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Academic Technology Center

Announcing Bentley's Next Learning Management System

We're excited to share with you today that Bentley has decided to replace our current Learning Management System (Blackboard), with a next-gen modern learning experience platform, Brightspace. This new platform is designed to transform the student learning experience with innovative approaches, personalized learning, mobile-first design, and many other features to help students engage with faculty, course content, and peers.

We are excited and happy to announce that Bentley will be moving forward with Brightspace as our next-gen modern learning management system (LMS).


Spring 2023 - Phase 1 (Pilot)

Summer 2023 – Phase 2 (Soft Launch)

  • All courses offered on Brightspace (except May intensives).

Fall 2023 – Phase 3 (Full)

  • All Fall 2023 courses on Brightspace.
Sandeep Purao headshot
I look forward to the time when our LMS will be more than a file storage and delivery mechanism. It can and will become a platform for innovative pedagogy for us as instructors. It can and will become a platform for new teaching modes for Bentley. And it can and will become a platform for effective learning for our students.
Sandeep Purao
Professor, Information and Process Management


How will Brightspace be different from Blackboard?

Brightspace has many exciting benefits for Bentley faculty and students, including an intuitive easy-to-use interface, personalized learning, collaboration tools integrated into courses, and a mobile-first design.

When will I have access to Brightspace?

We are launching a pilot in Spring 2023 in 24 undergraduate and graduate courses. Students enrolled in these respective courses will have access to Brightspace at the start of the Spring 2023 semester. Our general launch will be in Summer 2023, and so students enrolled in summer courses will be using Brightspace to access their courses.  Note that May Intensives for Summer 2023 will still be offered on Blackboard.

Which 26 courses are participating in the Spring 2023 pilot (Phase 1)?
Course NameCourse SectionInstructor
Federal TaxationAC 350-1J. Philipp Klaus
Data Analytics for AccountantsAC 770-HB1Joy Gray
Introduction to Programming with PythonCS 230-1Mark Frydenberg
Business Processing and Communications InfrastructureCS 240-2Lincoln Matra
Intermediate MicroeconomicsEC 224-1Sara Taghvatalab
The Macroeconomics of Financial MarketsEC 611-HB1David Gulley
Intro to Media ProductionEMS 240-1Elizabeth LeDoux
Wonder WomenEMS 362-1John Kenneth Stuckey
Literature and MedicineEMS 371-1James Fitz Gerald
Money, Love, and DeathEMS 380-1Samir Dayal
Principles of Accounting and FinanceFI 305-1Chase Cicchetti
Applied Corporate FinanceFI 345-1Roy (Chip) Wiggins
Global StrategyGB 410-3Paul Ledoux
Global StrategyGR 604-AL1Paul Ledoux
Visualizing InformationHF 730-HB1Jonathan Ericson
History of Japan: Samurai and SalarymenHI 265-1Bee Andrews
Concept DevelopmentXD 376-1Gaurav Shah
Commercial LawLA 210-1David E Missirian
Internet Law and PolicyLA 299-1 - ECRichard Freije
Data ScienceMA 705 - HB1Nathan Carter
Gen Linear Models & Surv AnalyMA 380-1Ernesto Schirmacher
Customer Data Analysis and Relationship MarketingMK 726-HB1Joyce (Feng) Wang
Intermediate French IIMLFR 202-1Camille Meritan
Energy AlternativesNAS 344-1Zana Cranmer
Plastics: Pollution and PossibilitiesNAS 398-1Ryan Bouldin
Democracy and PowerPH 317-1Aaron Ancell


How will I log into Brightspace?

When we launch Brightspace for the entire institution, you will receive a welcome email with a URL to access Brightspace. We will also have a shortcut link to Brightspace on myBentley.

Will there be help with getting started on Brightspace?

Yes, we will be posting knowledge-based articles on how to use Brightspace including quick videos.

Is the SGA/GSA involved or aware of this change?

Yes, we have been working with the student government leaders in planning our launch and working with them regularly to make sure we provide all the necessary resources students will need to help with this transition.


If you have questions or comments about our new LMS, please reach out to us at


Thank you!

We would like to thank the many Bentley faculty, staff and students who contributed through numerous surveys, demos, listening sessions, and hands-on opportunities including our members of various steering committees and evaluation teams. Their guidance and expertise helped us make this important decision in choosing our next-gen modern LMS platform.