Diversity Matters at Bentley University
Diversity refers to the wide array of human differences, including ethnicity and race, gender, age, disability status and other cultural, socio-economic background, experience, and perspective, that exist in the workforce and in the wider community. Bentley believes that promoting diversity plays an essential role in its educational mission, fostering greater innovation and creativity, attracting the widest pool of qualified applicants to its work force, and enhancing its communication and relationships with the community. Valuing diversity is one of Bentley's greatest strengths and is a core value.
At Bentley University, diversity is everyone’s responsibility. Fulfilling our mission as an institution depends on the ability of everyone in our community becoming more competent in dealing with people who seem different from us. Formal responsibility for coordination of university-wide diversity-related programs and activities at Bentley is located in the Office of Diversity & Inclusion. Many other departments, centers, offices, and organizations at Bentley contribute to improving the diversity climate through varied and persistent efforts. Programs and Initiatives are consistently underway across the campus with the aim of ensuring that all members of the Bentley community feel welcomed here.