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Bloomberg Radio

Meredith Mason 

Few job sectors are experiencing more innovation and investment than big data and analytics. Data generation by individuals and corporations will increase by 4,300% annually  by 2020, creating a ripple effect across industries and higher education.

In a recent survey conducted by Forbes Insights, 90% of organizations report medium to high levels of investment in big data analytics.  59% of the executives surveyed consider big data a top company issue.

So how do college graduates and other job seekers prepare for this rapid shift in the workplace?

Bentley President Gloria Larson joined Bloomberg Radio’s Carol Massar and Cory Johnson along with guest experts to discuss how the proliferation of big data is affecting the corporate world, the job market and higher education during The Bloomberg Advantage program on Tuesday, February 16.

Guests offered perspective on how to prepare for the era of Big Data:

1.Acquire Both Technical and Soft Skills.

Across industries, companies are using big data to learn more about their customers. Students who are looking to enter the field should not only have a strong mathematical background, but also have the ability to translate the data. We need employees who can transform the data into insights that offer value and opportunities to better understanding our customers. 

-Kennth Viciana, operations leader, Equifax

2.Stay Nimble and Keep Learning.

Big data and data systems will always change. Tools that are popular today may be obsolete tomorrow. Students and job seekers must be flexible and know that gaining experience with one system now will help in learning new systems later. Start conversations with others in the field to see what’s new and how your experience relates.

- David Oury, lecturer of Mathematical Science, Bentley University

3.Not Sure What Data Area to Study? Try Data Security.

We need more data security professionals. There are simply too many open jobs calling for those that are well versed in this field. According to data from the U.S. census, there are more than 209,000 job openings in this field that are unfilled. For students interested in developing their quantitative skill set, look specifically at schools  that offer  programs in this area.

- Carol Meyers, chief marketing officer, Rapid7

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