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Annoto – In-Video Collaboration Tool

AnnotoAnnoto is an in-video collaboration solution that enables students to contribute, share and learn together, promoting an interactive group experience. Annoto allows students to become actively involved in the video content, sharing ideas and learning with their peers.

Annoto enables time-based comments & notes on top of a video, where you can ask your students questions, reply to theirs, focus their attention on specific moments in the video, invite them to answer one another, share thoughts and ideas and even manage your own teaching journal without having to leave the video!

Powered by comprehensive analytics and insights, Annoto provides insights on users and their interactions within the video content, shedding light on how and when users interact with the video content and with each other.

Introduction Video

Annoto brings power of social learning to online video. This introduction video showcases how Annoto could be used as an in-video collaboration solution

Use Cases

  • Students can ask questions on specific moments in the video lecture that they didn’t understand and get notified when their question has been answered, or engage in meaningful conversations on the content of the video. All the interactions are kept in the context of the video.
  • Faculty can ask your students questions, reply to theirs, focus their attention on specific moments in the video, invite them to answer one another, share thoughts and ideas and even manage your own teaching journal without having to leave the video!
  • The students also have a personal notebook where they can reflect on the video content, add bookmarks and can add additional information (e.g., videos and web links).
  • Enabling an active video viewing experience will result in higher engagement, retention and continuous enrichment of video content. Annoto’s comprehensive analytics and insights allow you to curate and monitor learners activities and gain insights on the video content.

Need Help?

For questions or assistance please contact ATC or Steve Salina at