Return to Campus Newsletter
November 24, 2020
Dear Faculty and Staff,
After a long fall trimester, we have made it to Thanksgiving break. With our residential students back home, we have officially come to the close of the on-campus experience for the fall term. These past few months have challenged each and every member of our community, and I’m thankful for all that you have done to make the fall a success. I hope that you and your families enjoy a restful and responsible Thanksgiving this year.
While the holiday will look different for all of us, it’s important that we all take time to recharge and share our thanks for those who are important to us.
Best Practices this Thanksgiving
As a reminder, to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, the CDC recommends that any gatherings be limited to one household, but if you must interact with people outside your household, wear face coverings, maintain six feet of distance at all times, and wash hands often. It’s critically important that we follow all public health guidance and limit our close contacts to ensure we do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Again, thank you for all that you’ve done this fall to keep yourselves, your colleagues and our students healthy and safe. Operating an on-campus experience with over 2,000 residential students in the midst of a pandemic is a monumental task, but together, we were able to deliver a worthwhile, safe experience. I’m looking forward to continuing our work after Thanksgiving in preparation for the spring term.
Happy Thanksgiving, and be well,
Geoffrey C. Bartlett, CEM
Director of Emergency Management