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ID 209/210 One-Credit Internship

Interested in a one-credit internship?

Review the full requirements on this syllabus. If you are still interested, you should secure the internship opportunity first, then complete the internship application in the link at the bottom of this page.

The one credit internship is a good option for students that have short duration internship opportunities, or otherwise do not qualify for a three-credit internship.

Undergraduate students who meet eligibility requirements may apply for a one- credit internship and, if approved, receive one credit for a Business (ID 209) or Arts and Sciences (ID 210) elective.

On approval, you will be assigned to a professor who will oversee your work:

  • Grading is on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis

  • Grade is not calculated into your GPA

  • Credit does count in your earned credits toward graduation

Brief Description

  • This course allows you to earn one academic credit for internship work. experience completed during the summer, fall or spring terms.

  • You must complete a minimum of 45 hours of work at the internship over a minimum of 4 weeks to receive credit for the course.

  • You will need to have completed a minimum of 30 credits prior to taking this class in order to be eligible.

  • This class can only be taken once.

  • You can decide to take this class as a Business (ID 209) or Arts and Science (ID 210) elective.

  • You must apply no later than three weeks after the first day of the academic semester during which the internship takes place.

  • Credit will not be granted retroactively.

  • Upon approval, the Associate Dean will assign you a professor who will oversee the academic work associated with the internship and assign a grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.

  • Once approved, the Associate Dean will notify the Registrar and register you for the course, and connect you with a faculty internship coordinator.


I submitted my application... now what?

The Associate Dean will review your application, which can take several days or longer depending on the timing of submission. Upon approval, the Associate Dean will notify you, your faculty advisor, and also the Registrar to register you for the course.

Can I take ID 209 and/or 210 more than once?

No, students are only allowed to take this course once (in addition to up to two – 3 credit internship courses).

Will the grade for ID 209/210 be factored into my GPA?

No. You will receive a grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory for this course. The grade will not be factored into your GPA.

Do I have to meet with the professor of this course?

Yes, there will be at least one check-in with the professor, however the professor may ask to meet more with you if s/he feels it is necessary.

Can I sign up for this course at any time?

Students may sign up for this course anytime during regular registration periods for a given semester, and no later than three weeks after the first day of a semester.

Can I start my internship before the academic term or end it after the academic term?

The internship must begin after the start of the term in which the student is enrolled in ID 209/210. All academic work associated with ID 209/210 must be submitted to the professor by Reading Day. The student must complete the internship no later than the last day of exams.



Does the work performed in the internship have to correspond with my major or minor? Should I decide to take ID 209 or 210 based on the kind of work I will be doing in the internship?

No. The two versions of the course were developed so that students could choose where the one credit counts in their degree requirements, and does not in any way have to be aligned with their major, their minor or the kind of work they will be performing in the internship. ID 209 and 210 are interdisciplinary courses that are meant to be decoupled from specific majors or departments. So an accounting major may have an internship supervised by someone in Modern Languages, for instance, if they choose ID 210.

If I have already taken CDI 102, can I still take this course?

Yes, students will be allowed to take either ID 209 or 210 once, even if they have taken CDI 102 previously.

What is the tuition for the course?

Students pay the equivalent of one credits worth of tuition.

Can I use ID 209/210 to continue working in an internship I already have or that I have done before (paid or for a 3-credit course)?

Yes, a student can use ID 209/210 to continue working in an internship in which they have previously worked; however, they need to know that they can only take either ID 209 or 210 once.

Can I take ID 209/210 and a three credit internship in the same semester?

No, students are allowed to have only one internship experience per academic term.

I am an international student and need someone to sign my CPT form for my internship. Who does this?

Once your application for ID 209/210 is approved and you are enrolled in the course, you will need to ask your professor teaching your course to sign the CPT form.

If you would like to apply for ID 209 or ID 210, please use the online form here.