Last Updated: June 24, 2021
Effective July 1, residential students and students accessing campus who are fully vaccinated (two weeks after your final dose) will no longer be required to test for COVID-19 on a weekly basis. Unvaccinated individuals or those who have not yet completed their vaccination process will still be required to test each week. Students must upload vaccination documentation to the Bentley Health Portal to be exempt from screening.
As part of our community-wide effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, off-campus students who want to visit campus must register for and participate in the weekly screening process. Students who are identified on campus without having been properly screened will be asked to leave and referred to the Student Conduct office. Before visiting campus, students are asked to fill out the Daily Symptom Checker. Once you are on campus, please follow the health and safety guidelines that the university requires in accordance with orders from the state of Massachusetts. These include proper social distancing, healthy hygiene practices, and the wearing of a face covering. All policies in the Student Handbook apply to students whether they live on campus or off campus.
If you are required to isolate or quarantine while at home or off campus, please follow these directions provided by the State of Massachusetts. We recommend you prepare for this beforehand, thinking about how you will receive food, water, clothes and other daily essentials. If you have been on campus within 10 days of exposure or within 10 days of experiencing first symptoms, please contact Bentley Health Services and your local off-campus health administration. Bentley contact tracers may contact you as well. Unfortunately, Bentley will not be able to provide quarantine needs for non-resident students.
Over the last 52 years since Bentley’s move from downtown Boston to Waltham, we have built a positive relationship with Waltham city officials, local businesses and neighbors. As current Falcons, you are direct representatives of our university and our core values. Please be responsible and hold one another accountable. Follow the policies in the Bentley Student Handbook and the Endangering Health and Safety addendum. If we work together, we can keep each other healthy and help each other through this unprecedented time.