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Business in Society Report

What does good business look like in the age of AI? In this second annual Bentley-Gallup survey, we asked 5,458 people across America where they think businesses are having a positive impact – and where they are coming up short. Here is one of the key findings.

79% of Americans don't trust companies to use AI in a responsible way

Do you trust companies to use artificial intelligence responsibly?

Bar Chart: Do you trust companies to use AI responsibly?

"I'm relieved to see such widespread awareness of the reckless attitude businesses have exhibited in releasing AI products. A growing chorus of experts has been sounding the alarm on how risky these AI tools are, and this survey finding shows that message is reaching the wider public. This is a real opportunity for businesses to compete for customers by associating their brand with a more responsible use of AI." 

Noah Giansiracusa
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
Bentley University

"Does AI have enormous potential? Yes. Will businesses tap AI’s huge potential to do good and not evil in the world? The jury’s still out – and they’re very skeptical."

Mareike Möhlmann 
Assistant Professor of Information and Process Management
Bentley University

Will AI Reduce Jobs?

A new paper based on the Bentley-Gallup survey findings reveals that 75% of Americans believe AI will decrease the number of jobs. 

Read the Paper

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