I

Global Perspectives: Commerce and Culture

(Students may select electives from the list below as well
as from any other Global Perspectives Concentration)

  CIN 376 International Cinema
  COM 320 Intercultural Communication
  EC 311 International Economics
  EC 321 International Growth/Develop
  FI 351 International Finance
  GO 120 Comparative Government
  GO 240 International Politics 
  HI 200 (H) Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 200 The Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 266 Middle East:Islamic and Contemp
  ID 199 Religion in a Global Village
  INT 100 Global Regions
  INT 104 (H) Cross-Cultural Understand
  INT 104 Cross-Cultural Understanding
  INT 106 International Relations
  INT 108 The Developing World
  INT 199 Globalization
  INT 285 International Transportation
  INT 298 Human Rights in the Global Media
  INT 299 Gender, Islam and Development
  LA 301 Global Cyberlaw
  LIT 330 Literature of the Holocaust
  LIT 393 Magic and Realism:Latin Am Fiction
  MG 331 Management/International Op
  MG 334 International Mgmt Behavior
  MG 340D EB1 ATM: Global Talent Management
  MG 340F 001 ATM: Cross-Cultural Negotiation
  MK 367 International Marketing
  NASE 337 Global Climate Change
  PH 133 International Business Ethics

Global Perspectives: European Studies

 GO 120 Comparative Government
  HI 200 (H) Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 200 The Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 328 The Romantic Age
  HI 382 World War I
  INT 100 Global Regions
  INT 104 (H) Cross-Cultural Understand
  INT 104 Cross-Cultural Understanding
  INT 106 International Relations
  LIT 330 Literature of the Holocaust 
  LIT 352 Shakespeare I
  LIT 356 The Victorian Period
  LIT 396 Shakespeare Among Others
  ML 101 Elementary French I
  ML 121 Elementary Spanish I
  ML 122 Elementary Spanish II
  ML 141 Elementary Italian I
  ML 201 Intermediate French I
  ML 221 Intermediate Spanish I
  ML 222 Intermediate Spanish II
  ML 241 Intermediate Italian I
  ML 321 Topics in Spanish

Global Perspectives: Latin America and Caribbean Studies

  GO 120 Comparative Government
  HI 200 (H) Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  HI 200 The Making of Our Contemp Wrld
  INT 100 Global Regions
  INT 104 (H) Cross-Cultural Understand
  INT 104 Cross-Cultural Understanding
  INT 106 International Relations
  INT 108 The Developing World
  INT 290 Contemporary Latin America
  LIT 337 Caribbean Literature
  ML 121 Elementary Spanish I
  ML 122 Elementary Spanish II
  ML 221 Intermediate Spanish I
  ML 222 Intermediate Spanish II
  ML 321 Topics in Spanish

Health and Industry 

  LIT 392 E01 Literary Theme: Psychoanalysis and Lit
  XD 230 Fundamentals of Content Dev
  MA 225 Prob Models for Bus Dec Making
  MG 250 Human Resource Management
  MG 343 Project Management
  MG 350 Human Resource Strategy
  MK 321 Consumer Behavior
  MK 322 Marketing Research
  MK 365 Marketing of Services
  NASC 110 Human Biology: Prin and Appl
  NASC 112 (H) Evol,Human Genetics and Beh
  NASE 313 Human Nutrition:Sci to Life
  NASE 315 Human Health and Disease
  NASE 319 Human Inheritance:Genes to Beh
  NASE 327 Chemical Senses
  NSID 305 Science Business Biotechnology
  PH 130 Corp Social Responsibility
  PS 240 Child Psychology
  PS 252 Dynamics of Personality
  PS 266 Psychology of Adjustment
  PS 330 Psychology of Women
  PS 340 Health Psychology
  PS 388 Abnormal Psychology
  SO 252 Health, Illness and Everyday Life

