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Valente Center

Student Research Assistantships (SRA)

The Student Research Assistantship program provides an opportunity for talented, industrious undergraduate students to work closely with faculty members in an area of special interest. Research assistantships are selected students who will work exclusively on research projects. Your work-study eligibility will not be affected; however, you will have to report what you earn to the IRS as taxable income. Please note that no students, regardless of work-study status, are permitted to work more than 20 hours a week during the academic year and 40 hours during the summer. 

2023-2024 Undergraduate Student Research Assistantship. Assistantships available now! Check Workday and Handshake for details!

The Valente Center for Arts & Sciences fosters research at Bentley university via assistantships, workshops & seminars and provides opportunities for rich exchanges of ideas in the Arts & Sciences. The center partners with many university departments to provide research opportunities to undergraduate students. The Student Research Assistantship Program (SRA) is designed to provide an opportunity for talented, industrious undergraduate students to work closely with faculty members in an area of special interest. These positions give SRAs the opportunity to engage in research activities and support faculty members who have been awarded such positions during the academic year 2023-2024. This research experience will be a valuable addition to student's resumes. The Valente Center offers support and training to the SRAs by organizing a yearly research methods workshop and meetings with the Center's research program manager.

How to apply

Each position will be posted on Workday and on our website soon. We invite students to apply for positions via Workday. SRAs will support faculty members in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 and summer 2024, up to 120 hours. The Valente Center pays $15.00 per/hour to the Student Research Assistant. 

If you're interested in one of these positions, please,
*    log into Workday and search for the Valente Center Assistantships (via the job requisition number and follow the instructions to apply through this system) or via Handshake. Please include the project title, short note reflecting your motivation to apply and resume. 

The Valente Center for Arts & Sciences will propose your application to the faculty members that have been awarded student research assistantships. Faculty members will reach out to applicants for an interview and when an agreement is reached, the Valente Center will coordinate the hiring process through Workday. SRAs are not work-study positions. The pay received from the Valente Center will not affect the financial aid or work-study eligibility of Student Research Assistants, although they will be required to report it as taxable income and may not work more than 20 hours a week during the fall and springs trimesters and upto 40 hours in the summer trimester.

Please contact to inquire about any open positions


For more information about the faculty application process, please visit the faculty site

Archive: Sample Research Projects and Topics

2022 - 2022

The Multiple Streams Framework and Ambiguity

Another Day, Another Visit: Impact of Arkansas' Mandatory Waiting Period for Women Seeking Abortion by Demographic Groups

Effects of Water and Sanitation on Children's Educational Outcomes

Municipal Climate Action Planning in Massachusetts

Russian Aggression, Covid -19, and Ukraine's Tourism Industry: Charting a Course to Recovery 

An Exploratory Study of Trans Experiences with Job Demands and Resources


Closing In: The Ethnographic Imperative in 1960s French Cinema

Grid vs microgrid options for electricity

Real time and interactive data visualization on policy and compliance during COVID-19

Quantitative analysis in applied linguistics: French as a foreign language

Impact of Milestones on Individual Performance

Evidence-based Policymaking, US-China Geopolitics & The Fight for Narrative Control Along the Mekong: Climate Change, Mekong Water Politics & the Political Economy of Water-Energy Infrastructure Investments

Mathematical Models and Data Analysis in Public Health. Exploring Epidemiological Models with R.

Santiago en 100 Palabras: A 20 Year Retrospective

The Affordable Broadband: Bridging the Global Digital Divide since Covid-19, a Social Justice Approach

How Gender Perception Affects the Rubber Hand Illusion

Peer Effects of Kindergarten Attendance

Running Industry Diversity Coalition Research Proposal 

Consumer Behavior Research on the Psychology of Money

2020 - 2021

The Bentley Leadership Study

Ethnography and National Identity in 1960s French Cinema

Beyond the Binary: A Genderqueer Memoir

The Gendered Political Ecology of Fossil Fuels

Suburban Opioid Study (SOS)

Exploring Public Attitudes Toward Wind Energy

Continuation of Jellyfish as Food: Understanding the Trophic Dynamics of Jellyfish using Baited Remote Underwater Video Surveys

Microaggressions: Mental States and Morality

Partnering to update with Covid 19 changes a popular text

Intersectionality in the Business School Experience Research Study

Equity in power plant development in the United States

Boston in 100 Words: Practicum in Administering a Public Literary Arts Project

The Impact of Cash-Based Assistance on Violence Against Children: Evidence from an at-scale humanitarian assistance program

Online Programming Reference for Analytics Education

Revising and Updating the Bentley University Textbook for GB110: The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business: Researching New Cases, New Laws, and New Business Examples

Impact of health insurance on demand for health related services -Evidence from India

Analysis of the Trophic Dynamics of Jellyfish using Baited Remote Underwater Video Surveys in The Bahamas

Assessing Eastern Equine Encephalitis Risk and Intervention Success: Mites as Indicators of Physiological Age of Vector Mosquitoes

Critically evaluating the effectiveness of immersive and non-immersive information visualizations

Representing Black Voices for Racial Justice in the U.S. Congress

An Intervention to Address Intersectional Inequities within Business Schools: Fostering Inclusive Classrooms

2019 - 2020

Multilinguism in French Film & History

Migration/Population impact on Malaria Transmission

Ecological Riole of Jellyfish

The Business Cycle & Fertility

Intersectionality at Business Schools

Improving Resident Wellbeing through Focus on Positive Interactions

Public Attitudes Toward Wind Energy Using Immersive Media

Agenda Setting & Policy Change on Climate Adaptation

Congressional Campaign Media Expenditures

How Touch Affects Art Perception 

For Quantitative analysis of text data in education research

Failure of Family Owned Businesses

Boston in 100 Words: the Business of a Non-Profit Arts Organization


2018 - 2019

Ministers and Subcabinet Political Appointments: Do female ministers bring more women along?

Environmentally benign symergistric insect replllents: Fusion of public health, green chemistry, and product development

Open source sensing for energy and sustainability

Measuring the effectiveness of acupuncture

Case studies in business ethics

Predicting Pharmacogenetic Associations in Opiod Addiction Patients using Machine Learning

An Intersectionality Perspective of the Experiences of Students in Business Schools

Plastic Jellyfish? Evaluating the Uptake of Microplastics by Gelatinous Zooplankton

Artistic production and audience reception in post-revolutionary Tunisia 

Distributed Ledger Technology: A Multi-Disciplinary Study on the Broader Implications for Business, Government, and Society

Eagle Scout CEOs: The Effect of Early Life Experiences on Corporate Social Responsibility

“Boston in 100 Words: Building a Public Arts Project for the 21st Century”

Contact the Valente Center for more information