On October 6, 2011, James S. Turley, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, visited the Bentley University Campus for a series of events and discussions with administrators, faculty and students focused on topics including global leadership, international economics, and developments in the accounting profession.
Turley, who leads approximately 150,000 employees in 140 countries, only visits two to three academic institutions each year. Bentley and Ernst & Young have a decades-long partnership which represents an ideal strategic relationship - professionals and academics coming together to address common goals including developing and delivering innovative curriculum that addresses accounting and finance principles, supporting faculty research, and increasing awareness of the public accounting profession.
In 2009, the Ernst & Young Foundation awarded Bentley a $400,000 grant to transform the introductory accountancy and finance curriculum. This resulted in the development and implementation of a new required course for freshmen that introduces them to key accounting and finance concepts during their first year on campus. The course integrates several classes that were once stand-alone -- Introduction of Business, Principles of Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Introduction to Finance -- into a single two-semester course that follows a lengthy case and challenges students to become self-learners and to develop research skills.
As part of his visit, Turley met with faculty who are implementing the new curriculum to learn about its positive impact which included a measurable increase in the appeal of the curriculum among faculty and students, better preparation for student internships by accelerating important concepts, increased classroom engagement, and increased rigor in upper-level courses due to improved preparation.
Turley’s day-long visit concluded with a reception attended by accepted students, Bentley Alumni partners and staff employed by Ernst & Young, as well as other high profile Ernst & Young representatives including Ellen Glazerman, Executive Director of the Ernst & Young Foundation, Neil DeAngelis (’81) and Kevin Holmes (’98), campus recruiting partners for Bentley.
Turley is not the only Ernst & Young global executive to make the time to come to Bentley. Over the past few years several have visited including Nancy Altobello, Americas Vice Chair of People, who presented on “women in business”; Ken Bouyer, Americas Director of Inclusiveness; and Dan Black, America's Director of Campus Recruiting.
Ernst and Young is a leading global professional services organization providing assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Currently, more than 200 Bentley alumni are employed by Ernst & Young, including 20 partners.