Augmented, Virtual & Extended Reality (VR, AR & XR)

Virtual Reality Classroom
The Virtual Reality Classroom in Smith 120 has a set of Meta Quest 3 VR headsets. These devices are available for teaching and research. They feature immersive interactive experiences, hand tracking and stereoscopic mixed reality passthrough. ATC manages the Meta Quest 3 device accounts & software remotely.
- Meta Quest Help Center
- How to setup the Meta Quest 3
- Meta Quest 2 headsets are also available from the ATC
This video from Autodesk (less than 5 minutes) provides a good overview of and use-cases for Extended Reality (XR), encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR).
Contact us if you are interested in:
- Conducting a demo in the VR classroom
- Testing or purchasing software on the Meta Quest App Store
- Creating new immersive educational content, such as 360 video, VR video or real-time 3D graphics
Projects and Apps
The Coastal Marine Ecosystem Experience (VR)
The Coastal Marine Ecosystem Experience is a collection of immersive ecosystem field experiences (VR) developed in partnership with Bentley University, Florida International University and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.
- Bentley project Leads: Betsy Stoner, Stephanie Archer, Beth Whitman, Erin Johnson
- News about the project is available here
Need Help?
For assistance incorporating immersive technology into your teaching, learning or research, please reach out to Steve Salina and Jack Wolfe.

Steve Salina
Principal Instructional and Research Media Production and Infrastructure Engineer
781-891-2635 | Lindsay 12D