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The Bentley Buzz

Connecting faculty and staff, one story at a time

Welcome to the latest issue of the Bentley Buzz, where we share news and stories about the faculty and staff who make Bentley special. It is compiled by Kevin Wong, associate director of internal communications. To share your news or an idea for a story, please email

April 14, 2023

Share Your Expertise at the Upcoming Community Learning Conference
Past presenters share the benefits of participating  

Conference save the dateThis July, faculty and staff will gather for the Fifth Annual Bentley Community Learning Conference to engage in professional development opportunities and learn about topics that impact our community. Over the course of the three days, conferencegoers have the opportunity to share ideas and collaborate across departments with colleagues in peer-led sessions and workshops.

Faculty and staff participation in facilitating workshops and presenting on topics that are important to them is a cornerstone of the annual conference, and this year is no different. As the official call for proposals launches next week, we caught up with some of the presenters from previous Community Learning Conferences to learn what it’s like to present and how rewarding the experience can be. Presentations have ranged from professional skill building and methods for processing current events to personal passions and mindfulness best practices. 

Michael McCorvey Headshot
   Michael McCorvey

“Presenting is actually one of my favorite aspects of my job,” said Multicultural Center Director Michael McCorvey, who has presented at each of the past four conferences and plans to submit another proposal this year. “Part of it is that I enjoy public speaking, but most of the reason why I submit proposals is the process of creating the presentations. It gives me a reason to learn more about a topic that interests me, and the conference gives me a platform to share that information with the rest of the community.”

With this knowledge sharing has come a more informed campus culture. “To me the benefit is threefold; I get to learn more about something that interests me, I get to share what I learned with the community, and because the topics are all related to my work in supporting students of color, the students benefit because our community is more knowledgeable about their experiences.”

Eliane Markoff Headshot
       Eliane Markoff

While presenters who have been members of the community for many years often feel most comfortable submitting a proposal, newer faculty and staff are also encouraged to submit a proposal to present on something they’re passionate about during the conference, too. “I was inspired to present the first time because I was relatively new to Bentley and I wanted to connect with more staff and faculty,” shared Ombudsperson Eliane Markoff. “I met many new colleagues and gained their trust. It will be great to see more faculty share their areas of expertise. Many of the topics are indeed of great interest to our community!”

In the collaborative spirit of the conference, faculty and staff can call on peers to present as a team, as many have done in the past. Presenting alone can feel daunting at times, but creating a proposal to facilitate a session as a group provides an excellent opportunity to combine skillsets.

“Aside from sharing information from the presentation with the community, the most rewarding part is working with the people I present with,” said Michael. “I’ve only ever presented alone once, every other time I have been able to present with colleagues. I really like that because it gives me a chance to get to know some of the people I work with better, and the presentations are always better because of the diversity of ideas and different presentation styles. Having a chance to present with other people has made me a better presenter.” 

Laura Aiken Headshot
          Laura Aiken

And while presenting on topics related to professional development and growth in the workplace is a core focus of the conference, sharing personal passions are also strongly encouraged. For Executive Director of Corporate and Industry Development Laura Aiken, that meant sharing her expertise in yoga to give community members a chance to stretch and relax during the conference. “I wanted to share something I love with the community I love,” remarked Laura. “Seeing people in a different element to recognize one another for talents outside of how we see each other during work was the most rewarding part.”  

The peer-led model for the Community Learning Conference is unique to Bentley, something that the conference organizers are reminded of each year as they sort through submitted proposals. “We are very lucky to work in higher education and be surrounded by people who are experts in areas, but we aren't always able to get exposed to that expertise,” said Director of Learning and Development and Engagement Strategies Melissa Looney. “It's common practice in higher education to go to conferences and to present your expertise. But I don't know that it's as common to look internally to do that. It’s great that we can leverage our expertise and come together and learn from each other and socialize.” 

