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Bentley University trustee Steven Millner '83

Steven C. Millner ’83 is a believer in hard work, long-term commitment and paying it forward. Following an entrepreneurial passion that dates back to childhood, Millner is a managing principal and co-founder of Gen II Fund Services, LLC, the largest independent private equity fund administrator based in the U.S. Here, he speaks about his journey from Bentley student to private equity expert to new member of the university’s board of trustees.

You’ve had a successful career in the private equity industry. What continues to keep you passionate about your work?

I started to work in the private equity industry in the 1990s when the PE asset class was starting to become recognized as an institutional asset class. Starting on the ground floor, I had the opportunity to work with some of the most highly regarded PE investors. To this day, I continue to be inspired by the energy, passion and intellectual rigor that they bring to the job every day. 

Over time I've gotten to know many of my clients personally and it strikes me that no matter how successful they become, they're still going 24/7 — not only focused on their business but also active in their communities and as philanthropic leaders. They are innovative and great problem-solvers, and it has been a privilege to be by their side. For me, they help to create the passion.

What has had the biggest impact on your career success?

Looking back, two things have been constructive for me: self-discipline and partnering with the right people. I figured out at a young age that I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I wanted to be my own boss. Growing up, I delivered newspapers, fixed lawnmowers and even started a mail-order business. Having the discipline to stay with my plan for the long term has helped me to achieve my goals.

Over my career, I have been fortunate to work with great partners. My business partner and I have been together for 30 years now, and I’ve also had the support of my family. Both have been critical to my success. 

What were your top takeaways from Bentley?

I benefited from a very strong Bentley education, and that has been a bedrock for me. But I also learned a couple of things about myself. First, whatever you’re doing, you must try your best — all the time.

Another thing I learned at Bentley: More knowledge is better. I was an accounting major, but I also took a number of computer science courses. I was intrigued by technology (and still am), and it turns out that my understanding of technology has been very important to the success of the businesses we have built.  

Any advice to Bentley students on how to make the most of their experience?

Challenge yourself. You’ve got this unique opportunity in your life to experiment and test yourself. Step out of your comfort zone and see what you’ve got. Also, now is the time to start building relationships that are long-lasting. I have a saying, “Having a lot of friends is always a good thing.” These four years are going to be some of the best and most meaningful times of your life. Go for it.

As a new trustee, what drives you to give back to Bentley and stay involved?

I am fortunate to have received a great education while at Bentley, which has been instructive to me throughout my career. I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside very successful business leaders who pay it forward — and that really informs me. At Bentley, I received a set of tools that have been invaluable and integral to my success. Now, it’s time for me to pay it forward.

What do you think is special about Bentley?

Bentley is unique because it has successfully executed — with almost perfect discipline — a laser-focus at being best-in-class in business education. The university is forward-thinking but at the same time embraces a fundamental business and liberal arts curriculum. I’m a believer in discipline, commitment and honing your craft, and that is what Bentley does well.

Outside of work, do you have interests that might surprise people?

I really enjoy fixing and building things and I am quite handy. When I was younger, I had jobs fixing lawn mowers and building motorcycles, and more recently I helped build a house. Most people think it’s completely out of character for a CPA to be a Mr. Fix-it.  

Would you like to tell us about your family? 

I married my high school sweetheart after graduating Bentley. That is the best decision I’ve ever made. My family lives in New York City. We have a daughter who started college this year and a dog aptly named Loco, which translates to “crazy” in Spanish.

Bentley has successfully executed — with almost perfect discipline — a laser-focus at being best-in-class in business education.