Return to Campus Newsletter
August 13, 2020
Dear Faculty and Staff,
I hope that you found yesterday’s Return-to-Campus webinar to be helpful and informative. The return to campus brings with it a great deal of details and new processes, so the task force appreciates your questions as they help us continue to clarify our communications and updates. If you weren’t able to attend, a recording of the webinar is available here. Building upon yesterday’s webinar, this week’s newsletter will provide some clarity on the requirements related to the Return-to-Campus training video and some updates on plexiglass and dining on campus.
Return to Campus Training Video
Last month, the Communications Workgroup produced an informative video that details the important guidelines that faculty and staff are asked to follow when returning to campus. Previously, we asked those who would be on campus to watch the video and confirm they’d done so in Workday. In an effort to ensure that the entire Bentley community is aware of these important processes, we’re now asking all faculty and staff to watch this video, posted below for easy access.
After you’ve watched the video, we ask that you log into Workday and select the “Back to Bentley Training Video and Checklist” notice in your notifications to confirm that you’ve done so.
On-Campus Updates
Plexiglass installation continues to be underway in offices and shared spaces across campus to help promote physical distancing. Additionally, the Grubhub app has been fully integrated with our on-campus dining options to offer students, faculty and staff a quick and easy-to-use ordering service. Instructions for downloading the app can be found here.
Screening Test Program
If you’ll be coming to campus regularly (at least once a week), as affirmed by your supervisor/manager, you’ll receive details about the screening test program by email early next week.
As always, continue to check the Back to Bentley website and associated FAQs for all details and updates related to the return to campus. We’re looking forward to welcoming students in a few short weeks.
Until next week,
Geoffrey C. Bartlett, CEM
Director of Emergency Management