In addition to coordinating the logistics of the conference, the Learning and Development team plays an active role supporting presenters and participants alike from the call for proposals process through the conclusion of the conference. Some presenters might be seasoned experts at public speaking, while others may be new to facilitating a workshop. Regardless of the level of comfort, the conference organizers want the entire community to know that the sessions are intentionally designed to provide a safe and open environment for learning and growth.  

“Whether someone has presented on a topic before or they’re looking to refine a presentation, we want to provide a safe community environment for presenters to work,” shared Associate Director of Learning and Development and Engagement Strategies Meg Ward. “I would love to see folks from all levels and all divisions feel like they’re empowered to submit a proposal. We make the submission process easy for that specific reason.” 

With the application process taking less than 30 minutes, the call for proposals is designed to remove any barriers that potential presenters may experience in registering for the conference. 

Proposals submissions open next week, so be sure to keep an eye out and submit your application to share your expertise with your colleagues in the upcoming Community Learning Conference! 

A collage of faculty and staff at the community learning conference
Scenes from the 2022 Community Learning Conference

Help Make Commencement a Success

Commencement season is just around the corner! As a reminder, this year’s undergraduate and graduate ceremonies will be held on separate days, and it will take a collective effort to make sure they’re both a success. Have you considered volunteering? If you’re interested in making an impact, register as a volunteer using the link below by May 5! 

Register to Volunteer

Two grads pose with Flex the Falcon
Blue the comfort dog in front of balloons

Setting a Record for Bentley’s Biggest Giving Day

This year’s Falcons Forward day saw thousands of members of the Bentley community come together in the spirit of giving to help mark the biggest giving day in our university’s history! In total, 1,947 donations were collected from faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends totaling $552,000, which exceeded the goal of 1,917 donors and unlocked a generous $100,000 from trustee Brian Zino ’74.

Faculty and staff across departments and divisions volunteered to help spread the word about the importance of participating in Falcons Forward (even Blue stopped by to encourage participation), and 423 donated, surpassing the participation goal set by President Chrite.

Congratulations to University Advancement and all who participated or volunteered for another successful Falcons Forward! 

See the Totals

Walk in Honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Join the walk on April 26 at 2:00 p.m. on the Green Space

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, on Wednesday, April 26 at 2:00 p.m., the Bentley community is invited to join together for a walk around campus to show support for survivors of sexual violence. The walk, which is co-sponsored by the Offices of Institutional Equity, Community Wellbeing and Health Promotion, University Police and Sexual Assault Resources and Advocacy, is open to all members of the community.

Walkers will gather on the Green Space at 2:00 p.m. and will walk a loop around campus as a group. The walk will end back at the Green Space where participants can connect over dessert from a surprise food truck. Those interested in joining the walk are encouraged to wear jeans in recognition of Denim Day  the national day devoted to spreading awareness around issues of sexual violence — and teal, the color of sexual assault awareness. Registration is required, so be sure to fill out the form below before April 26! 

Register for the Walk

Staff members in teal after the sexual assault awareness walk
                          The finish line from last year’s community walk

A Conversation with Tarana Burke and Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley

On Thursday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m., me too’ Movement Founder Tarana Burke and Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley will join our community for a special conversation in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness month. The conversation will be held in Koumantzelis Auditorium and is open to all members of the Bentley community. 

Tarana is the founder of the ‘me too’ Movement and has been working at the intersection of racial justice, arts and culture, anti-violence and gender equity for nearly three decades. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley is an activist, a legislator and a survivor and was the first woman of color to be elected to Congress from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Learn More and Register

A Flier for the conversation with Tarana and Ayanna
Staff serving breakfast to students

Breakfast by Moonlight Returns

Whether you meet with them daily in or out of the classroom or are in a less student-facing role, it's always great to connect with students here at Bentley. This spring, the student-favorite tradition Breakfast by Moonlight is back to provide faculty and staff with a chance to connect with students and send them into the finals period with confidence and a full plate of pancakes. The Residence Hall Association is excited to again host this Bentley tradition on Monday, May 1 from 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. in the 921 and is seeking volunteers.

