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Americans are seeing a decline in customer service

49% of Americans say customer service has gotten worse in the last year. Only 6% say it has improved.

Over the past 12 months, have you noticed an overall improvement, no change or decline in the quality of customer service you receive from businesses?

Bar Chart - Over the past 12 months, have you noticed an overall improvement, no change or decline in the quality of customer service you receive from businesses?

"Automation, especially in service industries, can be a double-edged sword. It has the potential to increase efficiency but can also increase customer frustration. The best brands, the ones with fanatical consumer loyalty, recognize this. They are typically not the lowest cost providers but are the ones that deliver high-quality solution-oriented service. Treat your customers with respect and they will reward you ten-fold." 

Shelle Santana
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Bentley University

"Companies that focus on efficiency first are only looking at the short term. They are risking their brand, which is their biggest long-term asset. A customer who has a bad experience will carry that forever, and will tell others, and that long term asset — the brand — is tarnished. Forever."

Andy Aylesworth 
Professor of Marketing
Bentley University

But Approval for Business is Growing

A new paper based on the Bentley-Gallup survey findings reveals that 63% of Americans believe businesses have a positive impact on people’s lives – an 8-point increase since 2022.

Read the Paper

Gallup meeting with women shaking hands