Imagination and the Human Experience

  ART 299 Going to opera
  CIN 270 Intro to Cinema Studies
  CIN 379 (H) Film Theory
  COM 326 Language and Literacy
  EXP 201 005 Expository Writing II 
  EXP 201 007 Expository Writing II 
  EXP 201L 001 Expository Writing II and Lab 
  EXP 201L 002 Expository Writing II and Lab 
  EXP 201L 016 Expository Writing II and Lab 
  HI 305 Arts and Society
  HI 306 (H) War and Society
  HI 307 Through Children's Eyes
  HI 328 The Romantic Age
  ID 211 Introduction to Gender Issues
  LIT 210 Poetry
  LIT 310 Creative Writing--Poetry
  LIT 312 Creative Wrtg:Drama/Scrn Writg
  LIT 312 Creative Wrtg:Wrtg for Video
  LIT 320 Introduction to Acting
  LIT 352 Shakespeare I
  LIT 382 19th  Century Art and Literature
  LIT 391 001 The Short Story
  LIT 391 002 The Short Story
  LIT 391 003 The Short Story
  LIT 392 E01 Psychoanalysis and Literature
  LIT 396 001 Shakespeare Among Others
  LIT 396 H01 Shakespeare Among Others
  LIT 397 001 Either, Neither, Both: Transgender Lit
  ML 321 Topics in Spanish
  PH 215 Ancient/Medieval Philosophy
  PH 252 Theories of Knowledge
  PS 240 Child Psychology
  PS 330 Psychology of Women
  PS 388 Abnormal Psychology
  SO 271 Self and Society
  SO 292 Soc of Native American People

Media Arts and Society 

  ART 299 Going to Opera
  CIN 270 Intro to Cinema Studies
  CIN 370 Male Image in Amer Cinema
  CIN 370 Spectatorship in Amer Film&TV
  CIN 376 International Cinema
  CIN 377 E01 African Americans in Hollywood 
  CIN 379 (H) Film Theory
  CS 213 The World Wide Web
  EXP 201 016 Bestsellers as Literature 
  GO 218 (H) Media and Politics
  HI 305 Arts and Society
  XD 240 Fundamentals of Visual Comm
  XD 340 Adv Visual Communication
  XD 370 Web Design I:Info Design&Princ
  INT 298 Human Rights in Global Media
  LA 300 Cyberlaw
  LA 316 Sports and Entertainment Law
  LIT 312 Creative Wrtg:Drama/Scrn Writg
  LIT 312 Creative Wrtg:Wrtg for Video
  LIT 320 Introduction to Acting
  LIT 366 American Icons
  LIT 391 001 Graphics Novels: Literature or Lite
  MC 200 001 Principles of Media & Culture
  MC 222 Digital Photography
  MC 224 Intro to Video Production
  MC 300 Film, TV and New Media Theory
  MC 320 Advanced Production:Producing
  MK 321 Consumer Behavior
  MK 332 Promotional Strategy
  MK 342 Advertising
  ML 321 Topics in Spanish
  NASE 342 Light and Color 
  PS 325 (H) Cyber Psychology

Quantitative Perspectives

  CS 240 001 Business Process & Communication Infra
  EC 224 (H)Intermediate Price Theory
  EC 224 Intermediate Price Theory
  EC 225 Intermed Macroeconomics
  EC 245 Business Forecasting
  FI 310 Financial Markets I
  FI 320 Financial Markets II
  FI 327 Insurance and Risk Management
  GO 218 (H) Media and Politics
  GO 252 Politics and the Economy
  MA 126 Math Foundations for Bus II
  MA 139 Calculus II
  MA 207 Matrix Algebra with Applicat
  MA 225 Prob Models for Bus Dec Making
  MA 233 Calculus III
  MA 239 Linear Algebra
  MA 243 (H) Discrete Probability
  MA 243 Discrete Probability
  MA 263 Continuous Prob for Risk MG
  MA 343 Math of Discrete Opt Pricing
  MK 322 Marketing Research
  NASC 100 Astronomy: Solar System
  NASC 101 Astronomy: Stars and Universe
  NASC 140 Basic Physics: Princ and App
  NASE 303 Life in the Universe
  NASE 331 Maps and Mapping
  NASE 342 Light and Color
  NASE 344 Energy Alternatives
  NASE 361 Imaging: Tech and Applications
  PH 215 Ancient/Medieval Philosophy
  PS 325 (H) Cyber Psychology

Workplace and Labor Studies

  EC 270 Industrial Organization/Market
  HI 353 The Amer Econ in the 20th Cent
  HI 398 Shaping the Self in Modern America
  ID 306 Comm Serv in a For Prof Org
  ID 350 Gender Issues in Organizations
  LA 315 Alt Dispute Resolution in Bus
  MG 228 Managing Diversity/Workplace
  MG 241 (H) Leadership, Power and Pol
  MG 241 Leadership, Power and Politics
  MG 250 Human Resource Management
  MG 331 Management/International Op
  MG 345 Organization and Environment
  MG 350 Human Resource Strategy
  NASE 315 Human Health and Disease
  PH 130 Corp Social Responsibility
  PH 133 International Business Ethics
  PH 351 Perspectives on Poverty
  SO 241 Diver, Minorities and Soc Change
  SO 252 Health,Illness and Everyday Life
  SO 263 Sociology of Org and Work