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Wall Street 101 Frequently Asked Questions

How will Wall Street 101 help me prepare for college?

Attending Wall Street 101 has many benefits. Students will attend college-level lectures, enhance their personal portfolios through executive engagement, and elevate their professional portfolios with new investment ideas, presentation skills, and business strategies. Wall Street 101 participants will connect with fellow high school students from across the globe, developing strong global perspectives and friendships. Commuter and residential students are further exposed to a traditional college campus environment and have opportunities to connect with admission officers and current students outside of class time.

How will I apply my knowledge?

Students will work in small teams to utilize the financial technology of the Bentley Trading Room to learn about capital markets. Assignments are carefully developed that will allow you to apply your analytical mind, your leadership skills, your ability to work cohesively in a group, your interpersonal skills, and your communication skills to solve group tasks. You will learn about financial analysis, risk management, trading and investment process, and the link between macroeconomics and capital markets. Finally, through interactions with Wall Street professionals, students will be exposed to various careers on Wall Street.  

How competitive is the program?

Bentley University's Wall Street 101 pre-college program is a rigorous program taught by Bentley faculty with industry background. Each course is nearly equivalent to a college-level course. It is also one of the only interactive programs to teach these concepts at the pre-college level, and our capacity is limited. As such, the program is highly competitive.  

What can I do to prepare for the program?

We do not have advanced assignments; however, there are several interesting books on financial literacy and the role of computer science in the future of investing, etc. It is always helpful to watch financial news (like CNBC) to understand better how world news affects the global markets. Familiarity with MS PowerPoint for presentations and MS Excel or Google Sheets for calculations is helpful.  

What is the dress code?

The dress code during class sessions is business casual. One nice outfit (often a suit or dress) is appropriate for final presentations. Residential students may dress more casually outside of class times. 

Are there prizes?

Monetary prizes (Amazon gift certificates) will be awarded based on your performance in course and team activities (quizzes, debates, stock pitch competition, and trading simulation).