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Americans believe diverse workers make a company stronger

59% of Americans say companies with a diverse workforce are more profitable and 63% say they make more innovative products

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"I’m glad to see so many individuals see the value diversity brings to teams and organizational success. We certainly have a great deal of research evidence that supports these notions — that organizations perform better, people are more satisfied with their jobs, and innovation increases when their workforce and, importantly, their leadership, is diverse. I’d love to see that metric increase even more given this evidence; there is still work to do to help workers see the benefits of diversity." 

Amanda Sargent
Assistant Professor of Management
Bentley University

"While Americans may disagree on how to achieve diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, it’s heartening to see the majority understand the benefit of such efforts. The reality is that we live in a knowledge economy where innovation is our most important asset. As a nation, our success depends on our ability to access that innovation through the integration of unique perspectives. Doing so requires more than the mere presence of ‘diverse’ workers; rather, leaders who create a climate where everyone is accepted as a valued member and unique employee voices are heard, appreciated and leveraged for the benefit of the whole."

Mateo Cruz 
Assistant Professor of Management
Bentley University