What do mustard and moisturizer have in common? Victoria (Guenther) Watts ’98.
The alumna is founder and president of an all-natural skincare line, VictoriaLand Beauty. But her first taste of business came as a student, serving as marketing manager for a product that her father’s company produces. Watts ran taste tests for Ipswich Ale Mustard in her New Product Development and Marketing course.
More than a decade later, she was in test mode again. Personal skincare challenges had prompted her search for “a natural, pure treatment,” she says. “I was getting frustrated using product after product, so I took matters into my own hands.”
Literally: Watts began mixing ingredients such as essential oils and botanical extracts in her kitchen. Every Wednesday, her home became “VictoriaLand,” where her BFFs gathered to try out what she had made the night before.
The company that Watts went on to create now offers three 5-star rated products, including face and neck cream, eye and lip treatment, and face oil. In August, VictoriaLand Beauty launched a travel-size collection of all three.
Watts counts marketing faculty member Perry Lowe as a mentor. “He was always so supportive,” she says. “Being able to use what I was learning in the classroom in a hands-on situation helped prepare me for owning and running my own business.”
That includes using her business for good. VictoriaLand Beauty donates 2 percent of sales to the Dream Dare Deliver campaign at Boston Children’s Hospital. The hospital was a vital resource when Watts’s 2-year-old son, Cyrus, was born with a hereditary disorder that affects the retina.
“Creating the business, I wanted to have one of our core values be social responsibility, and this was a natural fit.” Watts says. “The amazing team at Children’s empowered our dream for Cyrus and others like him to live a happy, fulfilling life.”