Last semester’s event brought faculty and staff and more than 1,000 excited students together for a chance to fuel up before Reading Day and the finals period. Sign up using the link below before the April 25 deadline!

Register to Volunteer


20th Annual Undergraduate Research Day

The 20th Annual Undergraduate Research Day will take place on April 21 from 2:00 - 5:30 p.m. on the third floor of LaCava. Undergraduate research serves as an outlet for students to express their creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, planning and analytical skills. Each year, Undergraduate Research Day provides students with an opportunity to present the findings of independent research projects to family, friends, faculty and peers in a formal setting. Formerly known as the Honors Conference, this annual research day is an enriching opportunity to recognize the hard work undergraduate researchers have completed throughout their time at Bentley.

Make sure to stop by LaCava on April 21 to learn more about student research at Bentley! 

Learn More and Explore the Research Topics

A Flier for the 2023 UG Research Day
Rainbow Week 2023
Celebrate the Rainbow Conference and Graduation
Staff and students in front of a rainbow backdrop celebrating
                  2022 Rainbow Graduation

The Office of Gender and Sexuality Student Programs and the Center for Women and Business are excited to announce the introduction of Rainbow Week at Bentley! During the week, community members are invited to attend the inaugural Rainbow Scholars Conference on April 18 and the annual Rainbow Graduation on April 19.

The Rainbow Scholars Conference workshops include Cultivating LGBTQ+ Positive Culture on Campus, LGBTQ+ Allyship and Solidarity and Global LGBTQ+ Perspectives. Participants are welcome to attend one or all workshops, but must register using the link below. 

Each year, the Rainbow Graduation honors graduating LGBTQ+ students and provides a space for the community to recognize and celebrate their contributions to Bentley. During the event, speakers will share reflections before students are presented with their graduation cords. 

Register for the Rainbow Conference           Register for the Rainbow Graduation

Preparing Students to Pitch

The Third Annual Salvatore J. Stile ’92 Professional Sales Competition brought 34 undergraduate students together to conduct simulated sales conversations with corporate and alumni volunteers on campus. In total, 50 volunteers representing 35 employers participated to see firsthand the professionalism and resilience of Bentley students. The companies participating left campus impressed with the enthusiasm and effort that students put into the competition and look forward to future events.

Congratulations to 
Director of the Professional Sales Program and Senior Lecturer in Marketing Jim “Pouli” Pouliopoulos (pictured here with student competitors) and all participants for arranging another successful event! 
Learn More and See the Winners

Professor Pouli with students at the sales competition
Keeping Score with Bentley Athletics

Bentley Falcons LogoMiller Selected for CSC Academic All-America Hall of Fame Class of 2023
Rick Miller, a former Bentley University standout in the classroom and on the soccer pitch who has gone on to a successful career as a business executive and as an author, will be inducted into the College Sports Communicators Academic All-America Hall of Fame.

Eight Falcons Named to the Hampshire Honor Society 
Eight former Bentley football players have been named to the 2023 Hampshire Honor Society by the National Football Foundation for their success in the classroom during their collegiate careers.

Softball Sweeps AIC to Reach 20-Win Plateau
The Falcons scored four runs in the first inning of the opener and rallied from a 4-1 deficit with another four-spot in the seventh inning of the nightcap to sweep American International College, 9-3 and 5-4, in Northeast-10 Conference softball Tuesday at Judy Groff Field.

From the Newsroom

99% of Bentley’s Class of 2022 is Employed or Attending Grad School

Bentley’s Class of 2022 is reporting strong job outcomes and higher salaries. 

By Helen Henrichs

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The Beauty of Breaking Boundaries

From her Nasdaq studio to the Miss Universe stage, Kristina Ayanian ’19 encourages other women to “imagine the impossible.”

By Molly Mastantuono



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Getting in the Game

Lucas Vanroboys ’23 helps student-athletes connect with brands to monetize their name, image and likeness.

By Kristen Walsh

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