Blackboard Course Site File Storage Quota
October 22, 2021
Did you know each course site in Blackboard has only 1.96 gb of storage? Each time you add content to your course via file uploads, PowerPoints, Mp4’s etc. you use up a certain amount of valuable space.
What happens when I reach quota?
Once your course has met its allotted quota you will begin to get error messages that block you from adding any additional content.
The Good News!
Follow these helpful tips to avoid exceeding your course storage quota:
- Embed all video media via Kaltura/My Media. By embedding videos from your My Media, you will not impact your course storage.
- For helpful How To documentation for using Kaltura click here: Instructional Resources: Kaltura
- Reduce the file size of your PowerPoint Presentations Click Here
- Share files and folders via Microsoft OneDrive: Click Here
To learn more about managing your Blackboard Course Storage: Click Here