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40th Anniversary Conference

Presenters' Biographies

Amadei | Baraldi | Boatright | Bowie | Brenkert | DalyDe George | Diez | Ferrero | Fontrodona | Goodpaster | Guillén | Hamilton | HarnedHartman | Hauser | Hicks | Jácome | Kay | Krusche | Lara | McNultyO’Mara Shimek | Painter Morland | Panchi Vasco | Pezoa | RoblesShacklock | Sison | Steckler | Szőcs | Testa | Vargas | Villagra | Waddock | Werhane | White | Yang

Carlo Albert Amadei is a PhD student in Environmental Engineering at Harvard University’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He is combining his knowledge of nanotechnology and environmental engineering in order to developed new materials for water treatments. He believes that the combination of environmental engineering and nanotechnology can lead to disruptive technologies, especially in water engineering. This could help mitigate water crises, which has been widely recognized as one of the critical human challenges of this century. Quoting British physicist David Deutsch, problems and crises are inevitable and solvable at the same time. From his side, Carlo intends to do his best to contribute to finding a solution.

Carlo Alberto holds a B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering (2009) and a M. Eng. in Sustainable Engineering (2012), both awarded from the University of Modena. After graduation and a brief experience as an engineer, he joined the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology) as a research assistant. He was involved in a project that aimed to reduce water usage for the cleaning of photovoltaic panels.  Collaborations with professors and researchers at the Autonoma University of Barcelona afforded him the opportunity to spend nine months in Spain and earn a M.Sc. in Nanotechnology and Materials Science (2014).

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Monica Baraldi is Assistant Professor of Business Administration at the School of Management, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna (Italy), where she teaches courses on Corporate Social Responsibility and Integrated Reporting. Her research interests include sustainable global economy and business sustainability. Her work focuses on describing and analyzing the essential characteristics of businesses that contribute to a sustainable economic system.  Dr. Baraldi received her PhD in Business Administration from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2003. She has been a visiting scholar at Boston University (MA), the University of California Los Angeles (CA), Tellus Institute (MA), and Bentley University (Center for Business Ethics). She is currently a Case Researcher at the Harvard Business School (MA).

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John R. Boatright is the Raymond C. Baumhart, S.J., Professor of Business Ethics in the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University. He has served as the Executive Director of the Society for Business Ethics, and is a past president of the Society. He was recognized by the Society in 2012 for a “Career of Outstanding Service to the Field of Business Ethics.” He is the author of the books Ethics and the Conduct of Business and Ethics in Finance, and has edited Finance Ethics: Critical Issues in Theory and Practice. He serves on the editorial boards of Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, and Business and Society Review. He received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Chicago.

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Norman E. Bowie is Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota where he held the Elmer L Andersen Chair in Corporate Responsibility. He is perhaps best known for bringing the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant to bear on issues in business ethics. His book Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective has been translated into Japanese and Chinese. A second edition with Cambridge University Press is in preparation. He is also co-editor of the textbook Ethical Theory and Business now in its ninth edition. His most recent book is Business Ethics in the 21st Century. He is past president of the Society for Business Ethics and former Executive Secretary of the American Philosophical Association. The Society for Business Ethics honored him with an award for scholarly achievement and he has been honored with a festschrift published under the title, Kantian Business Ethics: Critical Perspectives. He has also been Dixons Professor of Business Ethics at the London Business School and a Fellow at Harvard’s Program in Ethics and the Professions. Upon retirement, he has continued his scholarly research and his membership on the Board of Business Ethics Quarterly. He has also been active in civic affairs and is now president of the West Hurley Public Library Board of Trustees.

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George G. Brenkert, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics at the McDonough School of Business of Georgetown University. He is former President of the Society for Business Ethics, past Editor-in-Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly, and co-founder of the Capital Area Business Ethics Network, an association of ethics officers from profit, non-profit and government organizations in the Washington, D.C. area.  He is also a co-founder of the Trans-Atlantic Business Ethics Conference.  Among his publications are Marketing Ethics (Blackwell), The Oxford Handbook of Business Ethics (Oxford), and Corporate Integrity and Accountability (SAGE). He has published numerous articles pertaining to business ethics and corporate social responsibility.

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Frank Daly is a Kallman Executive Fellow at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University.  He was the Corporate Ethics Officer at a Fortune 100 Corporation and has been involved with business ethics since 1986.  Frank served as Chair of the Ethics Officer Association, a member of the Working Group of the Defense Industry Initiative, a Fellow at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University and a co-founder of the Southern California Business Ethics Roundtable.  Frank has been a part-time faculty member in the College of Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.  He focused there and in numerous other venues on business ethics and the role of business in society. Educated in philosophy and theology, Frank is currently exploring a return to ministry.

