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In honor of the 45th annual celebration of Earth Day, Bentley invites community members to join the sustainability conversation through a series of events:

EarthFest 4/17

Located on the green space next to Collins Hall, students can enjoy lawn games, a bicycle-powered smoothie-making blender, musical performances, the Baja Taco Truck and more while learning how to live sustainable lifestyles. EarthFest is sponsored by Bentley’s Green Society.

Film Shorts: How and Why are Businesses Implementing Sustainability? 4/22

Part of Bentley’s monthly Sustainability Film Series, “How and Why are Businesses Implementing Sustainability,” features a variety of short films and commercials. After each group of shorts is shown, audience members will have the opportunity to discuss how companies are incorporating sustainability into their business practices, and how this information is communicated to customers and stake holders.

Innovation for a Sustainable Sea 4/22

Located in the Wilder Pavilion, Adamian Academic Center, a symposium highlighting the potential challenges of new technologies in protecting oceans, coral reefs and fisheries while providing food and energy for a growing population, will take place as part of Bentley’s Center for Integration of Science Industry’s Innovator’s Business Series. Panelists include:

  • Nigella Hillgarth, President & Chief Executive Officer, New England Aquarium
  • Brian Helmuth, Dept of Marine & Environmental Sciences and School of Public Policy & Urban Affairs, Northeastern University
  • Ron Stotish, Chief Executive Officer, AquaBounty Technologies
  • Michael Jay Walsh, Center for the Integration of Science and Industry, Bentley University
  • Joshua Boger, Former Chief Executive Officer, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

A reception and light dinner will follow the discussion in the Dandes Room, Adamian Academic Center.

Meet the Artist: Wakaya Photographic Art Exhibit 4/22

Join photographer Joshua Boger in the McGladrey Gallery at the Bentley Library to view his exhibit featuring Fiji’s coral reefs.