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Academic Technology Center



GradoscopeGradescope is an online suite of tools designed to accommodate a common grading workflow. Usually, students or instructors scan and upload hand-written homework or exams. Instructors create a living rubric that allows for speedy grading.

Gradescope supports workflows for both individual student assignments (homework) and instructor upload of assessments (exams). In addition to paper-based assignments, Gradescope also supports fully online assignments where no paper is required, assignments combining online and paper-based approaches, and programming assignments.

Using Gradescope speeds up your grading process by allowing you to apply rubrics and comments across students for specific questions. It is especially useful for assignments where the students need to complete their work by hand (for example, Math or Economics assignments).

Use Cases and Key Benefits:

  • Assignment Type Flexibility: Deliver, collect, and grade almost any type of assignment - whether on paper or digital. Gradescope also supports Bubble Sheets (answer sheet exams) and Code/Programming assignments  
  • Rubric Flexibility: Create rubrics on the fly, import from previous assignments, and share with other faculty. Gradescope rubrics are dynamic, meaning they can be changed at any point in the grading process and automatically updated for all submissions previously graded. They can also include LaTeX, markdown, and images to help deliver feedback in the right format to students 
  • Grading Workflows: Easily grade by yourself or divide the grading among multiple graders. Rubrics are associated with each question (rather than the entire submission) and remain consistent for all students, regardless of who grades their work. This helps ensure fairness, reduce bias, and improve equity with grading.  
  • Answer Grouping (for paper-based assessments): Group similar answers and grade them once, instead of grading each individually. This can allow you to grade hundreds of students with a few clicks, even for free-response questions. 
  • Student Feedback and Analytics: Students can see exactly what mistakes they made and why they missed points, as well as request, regrades for individual questions directly via Gradescope. Instructors can analyze assignment- and question-level data, as well as customize data via tags to better understand key concepts and learning objectives. 

How-To & Documentation

Need Help? Gradescope’s Customer Happiness Team is available and happy to answer any questions you may have at For additional questions or assistance please contact the ATC (