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Summer is here and many college students are worried that they don’t have a summer internship. But it’s not too late for them to find ways to build their résumé. In a recent talk on Facebook Live, Director of Career Education and Innovation Alyssa Hammond gave her top five tips to help students get the summer experience they need.

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1. Keep looking

Don’t give up on an internship just yet. Companies are still hiring—with many realizing last-minute needs because of employee vacations this time of year. Research companies that interest you and reach out to them directly—even if there is no posting.

2. Use social media

Twitter and LinkedIn are great places to look for internships. To find listings on Twitter, search by company or by hash tag. Example: #hiring, #helpwanted, #jobopportunities, #internshipopportunities. Download Hootsuite or TweetDeck to set up notifications on your feed based on job queries. LinkedIn has a new feature for internships to narrow your search and find job postings that match your interests.

3. Volunteer

This is different than an internship because you’re offering to work for free. But the key is to fit in as many hours as you can in combination with a paying summer job. That way you can get two job experiences at the same time. You can also network while you volunteer. During college I volunteered in the clerk’s office at a local courthouse and interacted with a lot of lawyers. My network grew and by mid-summer I was offered a paid internship by one of the lawyers.

4. Join a professional association

Build the professional aspect of your résumé by joining a professional organization. You can attend their events, you have an instant network to tap into, and you can volunteer for them. Bonus: Most organizations offer a reduced student fee.

5. Just work

If all else fails and you can’t score a volunteer position or an internship, get a traditional summer job. Soft skills are built at any job, and they are all transferable. A wait staff position, for example, develops your multitasking, communication and customer service skills. And chances are that an employer who sees that on your résumé has had a similar experience and will recognize the value of it. Everybody comes from somewhere; we all have humble beginnings.