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Bentley Library

Katherine Blake, executive director of marketing communication and director of web services, was ordained by the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine as an interfaith chaplain on June 5. Coursework included 500 class hours, 150 volunteer hours, 150 internship hours and monthly book reviews.

She volunteered at the Follen Unitarian Church in Lexington as a lay minister and member of the Program Council. As an intern, she was a co-leader at Alternatives to Violence Weekends at the Shirley Correctional Center, and volunteer chaplain at Meadow Green Nursing Center in Waltham.

Blake has been doing hospice volunteering and lay ministry work -- visiting people in their homes, coffee shops and hospitals to talk about the spiritual -- for some years and wanted to deepen her education as a chaplain. Future plans include co-leading Robin Casarjian's Forgiveness Program weekend for inmates and performing funeral services for those who are not affiliated with a house of worship.