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Americans are noticing the effects of inflation

80% of Americans say products and services have become less affordable in the last year

Over the past 12 months, have you noticed an overall improvement, no change or decline in the affordability of products and services you buy from businesses?

Bar Chart - Over the past 12 months, have you noticed an overall improvement, no change or decline in the affordability of products and services you buy from businesses?

"It’s not surprising that only 80% of respondents have felt the impact of the highest rate of inflation in over 40 years. A fortunate segment of the population has seen their income and wealth outpace inflation. Many Americans, however, have had to make hard choices given the dramatic increases in rent, food and other everyday costs." 

David Gulley
Professor of Economics
Bentley University

"Affordability concerns could prompt consumers to rethink their purchasing strategies, opting for higher-priced, durable items that reduce long-term costs, especially for those less influenced by fashion trends. This shift aligns with slow fashion and offers a practical response to financial challenges."

Monir Jalili 
Assistant Professor of Management
Bentley University