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Bentley Students


As part of a university-wide effort to prevent sexual violence and continue to promote community safety and wellness, Bentley staff and students recently hosted the fifth annual “Consent Day.”

On April 11th in the Back Bay Rooms, in conjunction with Sexual Assault Awareness Month and in partnership with Residential Life, more than 20 student organizations along with faculty and staff joined forces to address this important issue. More than 400 student attendees came together to promote healthy communication, respect and an understanding of consent between romantic partners. “It’s impressive how the community embraces this event each year,” said Jessica Greher Traue, senior assistant director for wellness. “Students truly enjoy how Consent Day provides a positive approach and a safe environment to explore a very complicated and sensitive topic.”

As part of the day, both students and visitors had the chance to participate in various activities that included “Consensual Twister,” “50 Shades of Not Grey,” “Partner May I,” and signing a banner representing their commitment to sexual consent. Students who participated in at least eight activities were eligible for a free t-shirt.

Consent Day participants were also encouraged to join the Bentley Women’s Center to be part of “Take Back the Night,” a rally for community members to take a stand against domestic and sexual abuse.

For more information on Consent Day and other health and wellness initiatives on campus, please visit the Bentley Health and Wellness Center