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The Bentley Buzz

Connecting faculty and staff, one story at a time

Welcome to the latest issue of the Bentley Buzz, where we share news and stories about the faculty and staff who make Bentley special. It is compiled by Kevin Wong, associate director of internal communications. To share your news or an idea for a story, please email

June 3, 2021

Welcome, President Chrite!

On Tuesday, E. LaBrent Chrite began his first week as the ninth president of Bentley University. Here he is at the President's House with his wife Phyllis, about to leave for his first day. Have a tip for navigating campus? Want to share what makes Bentley special to you? Join the Buzz in welcoming President Chrite to our community and drop him a note below!

Share a Welcome Message with the President

President Chrite with his wife Phyllis

A Message from the President

Watch the video (at left) to hear what President Chrite is looking forward to as he begins his tenure at Bentley. 

Read His First-Day Message to the Community

Get to Know Our New President

As President Chrite begins to meet more of the people who make Bentley special, let's take a minute to learn more about our ninth president. How did he get into education? What's the best advice he ever received? What does he do on a day off? Get to know President Chrite in his "icebreaker" Q&A below!

You’ve traveled around the world. What was the most interesting place?
President Chrite with StudentsThere are two that stand out: Rwanda and Afghanistan. I was in Rwanda in 1998 on behalf of the World Bank Group, four years after the end of the genocide. The Afghanistan project was on behalf of the Department of State from 2016 to 2018. Both of these countries had to recover – with differing levels of success – from profound and consequential levels of strife and violence. In Afghanistan, war and national trauma have regretfully been part of the landscape and national psyche since the start of the 20th century. In Rwanda, the 1994 genocide was a much more “bounded” but nonetheless cataclysmic event in the nation’s history. What struck me about each of these countries is that their citizens demonstrated a strength, resilience and generosity largely defined by their ability to forgive that belies their national condition. These countries also stick out to me because they represent opposite ends of the spectrum as to how a sound policy environment and emerging market economy when embraced can transform a society (in Rwanda) and how the absence of such an environment can so profoundly mitigate its growth (Afghanistan).
President Chrite with Flex
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
I was educated in Detroit public schools. There were a lot of challenges back then and while I worked hard, I was not a great student. I will never forget my social studies teacher telling me at age 15 that it was time for me to begin developing my own personal philosophies at that stage of my development. Those words resonated deeply with me and served as a catalyst. I still think of them to this day.

Is there a business you wish you'd started? 
That has never been my passion. My passion is in creating entrepreneurial ecosystems, experiences and enabling environments that support students and others in the creation of their own enterprises.  

Read the Full Q&A

President Chrite meeting with athletics

Getting Acclimated to Campus

In his first week at Bentley, President Chrite has been busy introducing himself to students (and Flex), leading his first meeting of the cabinet, and meeting with community members across campus including admissions, the library, IT, athletics, facilities and university police. Take a look at some of the sights from President Chrite's first week below!

Bentley Celebrates Pride Month 2021

Each June, LGBTQ+ Pride Month showcases and celebrates the vibrant lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning community across the world. At Bentley, the LGBTQ+ Pride Month Planning Committee recently shared a series of community events and development opportunities dedicated to furthering LGBTQ+ equity and inclusion in our community. Make sure to check out the Pride Month events and download your Pride Zoom background below!

Pride Background #1               Pride Background #2

Pride Month Background

Browse More Events and Add Your Own

Community Learning Conference

Third Annual Community Learning Conference

The 2021 Bentley Community Learning Conference is an opportunity to share ideas and collaborate across departments, divisions and campus. The deadline to submit a proposal to facilitate a workshop and share your expertise is today (Thursday, June 3) at 5:00 p.m. Make sure to submit your proposal today!  

Submit a Proposal

Thank You from Paul Condrin and the Cabinet

Bentley faculty and staff have showed creativity, flexibility and a remarkable ability to improvise to help the university through the pandemic over the last 14 months. As a thank you, Paul Condrin and the Cabinet would like to thank each faculty and staff member with an individual gift. Complete the form below by June 15 to select your gift!

Complete the Form

Bentley Library
We want to feature you!

Have a new pandemic hobby? Have any interesting summer plans? We want to feature you! 

Email the Buzz

From the Newsroom

Hidden Costs

Mengyao Lu ’21 explores gender barriers facing women in finance.

By Molly Mastantuono


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Faith and Family

Myriam Imessaoudene ’21 discovers a calling to fight injustice.

By Sean Kerrigan


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Rewarding Research

Annual awards honor faculty’s academic contributions.

By Molly Mastantuono

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