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The Bentley Buzz

Connecting faculty and staff, one story at a time

Welcome to the latest issue of the Bentley Buzz, where we share news and stories about the faculty and staff who make Bentley special. It is compiled by Kevin Wong, associate director of internal communications. To share your news or an idea for a story, please email

Oct. 30, 2020


Show Us Your Quarantine Costumes!

Like most things, Halloween looks a little different this year. From jack-o-lanterns with face coverings and trick-or-treating bubbles to scolding mummies for wasting toilet paper, there's a lot that will be done differently. How are you celebrating Halloween differently this year? We want to see! 

Show Us Your Costumes

Flex the Falcon Mascot
Something to Lift the Spirits

Alyssa Orlando LiftingSince moving to a remote work setting, Alyssa Orlando, senior assistant director of graduate admissions, and the entire graduate admission team have been finding new ways to recruit students to the McCallum Graduate School of Business. A member of the Racial Justice Task Force and active member of the Bentley community, Alyssa crosses paths with many members of our virtual community each week. But did you know that outside of Bentley, Alyssa is a competitive powerlifter? After practicing strength and conditioning while on the cheerleading team as a student at Ithaca College, Alyssa made the transition to powerlifting after graduating and connecting with an old strength coach.

"My favorite part about powerlifting is watching yourself get stronger over a long period of time," said Alyssa. "It's incredible to see how far you come when you stick with something long enough." Since she started powerlifting competitively in 2015, and since joining the local powerlifting team Precision Powerlifting Systems in 2017, Alyssa has seen her numbers steadily increase. Last February, she posted impressive highs that included squatting 336 pounds, benching 204 pounds and deadlifting 391 pounds!

Alyssa Orlando LiftingLike so many, Alyssa's been spending more time at home since the spring, but thankfully got the equipment needed just in time to continue her lifting. "I ended up buying a powerlifting rack and competition plates the Sunday before we started working from home, and they sure have come in useful over these last seven months. My routine hasn't really changed too much other than I now lift from my garage."

Despite the challenges posed by physical distancing, Alyssa has continued to grow as a powerlifter. "
I directed my first powerlifting meet during the pandemic! It was supposed to be March 21, and obviously was postponed. We were able to run an outdoor meet in August with social distancing and masks for all!"

Alyssa Orlando LiftingWhile she's not helping to build the next cohort of graduate students or lifting incredible amounts, Alyssa
is working on her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Massachusetts-Lowell.

Follow Alyssa on Instagram

We want to feature you!

Have you discovered an interesting new hobby while working remotely? Started breeding lizards? Entertaining your kids with puppet shows? We want to share it in the next issue!

Email the Buzz

Kevin Maguire

2020 Faculty/Staff Rainbow Award

Congratulations to Kevin Maguire, associate director and multimedia producer in Creative Services, for winning this year's 2020 Faculty/Staff Rainbow Award! Kevin is the talented multimedia producer behind the many videos and photos (like those below) that highlight the diversity in our community. Since joining Bentley in 2019, Kevin has worked with students, faculty and staff on many projects that highlight members of the LGBTQ+ community on campus.

Matt Banks, assistant director of Diversity and Inclusion, shared during this week's Rainbow Lunch that Kevin's work "proves that advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community does not mean one thing. While we often think of advocacy as policy work or education, this person shows there are ways to support the LGBTQ+ community by uplifting our stories and showing them to a wider audience." Join us in congratulating Kevin! 

Brand Photography Resources

Making PowerPoint presentations stand out has never been easier thanks to the new brand templates. But did you know there's a trove of new images that you can use to make your presentation stand out even more? Be sure to visit to download photos for your next presentation! 

Explore the Photos

Bentley students on the footbridge in masks
Spiritual Life Center

Spiritual Life Happenings

This summer, the Spiritual Life Center received a grant from the Interfaith Youth Core to fund the development of a student-led interfaith initiative. The project began as the Interfaith Fellows “passion project” of undergraduate student Jared Forrest ’21 in the spring of 2020. Now, Jared and graduate student Yo Deshpande HFID ’21 are working as research assistants to develop an allyship training program for the Bentley community in support of diverse religious and spiritual worldviews. Designed to eliminate bias, dismantle stereotypes and embody Bentley’s Core Values, the Interfaith Ally Training team is currently building out the training program for students, with a launch planned for later this fall. Once the Interfaith Ally Training is launched, first for students and then for faculty and staff, individuals will be able to participate, receive badging and certification that supports their professional development and join in a community that increases pluralism at Bentley.

Read More about Spiritual Life at Bentley

Bentley Library

In the Know @ the Bentley Library

Frighteningly Good Reads
The Bentley Library staff have created an online display that is full of chills and thrills. Including both downloadable audiobooks & ebooks, this selection helps you celebrate all things spooky.

Hours Update! Now Open Until Midnight Sunday-Thursday
The Bentley Library is excited to announce that they have recently extended their evening hours until midnight Sunday to Thursday. Additionally, they're open two hours earlier on Saturdays, at 10:00 a.m.

Unwind with Free eBooks and Audiobooks – Getting Started with OverDrive Drop-in Sessions
Register here and virtually drop in at 3:00 p.m. any Saturday until Nov. 21 to learn how to get free downloadable audiobooks and ebooks from OverDrive.

Resource of the Month: Guide to Citing Sources Using APA Style (7th ed.)
Introducing the library's completely revised guide to Citing Sources Using APA Style! Updated to reflect the new 7th ed. of the APA Manual, it provides in-text citation guidance and reference examples for over 50 types of sources, including library databases.

More from the Library

Upcoming Events

In the News

Each month, we'll share chatter about Bentley from the outside world. We know how special our Bentley community is, but every now and then, it's good to hear what others think!  

Stat LogoRemdesivir’s Hefty Price Tag Ignores NIH Investment In Its Creation

Ekaterina Cleary, lead data analyst and research associate at the Center for Integration of Science and Industry, authors an op-ed asserting that drug pricing needs to reflect funding from the NIH by keeping prescription costs down.


Wallet hub logoHow Will Racial Minorities Shape Future Elections?

Government Professor Christine Williams comments on the shifting demographics that could present various challenges for different political groups.


Bentley In the News