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Richard T. De George is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas since 2012.  Prior to his retirement he was University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the International Center for Ethics in Business.  He received his PhD from Yale University and he has been a research fellow at Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, and the Hoover Institution.  He was the Charles J. Dirksen Professor of Business Ethics at Santa Clara University in 1986, and Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Business at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland in 1985.  He is the author of over 200 articles and the author or editor of twenty books, including Business Ethics, 7th ed. 2010 (also available in Japanese, Russian, Serbian and Chinese); The Ethics of Information Technology and Business (2003); and Competing with Integrity in International Business (1993), also translated into Chinese.  He has been President of several academic organizations, including the American Philosophical Association, the Metaphysical Society of America, the Society for Business Ethics, and the International Society for Business, Economics, and Ethics.  In 2009 the Society for Business Ethics presented him with a special award “In recognition of a career of outstanding service to the field of business ethics” and in 2011 the award “In recognition of a Career of Outstanding Scholarly Achievement in the Field of Business Ethics.”   In November, 1996, he received an honorary doctorate from Nijenrode University in the Netherlands together with Bill Gates and Nelson Mandela.

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David Díez is a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University. He  holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology, a Master of Gender Studies and  Development and is a Ph.D. candidate from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the  National University of Colombia. His research seeks to contribute to building a bridge between empiric  and normative approaches to ethical decision-making.

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Ignacio Ferrero is Professor of Business Ethics and the Dean of the School of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Navarra. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the Society for Business Ethics, the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) and the Humanistic Management Network. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Bentley University in 2010, 2011, 2015; at Harvard University (Real Colegio Complutense) in 2011, and at Notre Dame University (Mendoza College of Business) in 2012. He has published several books on the History of Economic Thought and articles in academic Journals as Business Ethics Quarterly; Journal of Business Ethics; Business Ethics: A European Review; Business and Society Review.

 He is currently working on virtue ethics, and the common good in finance. He holds BS in Philosophy and in Business Administration (University of Navarra), and a PhD in Economics (University of Navarra).

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Joan Fontrodona Felip is Professor and Chair of the Department of Business Ethics, as well as Director of the Center for Business in Society, at IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain). He served as Chairman of the Spanish chapter of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) for 10 years. His research interests range from ethics in decision-making to corporate social responsibility. He holds a PhD in Philosophy and an MBA in Management.

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Barney Frank served as a US Congressman from 1981-2013 and Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee from 2007-2011. While in Congress, Frank worked to adjust America’s spending priorities to reduce the deficit by providing less funding for the military, thereby protecting funding for important quality-of-life needs at home. In particular, he focused on providing aid to local communities and to building and preserving affordable rental housing for low-income people. He was also a leader in the fight against discrimination of various sorts. He championed the interests of the poor, the underprivileged, and the vulnerable, and he won reelection 16 times by double-digit margins.

As Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, Frank was instrumental in crafting the short-term $700 billion rescue plan in response to the mortgage crisis, and he then worked for the adoption of a sweeping set of financial regulations aimed at preventing a recurrence. He was co-author of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the regulatory overhaul signed into law in July 2010. He also led passage of the Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights Act, a measure that drew praise from editorial boards and consumer advocates.

 In 1987 he became the first Member of Congress voluntarily acknowledge that he is gay, and in 2012 became the first Member of Congress to marry his same-sex partner, James Ready.

In 2014 a documentary titled Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank was released. In the film, Frank gives a rare and intimate peek into the life of Barney Frank as a quick-witted, cantankerous, and first openly gay Congressman in the United States. On the verge of his retirement, Frank reflects on his 40 years in office and the role his own homosexuality played in his campaigns for social justice. An unvarnished example of when the personal meets the political, with incredible “bare all” access, this documentary reveals Frank as one of the most sharp-tongued, entertaining, and lionhearted politicians of our time.

 In addition, he has written two books: Speaking Frankly, in 1992, a critique of some aspects of the Democrats approach to public policy; and a political memoir published in 2015 titled Frank: From the Great Society to Same Sex Marriage. He has taught at Harvard, Boston University, the University of Massachusetts Boston, and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

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Patrick J. Gnazzo is a Federal Court and US Government Agency appointed Ethics Monitor. Prior to that Pat was the Chief ethics Officer at CA Technologies where he was responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive compliance and ethics program.

Prior to joining CA in 2005, Pat served as Chief Compliance Officer at United Technologies Corporation (UTC) for ten years. As vice president for business practices at UTC, Pat managed more than 260 business practices officers worldwide who supported the implementation of the company’s ethics and compliance programs for all of its 200,000 employees in 180 countries. Pat joined UTC in 1981, from the U.S. Navy’s Office of the General Counsel. Pat’s last position in the Navy was associate general counsel, chief trial attorney and director of the U.S. Department of the Navy’s litigation division.

