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Bentley's Health Center

Information about Measles Immunization

Jan. 24, 2020

Anjini Virmani, MD  

Dear Bentley Community,

Thank you for sharing your measles-related questions over the course of this week. I am writing to clarify the requirements for measles immunity for Bentley faculty and staff based on the Department of Public Health’s requirements. I encourage you to consult with your primary care or personal physician if you have any questions about your vaccination history.  

If measles is found in a member of the Bentley community, the Department of Public Health requires that all faculty and staff on campus show evidence of measles immunity. Those unable to demonstrate immunity and felt to be at risk may be required to remain off campus for a minimum of 21 days according to DPH recommendations.

Faculty and staff born in or after 1957 must have documentation of receiving two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine after 12 months of age or be able to demonstrate a positive measles titer and/or lab evidence of past measles infection. This lab test can be done at your doctor’s office. If you were born in 1956 or earlier, you are considered presumptively immune and only need to show proof of age.  

If, however, you are traveling internationally, then you should be vaccinated regardless of age per the Massachusetts Department of Public Health guidance.  

Please speak to your health care provider if you received an MMR vaccine between 1963 and 1967, as some persons during this time frame may not have been fully immunized. Some of the MMR vaccines administered during that time were not as effective as the vaccine given after 1967.   

The measles vaccine is very safe and effective, and there is no risk from repeating the vaccination if recommended by your doctor.  

Center for Disease Control 
Massachusetts Department of Public Health 

Influenza activity is very high at this time of year across Massachusetts, and there is still significant benefit from getting the flu vaccine. For those who want to get an MMR vaccine at the flu clinic, please email our associate director, Margaret Fitzgerald, NP, at to reserve a vaccine.  

Thank you for doing your part to keep our campus healthy. Please let me know if you have any questions.   

Anjini Virmani, MD 
Associate Dean of Health, Wellness and Counseling
Director, Bentley University Health Center