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Business in Society Report 2023

From large companies that employ thousands of workers to mom-and-pop shops that are the heartbeat of local communities, businesses affect every aspect of life in America. But as artificial intelligence and other technologies emerge, do Americans trust businesses to use them in ways that benefit us all? And as many U.S. workers "quietly quit" and check out from their work, what can businesses do to keep them engaged and happy? In this second annual Bentley University-Gallup survey, we asked 5,458 U.S. adults about areas in which businesses are improving our daily lives and our society - and where they are falling short.

Here are highlights from the findings:

79% of Americans don't trust companies to use AI in a responsible way

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55% of Americans say businesses should speak out about climate change but only 19% want their opinions on political candidates

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63% of Americans believe business has a positive impact on society, an increase from 55% in 2022

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77% of Americans say a 4-day workweek and 66% say limiting email outside work would improve their wellbeing

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95% of Americans say health providers should tell them how much their care will cost beforehand but only 17% say that happens

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82% of Americans say avoiding a major pay gap between CEOs and average employees is important, but 13% say businesses do it well

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"These survey results should matter to every business leader who cares about connecting with their customers and recruiting and retaining talented workers. The companies that learn about and respond to what Americans expect and want will be the ones that survive and have the most enduring impact in our society."
E. LaBrent Chrite 
Bentley University


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See last year's Bentley-Gallup survey