Pat is an Executive Fellow at Bentley University’s Center for Business Ethics, a member of the Procurement Round Table and on the Board of Advisors of the National Contract Management Association. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Ethics Resource Center, and the Ethics & Compliance Officers Association (both now part of the Ethics & Compliance Initiative), and as chairman of the Defense Industry Initiative working group. He is a frequent lecturer on ethics and compliance.

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Kenneth Goodpaster earned his AB in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and his PhD in philosophy from the University of Michigan.  He taught philosophy at the University of Notre Dame during the 1970s before joining the Harvard Business School faculty in 1980.  In 1990, Goodpaster accepted the David and Barbara Koch Endowed Chair in Business Ethics at the University of St. Thomas (MN).  At St. Thomas, he introduced a Great Books Seminar for graduate students in business, law, education, and engineering. 

His book Conscience and Corporate Culture (Wiley-Blackwell, 2007) received generous praise from reviewers and he contributed to Vocation of the Business Leader, issued by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (2012) and Respect in Action: Applying Subsidiarity in Business (UST Center for Catholic Studies, 2015). 

Goodpaster is an Associate Editor of Business Ethics Quarterly and was Executive Editor of Corporate Responsibility: The American Experience (Cambridge University Press, 2012) which received the 2014 Academy of Management Best Book Award. In 2014, he was named to Ethisphere magazine’s list of the 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics—and was honored by the Society for Business Ethics for a “Career of Outstanding Scholarly Achievement in the Field of Business Ethics.”  He is now Professor Emeritus in the St. Thomas Opus College of Business.

Goodpaster's wife Harriet is a nationally-recognized equestrian and a (retired) software engineer. They have three children, four grandchildren -- and a Morgan horse.

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Manuel Guillén is a tenured Professor of Management in the Juan José Renau Piqueras Department of Business Administration at the University of Valencia. He is the Founder and Principal Researcher of the Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations (IECO), and the Director of the IECO-UNESCO Chair in Management, Governance, Trust and Otherness at the Valencia Campus of International Excellence (UV & UPV). For eight years, Manuel has been the General Secretary of the Spanish branch of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN). Currently, he is the University of Valencia Representative at RCC-Harvard University.


Manuel teaches Organizational Behavior and Business Ethics, and specializes in the area of leadership and trust in organizations. He holds a PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Valencia (1998) and a degree in Business Administration from the same university. He is a regular Visiting Scholar at Bentley University (Massachusetts), and has been visiting scholar at IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain), St. Thomas University (Minnesota), Notre Dame University (Indiana) and RCC at Harvard University (Massachusetts).

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J. Brooke Hamilton, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor of Management in the B.I. Moody III College of Business at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  He received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Philosophy from Georgetown University and a Ph.D. from Emory University. He taught at Tuskegee University for 7 years and returned to Louisiana to work in marketing and management for 14 years with his family's concrete block manufacturing business. After completing an M.B.A. at University of Louisiana Lafayette in 1990, he resumed his academic career there in the B.I. Moody III College of Business where he taught for 25 years. 

He taught courses in Professional Ethics, Business and Society, Organizational Behavior, and Introduction to Management. His research concentrates on recent findings in neuroscience and social psychology on the brain processes involved in ethical action, and on developing practical ethical standards for use in business and the professions.  His website,, provides examples of ethical standards for business use.  He consults on clinical ethics issues and serves on hospital ethics committees. 

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Patricia Harned is chief executive officer of the Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI). The mission of the ECI is to identify, certify and amplify the practices that result in the highest level of integrity in organizations, worldwide. The ECI accomplishes its mission by providing access to reliable research, a best practice community, and the certification of excellence in ethics and compliance. As CEO, Dr. Harned oversees ECI’s research agenda and its networking and conference events. She also directs outreach efforts to policymakers and federal enforcement agencies in Washington, DC and she speaks and writes frequently as an expert on ethics in the workplace, corporate governance and global integrity. Dr. Harned advises CEOs and directors on effective ways to build an ethical culture and promote integrity in organizational activities.

Dr. Harned has served as a consultant to many leading organizations; among them Penn State University, BP, and the New York Stock Exchange. She has testified before Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission. She was selected by Ethisphere Magazine as one of the 100 Most InfluentialPeople in Business Ethics in 2014, and was named one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior in both 2010 and 2011 by the nonprofit organization Trust Across America.

Dr. Harned holds a bachelor of science in education degree from Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, a masters of education degree from Indiana University and a doctorate in the philosophy of education from the University of Pittsburgh.

