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Business in Society Report | In the News

Majority of Americans don't think businesses should take political, social stances on current events

Fox News |

Newly released data from the Bentley-Gallup Business in Society survey, focused on whether Americans think companies should speak out on issues, is highlighted. 

Support for corporate activism plummets after Bud Light controversy: Poll

Washington Examiner |

The Bentley-Gallup Business in Society survey is featured for revealing that less than half (41%) of Americans say businesses should take a public stance on current events, a decline of 7 percentage points from last year's survey.

Report reveals Americans increasingly skeptical of corporate stance on social and political issues

Sinclair Broadcast Group |

John W. Poduska Professor of Governance Cynthia Clark offers advice for companies after the Bentley-Gallup Business in Society Report shows an increase in the number of Americans who don't want companies taking a stand on current events.

Most Americans don't trust companies to use AI responsibly, study finds

Business Insider |

Research from the Bentley-Gallup business in Society Report is featured, revealing that 79% of Americans don’t trust companies to use AI responsibly.

Study finds 75% of U.S. adults expect job pool to shrink due to AI

Fox Business |

New research from the second annual Bentley-Gallup Business in Society survey is featured for revealing how Americans feel artificial intelligence will impact the job market. 

Americans side-eye AI in new Gallup poll

Tech Brew |

Associate Professor of Mathematics Noah Giansiracusa discusses newly released data from the Bentley-Gallup Business in Society survey which revealed mistrust among Americans when it comes to artificial intelligence.

How Do Americans Feel About AI? It’s Complicated.

Barron's |

New data from the Bentley-Gallup Business in Society report shows people have concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence. 

A Freedom Economy Is Emerging And PublicSq. Marketplace Is On The Vanguard

Forbes |

Research from the Bentley-Gallup survey is highlighted for revealing 48% of Americans feel businesses should speak on social issues. 

Do Consumers See Your Business as a Force for Good?

MIT Sloan Management Review |

Management Professor Cynthia Clark authors an article highlighting results from the Bentley-Gallup survey which reveals most consumers think businesses and should prioritize environmental sustainability alongside profitability.

Do Retailers Need A Chief Impact Officer?

RetailWire |

Research from the Bentley-Gallup Force for Good survey is highlighted that reveals consumers will pay more for a t-shirt made by a company known for having a positive impact.

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