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KalturaKaltura is Bentley’s cloud-based video hosting/streaming/sharing service that works directly in Brightspace, as well as powers Kaltura allows you to upload videos to your course, as well as capture your screen, camera, and microphone to create course lectures. Kaltura’s player can be viewed on all major browsers, as well as tablets and smartphones.


  • Classes recorded to the Zoom cloud get automatically transferred to Kaltura, where they can then be embedded in Brightspace courses for on-demand playback.
  • Faculty can create flipped classroom recordings using Kaltura Capture, and then uploading to Brightspace for embedding and playback.
  • Students can share video presentations with their class.
  • Add any of your own videos, in any video format, to your My Media within Kaltura to add to your Brightspace course.
  • Videos uploaded to Kaltura leverage Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) in order to create automatic transcripts and captions for videos.
  • Use Kaltura’s detailed video analytics dashboard to get actionable insights into user engagement with your videos.

Need Help?

For questions or assistance please contact ATC or Steve Salina at