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Laura Pincus Hartman is the Director of the Susilo Institute for Ethics in the Global Economy and Clinical Professor of Business Ethics in the department of Organizational Behavior.  She also serves as an Associated Professor at the Kedge Business School (Marseille, France).   Previously, she was Vincent de Paul Professor of Business Ethics at DePaul University’s Driehaus College of Business.  Hartman has published over 90 journal articles, books and cases on diverse issues involving business ethics, corporate social strategy, social justice, employment law, discrimination, and equity.  Her more recent research surrounds profitable and sustainable cross-sector partnerships representing market-based solutions to pressing social issues, with a primary focus on poverty alleviation in developing economies.  Hartman co-founded and currently serves as Board Chair of a trailblazing trilingual elementary school in Haiti, the School of Choice / l’Ecole de Choix. She was also instrumental in the hands-on design and implementation of a micro-development system for Haitians living in poverty, Zafèn. Previously, Hartman was Director of External Partnerships for Zynga.Org, through which players of online games have contributed over $22 million toward both domestic and international social causes.   A winner of the Microsoft CreateGOOD award at Cannes Lions (2015), named one of one of Ethisphere’s 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics, and one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business (2014), Hartman graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and received her law degree from the University of Chicago Law School. She splits her time between Boston and Chicago. 

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Dr. Christian Hauser is a Professor of Business Economics and International Management at the Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE) at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur. He studied Latin American Studies at the Universities of Cologne/Germany, Lisbon/Portugal, and Fortaleza/Brazil. In 2006, he earned his doctorate in economics on foreign trade promotion schemes at the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Studies at the University of Cologne. During his doctoral study, he worked at the Centre for the Portuguese Speaking World at the University of Cologne. In 2006, he joined the Institute for SME Research (IfM) Bonn as a postdoctoral research associate. Since July 2007, he has been working at the SIFE on topics including international entrepreneurship, SME and private sector development, corporate responsibility and business integrity. Dr. Hauser has been a visiting scholar at Boston College and Bentley University's Center for Business Ethics. He is an elected member of the topical platform Ethics of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW). He is a member of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education  (PRME) Working Group on Anti-Corruption and head of the first PRME Business Integrity Action Center in Europe. Back to Top

Donna Hicks, PhD, is an Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University.  She facilitated dialogues in numerous unofficial diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Colombia, Cuba, Libya and Syria. She was a consultant to the BBC in Northern Ireland where she co-facilitated a television series, Facing the Truth, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.   She has taught courses in conflict resolution at Harvard, Clark, and Columbia Universities and conducts trainings seminars in the US and abroad on the role dignity plays in conflict. She consults to corporations, schools, churches, and non-governmental organizations. Her book, Dignity: It’s Essential Role in Resolving Conflict, was published by Yale University Press in 2011.

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Rita Jácome has an International PhD in Business Administration and Management from the Universitat Politécnica de València (2015), a Certificate in Fashion Business Management from ISEM Fashion Business School (Madrid), and a Master’s degree in Business Management, Products and Services from the Universitat Politécnica de València (2012). She has engaged in postgraduate studies in Marketing Feature Films at the University of California (UCLA Extension), and a degree in Communication from the University of Navarre. She furthered her studies as a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University (Massachusetts).

Her research interests focuses on the field of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. Specifically, on the influence of impression management techniques in building personal reputation, based on trust and leadership, and its impact on corporate reputation.She has worked in the field of audiovisual production and in publishing as Head of Communications and Marketing and coordinator of expansion in the Levante region area for a national distribution, publishing, and bookshop group. She has taught courses on personal image and communication in organizations at the Valencia Chamber of Commerce’s Business School and Audiovisual Marketing at the School of Communication (University of Navarre).

She is currently a Researcher and Director of Organization at IECO. She lectures and teaches professional workshops at different associations, schools and universities. She is co-author of the project “It Personal Branding” developed by COSO Moda and author of the book Asesoría de Imagen: Estilismo en el Vestir published by the Valencia Chamber of Commerce (2008).

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Avi Kay is a Senior Lecturer at the Lev Academic Center in Jerusalem where he also serves as head of the English Speakers' Program and the Schuman Center for Entrepreneurship. Avi holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Michigan, an MA in Organizational Psychology from the Hebrew University, an MS in Organizational Behavior, and a PhD in Human Development and Social Policy from Northwestern University. Avi has engaged in research and publishing on both historical and psychological aspects of Business Ethics, and was the author of the first book in Hebrew regarding the development and implementation of organizational codes of ethics. In addition to the above, in recent years, Avi has also written on the juxtaposition of religion and spirituality and the workplace.

