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SPSS for Statistical Analysis

AnnotoSPSS is a program for statistical analysis in social science. Easy to use point-and-click interface makes conducting statistical analysis easy. No programming skills required. All Bentley faculty and students have access to SPSS. 

Use Cases

  • The user-friendly point-and-click interface makes SPSS accessible to users of all levels. SPSS has the functionality that allows to easily clean, manipulate and analyze data which makes it a great tool for survey data analysis 
  • SPSS allows for integration with Python and R 
  • Provides functionality to easily perform descriptive statistics, time series, regressions, ANOVA, cluster analysis and many other methods 
Access Instructions SPSS is available to all Bentley faculty and students. Request a new license or an installation file here
How-to & Documentation

Additional Resources


If you need help installing or using SAS, please Contact ATC at, Maria Skaletsky at, or Clifton Chow at