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Stefan Krusche is Professor of Business Economics and Management at the Department of Horticulture and Food Technology of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT) in Freising, Germany. He has a PhD from the Humboldt-University, Berlin, and an MSc from Reading University, UK.  Before joining the HSWT in 2004 he has worked for 12 years as business consultant for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Family Businesses in the Horticultural Industry. At Weihenstephan he teaches Principles of Systems-Oriented Business Management, Human Resource Management and Work Study, and Business Performance Management. His main research interests are Key Performance Indicators for SMEs and Management and Leadership Development Based on Self-Directed-Learning Tools. At present he is a visiting scholar at the CBE exploring the relations and connections between Systems-Based Business Management and Business Ethics. Back to Top

Francisco J. Lara, PhD, is a visiting professor of management who specializes in leadership, entrepreneurship and international relations. He teaches courses in the area of International Business, Management, Change Management, Business Ethics, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. He has been a visiting professor in many US and European Universities, including Florida State University, Bentley University, ISM Frankfurt, Universittá Cattólica Sacro Cuore Milan, ESDES Business School Lyon, ISC Paris or Regents University London among others. He joined The Catholic University of America in August 2014 as a visiting professor.

He is a Professor of Management at the Universidad Católica de Valencia in Spain, where he was Vice President of International Relations from 2006 to 2012. He was also the Chair of the Master’s in Human Resource Management program at INEDE Business School, during the same years. He was previously an Associate Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in Spain, in the Business Organization Department.

Dr. Lara's work has been published in numerous management journals such as the International Entrepreneurship Management Journal, The Service Industrial Journal, and Management Decision, among others. He is the author of several books, as well as several book chapters, both in English and Spanish. He was one of the co-founders of INBAM - International Network of Business and Management Journal scientific association. He serves as a member of the Editorial Review Board of several journals, including the Journal of Business Research among others. He is also the Regional Editor of Global Business Perspectives.

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 Paul J. McNulty is the President of Grove City College, a highly-ranked private liberal arts, science and engineering college of 2500 students located in Western Pennsylvania. He is a 1980 graduate of the College. Prior to returning to his alma mater, Mr. McNulty spent more than three decades in Washington, D.C., as an attorney in both public service and private practice. In 2006, the United States Senate unanimously confirmed Mr. McNulty to the position of Deputy Attorney General, the second in command at the U.S. Department of Justice and the Chief Operating Officer of the department’s 100,000 employees. As Deputy Attorney General, he issued the highly significant, “Charging Guidelines for Corporate Fraud Prosecutions,” informally known to as the "McNulty Memorandum."  He also served from 2001-2005 as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia and was a leader in our nation’s response to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

In addition to his many years at the Justice Department, Mr. McNulty also worked for more than ten years as a senior attorney in the U.S. Congress, including as Chief Counsel and Director of Legislative Operations for the House Majority Leader, Chief Counsel for the House Subcommittee on Crime, and Counsel for the House Ethics Committee.

From 2007 - 2014, Mr. McNulty led the global corporate compliance and investigations practice for Baker & McKenzie, one of the world’s largest law firms. He currently serves in an Of Counsel capacity for the firm. Mr. McNulty has received numerous recognitions for his expertise in business ethics, corporate governance and internal investigations, including Ethisphere’s 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics for 2014 and 2015. He also sits on the Board of the Ethics and Compliance Initiative.

Mr. McNulty received Grove City College’s Alumni Achievement Award in 1998 and an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the College in 2007. From 2004-2014, Mr. McNulty served on Grove City College’s Board of Trustees. In 2003, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Capital University School of Law where he received his Juris Doctorate degree in 1983.

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Michael O’Mara Shimek is a full-time lecturer in the Writing Program at Boston University. His research is centered upon the role of metaphor in the rhetoric of online financial news media and how it relates to core standards of Journalism Ethics. He has investigated issues related to the ideological use of metaphor in crisis scenarios by the media and in particular during the stock market crash of 2008. Dr. O’Mara Shimek is also a Sworn Translator and Interpreter, appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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Mollie Painter Morland, PhD, is a Professor of Ethics and Organization at Nottingham Business School in the UK, and part-time Coca-Cola Chair of Sustainability at the IEDC-Bled Business School in Slovenia. She serves as co-editor of Springer’s Issues in the Business Ethics series, and as the Africa Director of ABIS (The Academy of Business in Society). In this capacity, she leads a project on Leadership Development for Sustainability in cooperation with IBM, GSK and Unilever. She has authored a number of books, and publishes her research in top journals such as Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Leadership and Organization. Her current research interests include: European philosophy and ethics, relational leadership, ethics in the media and communication industries, and integrated reporting.

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Luis Augusto Panchi Vasco is a Professor of Ethics and Economics in the Catholic University of Quito, Ecuador and President of CEEE - Corporación Ética, Economía y Empresa. He is the member of the European Business Ethics Network and DNWE of Germany. He is the author of various books and articles. His research fields are: politics and economic theory, interpretative philosophy, institutions and moral dilemmas, and the economics of ecology. He has worked on development projects with the World Bank, the Catholic Church, the National Audit Department of Ecuador, and the government of the city of Quito.

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Alvaro E. Pezoa is a Chair Professor of Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility, ESE – Business School, Universidad de los Andes (Chile). He is the Director of the CGE Group Center for Business and Humanism at the same School. He holds a degree in Business Administration and a professional title of commercial engineering from the Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso, Fundación Adolfo Ibáñez, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile). Alvaro also holds a Master in Political Science from the Universidad de Chile, a Master in Liberal Arts (Philosophy Area), and a PhD in Philosophy and Arts in Philosophy from the Universidad de Navarra (Spain).  He has been a Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University (USA), the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University (USA), and the Center of Business Ethics, Bentley University (USA).

Dr. Pezoa is the author of the books, Politics and Economy in the Thoughts of John Locke (EUNSA. Pamplona, 1997), Business Ethics: Approaches from Senior Management (ESE. Santiago de Chile, 2005), A Vital Teaching: History, Education and Culture, A Tribute to Héctor Herrera Cajas, (Editorial Universitaria. Santiago de Chile, 2008), Reason and Tradition: Studies in Honor of Juan Antonio Widow (Globo Editorial, Santiago de Chile, 2011), Principles for Social and Economics Action in light of Social Christian Thought (ESE Business School, Santiago de Chile, 2012), along with several academic articles and book chapters about ethics, corporate social responsibility, and political philosophy, published in Chile and other countries.

Alvaro is a Member of the Executive Committee at ISBEE (The International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics), a Founder and current Vice President of ALENE (Latin America Association of Ethics, Business and Economy) and was also a member of “Working Group on Global Business Ethics Principles,” The Conference Board.

He is a director and consultant of businesses and nonprofit organizations. He was the founding partner of Ethos S.A., Associate Consultants in Ethics and Human Formation. He has been a coordinator of the Ethics Area of Acción RSE (Chile), and he worked as a collaborator at the Fundación Generación Empresarial, Chile. In the beginning of his professional career, he worked in business as an executive and consultant.

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Marco Robles has focused his research in the area of corporate governance and business ethics. His interests have led him to analyze the role of ethics in global public goods and global collaborative actions. He holds a PhD in Business Economics from Rey Juan Carlos University (2012), where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and MBA, also he holds a Master’s in Economics from ICADE Business School (2010). Dr. Robles has been an Associate Researcher at RCC Center at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), a Fellow of Complutense University (Madrid, Spain), a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Corporate Reputation Management at Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA), and also as a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University (Waltham, MA).

Professionally, he has dedicated himself to business administration and management, where in positions of leadership, he focused on areas of planning and control. From 1998 to 2001, he worked for Iberia Airlines within the Public Relations and Customer Service Departments, and in 2001, he was appointed Chief of Staff and Planner of the Spaniard Light Metals Division of Norsk Hydro. In 2003, he was named Managing Director of the privately managed public company EMVICOSA. He is currently Associate Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics at ESIC Business & Marketing School (Madrid, Spain).

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Arthur Shacklock, PhD, is an Adjunct Associate Professor with Griffith University's Business School.  He has held senior roles including: Director, MBA, Director, Centre for Business Education and Development, and Director of Integrity and Anti-Corruption at the Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance. 

Arthur's background includes 30 years in managerial roles in a variety of large organizations.  He has lived and worked in Canberra, Melbourne, London, Hong Kong, Perth and Queensland. In the Australian federal sphere, he worked in agencies such as the Departments of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Employment & Industrial Relations, as well as in the office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Public Service Commission and Australian Bureau of Statistics.  In Western Australia, he worked with the Department of Executive Personnel and was the Director in the Office of Mobility.  His last role was as inaugural Director for the Western Australia (WA) Office of Public Sector Ethics OPSE, following the "WA Inc" Royal Commission into corruption.  OPSE was the forerunner of central agencies which now monitor and regulate integrity in WA.

Arthur holds a BA in Politics and History from Monash University, Master of Commerce from the University of Western Australia and a PhD from Griffith University.  His research and consulting has mainly been in the areas of National Integrity Systems Assessment (NISA), Public Sector Integrity, Anti-Corruption, and Ethical Organizations (Leadership, Climate, Decision Making and Ethics in HRM).  He has authored numerous papers in these areas.  He has worked in various countries included Australia, Georgia (in the Caucasus), Indonesia, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, PNG, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Hungary, Hong Kong, and Mongolia. More recently his teaching has been in Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility, Human Resource Management, and Responsible Leadership.

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Alejo José G. Sison, PhD, holds appointments from the Philosophy Department, the Institute for Enterprise and Humanism and the School of Economics of the University of Navarre, and accreditation as Catedrático (Full Professor) from the Spanish state university system. He is also Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Business and Society of IESE Business School. He was formerly Director of the Rafael Escolá Chair of Professional Ethics at the School of Engineering (TECNUN) from 2003 to 2007. Previously, he worked at the University of Asia & the Pacific (Manila). He was President of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) from 2009 to 2012. 

In 1997, he was appointed Fulbright Senior Research Fellow and Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. He has received fellowships from the 21st Century Trust Foundation (London), the Academic Council on the United Nations System (Yale University), the American Council of International Law (Washington, DC), the Salzburg Seminar, Bentley University (Waltham, MA), and the Policy and Leadership Studies Department of the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). He sits at the Editorial Board of the Business Ethics Quarterly and is section editor of the Journal of Business Ethics. 

He is Expert Project Evaluator for the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission. His research deals with the issues at the juncture of Ethics with Economics and Politics. His books include The Moral Capital of Leaders. Why Virtue Matters (Edward Elgar, 2003), Global Perspectives on Ethics of Corporate Governance (Palgrave MacMillan, 2006), Corporate Governance and Ethics: An Aristotelian Perspective (Edward Elgar, 2008) and Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business: The Ultimate Value Proposition (Cambridge, 2015). He is currently working as Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Handbook on Virtues in Business and Management.

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Erica Steckler is a Post-Doctoral Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University. She received her PhD from the Department of Management and Organization at Boston College and has served as Visiting Assistant Professor in the Management and Organizational Development Group at Northeastern University. Her recent research focuses on stakeholder perceptions of organizational authenticity within the global domains of sustainability and corporate responsibility.  Situated at the intersection of organizational theory, strategic management, and social innovation, this work builds on and extends theories of organizational identity, institutional theory, and social change. Overall, her research contributes to an understanding of key dynamics among organizations, leadership, and stakeholders in strategic social-issue contexts. Her work has been published in the Journal of Business of Ethics, Business and Society Review, and the Journal of Corporate Citizenship, and in edited volumes. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian and East European Studies from Middlebury College, a Master of Business Administration degree from Simmons School of Management, and a Master of Science degree in Organization Studies from Boston College.

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Ilona Szőcs, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Managing Sustainability and an Adjunct at the Institute for International Marketing Management at Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria (WU). Ilona studied in Slovakia, Hungary, the USA, and Austria, and holds Master degrees in Commerce and International Business, as well as a Doctoral degree in International Marketing Management. Her research focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Philanthropy, Sustainability, Corporate Reputation, and Consumer Behavior. Her work appeared in scholarly journals (e.g. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; Electronic Commerce Research and Applications) and in books (e.g. Handbook on Ethics and Marketing published by Edward Elgar Publishing). Earlier, she held academic posts at WU and at Webster Vienna Private University in Austria and at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy. Prior to joining academia, she worked in management consulting and in marketing in Slovakia and in the USA. During summer 2012, Ilona spent two months as a Visiting Scholar at Bentley University’s Center for Business Ethics, while working at her doctoral dissertation. Ilona originally comes from Bratislava, Slovakia and now lives in Vienna, Austria. She is of Hungarian ethnic background.

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Mario Testa is an Assistant Professor of Business Management at the University of Salerno in Italy. He obtained his degree in Business Administration in 2002, with a final mark of 110/110 cum laude discussing a thesis on Business Strategy. He was awarded a Scholarship to Study Abroad, focusing on Business Ethics issues at the Center for Business Ethics of Bentley University (USA). He received his PhD in Marketing and Communications in 2006 and since then he has been a Research Fellow at the Department of Business Studies and Research of the Faculty of Economics and at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering at University of Salerno developing research projects on Corporate Governance and Green Energy. In 2010, he worked for some months in Kenya at the non-governmental organization, Terre Solidali, where he was a consultant on training in Project Cycle Management for members of the Somali agriculture and livelihoods cluster. His passion for developing countries is further highlighted by experiences as a Visiting Researcher at Nairobi University in Kenya and Makerere University of Kampala in Uganda. He has written some 30 scientific publications mostly in the following research fields: Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Economy and Organizational Behavior. He is also an Auditor for Quality Management Systems and partner of Virvelle Ltd. since 2007, where he develops and delivers experiential training programs designed to enhance knowledge and improve soft-skills of economic organizations.

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Lucely Vargas P. PhD, is an Industrial Engineer (IE), with a Master of Science degree in IE from Colombia. She was a visiting scholar at Bentley University in Waltham, MA, USA in 2009 and 2013, and at MDI in Gurgaon, India, in 2012. She received her PhD in Corporate Finance from the University of Trieste, Italy. She was an international guest researcher and lecturer in the Department of Work, Organization and Media Psychology, at Johannes Kepler University of Linz, in Austria as well as in the Department of Management at the Applied Science University in Austria. Currently, she is a lecturer in the department of Corporate Finance at Johannes Kepler University. She is also the author of the book, Sustainable Finance and Ethical/Corporate Social Responsibility: The New Paradigm: Generali Insurance Company Case Study, (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011). She has published various papers and book chapters and obtained awards including the Outstanding Author Contribution, the 2014 Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance, and CSR from the Emerald Publishing Group.

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Nuria Villagra, PhD, is a Professor of “Corporate Communication” for the master degree program and the required core courses in “Brand Management” and in “Corporate Social Responsibility” for the undergraduate program at the School of Communication (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain). Prior to joining this University, she was an Associate Professor at the ESIC Business & Marketing School and at the Centro Universitario Villanueva. 

She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University, in Waltham, Massachusetts and a Research Fellow at the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. She has also collaborated with and worked as a Visiting Professor at several universities, including University of Montevideo, Shanghai International Studies University, Erasmus Hegeschool Brussel in Brussels, Plantijn Hogeschool in Antwerp, the University of Malaga, University of Seville, and Autónoma University of Barcelona, among others.

She is a Research Fellow for the Chair of Economic and Business Ethics at the Comillas Pontifical University and in the Research Group Brand Management and Communication Process at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her current research focuses on the relationships between identity, corporate values, branding and CSR in organizational management and strategic communication. More specifically, she concentrates on the power of corporate communication to enhance reputation, the relation with stakeholders, and business strategy. For the past fourteen years, she has collaborated in the development of research and consultancy projects for different companies and institutions on issues regarding strategic communications, corporate and institutional communications, and the management of intangible assets (brand, CSR, reputation, identity and image).

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Sandra Waddock is the Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College's Carroll School of Management.  Dr. Waddock has published eleven books and more than 100 papers on topics related to corporate responsibility, multi-sector collaboration, and management education.  She has received numerous awards for her work, including the 2005 Aspen Faculty Pioneer Award for External Impact and 2015 Cross Sector Social Interaction Lifetime Achievement Award. Her latest book is Intellectual Shamans (Cambridge, 2015), which was preceded by Building the Responsible Enterprise (with Andreas Rasche) in 2012.

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Patricia Werhane is the Wicklander Chair of Business Ethics, Emerita at DePaul University and Ruffin Professor Emerita at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. Previously, she was the Wertenberger Professor of Business Ethics at Loyola University Chicago. She has been a Rockefeller Fellow at Dartmouth College, and a visiting fellow at Cambridge University. In 2014, she was the Visiting Fulbright Specialist at All Hallows College in Dublin and a TEDx speaker there.  In 2008, she was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in business ethics by Ethisphere magazine. Professor Werhane is the author or over 100 articles and book chapters, and the author or editor of twenty-seven books including, Adam Smith and his Legacy for Modern Capitalism, Moral Imagination and Management Decision-Making, Alleviating Poverty through Profitable Partnerships (with Kelley, Hartman and Moberg) and Obstacles to Ethical Decision-Making (with Hartman, Archer, Englehardt and Pritchard).

Professor Werhane is a founding member and past president of the Society of Business Ethics, past president of the American Society for Value Inquiry, and past president of the International Society for Business, Economics and Ethics. She is the founding editor of Business Ethics Quarterly.  Today, she is the Executive Producer of an Emmy-award winning television documentary series, BIG QUESTIONS, aired on Chicago Public Television.

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Thomas I. White is the Conrad N. Hilton Professor in Business Ethics and Director of the Center for Ethics and Business at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. In 2007, he was a Verizon Visiting Professor in Business, Ethics and Information Technology at Bentley University. 

Professor White is the author of six books (Right and Wrong, Discovering Philosophy, Business Ethics, Men and Women at Work, In Defense of Dolphins: The New Moral Frontier, and Socrates Comes to Wall Street. He has also written numerous articles on topics ranging from sixteenth-century Renaissance humanism to business ethics and environmental ethics.

His primary research currently focuses on the philosophical implications — especially the ethical implications — of the scientific research on whales and dolphins. His book In Defense of Dolphins: The New Moral Frontier (Blackwell, 2007) argues that dolphins should be considered “nonhuman persons” and addresses the ethical issues connected with human/dolphin interaction. He is currently working on a book that extends the analysis found in, In Defense of Dolphins to orcas and the larger whales.

Professor White is a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, served as U.S. Ambassador for the United Nations’ Year of the Dolphin program and is one of the authors of the “Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans: Whales and Dolphins.” He is also a Scientific Advisor to the Wild Dolphin Project, the research organization conducting a long-term study of a community of Atlantic spotted dolphins in the Bahamas.

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Jianfeng Yang is the director of the Human Resource Management Department at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. Jianfeng obtained his doctoral degree in organizational behavior from Zhejiang University. Now, his research involves applying psychological theories and methodology to explore the process and antecedents of individual and group ethical decision making. He has published three books and more than 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He has received several awards for his research and teaching. Recently, he has been working on his second national project that is supported by China’s National Natural Science Foundation.

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