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Mission of the Governance Process

Ensure we're utilizing Bentley's limited resources on the projects that are most strategically aligned and valuable to the University.

IT Governance provides the framework and collaborative process to ensure major IT projects align with institutional strategy. The cross-functional Project Advisory Board evaluates, prioritizes, and recommends projects that support the University's long-term plan. The process is facilitated by Bentley's Project Management Office.

Guiding Principles

The Project Advisory Board is a cross-functional group composed of members from diverse backgrounds to ensure inclusive decision making, where all members are expected and encouraged to contribute their thoughts and ideas.​

The Project Advisory Board will: ​

1. Review technology-based project ideas based on project merit and alignment to Bentley's strategic goals, with a focus on projects most beneficial to the entire Bentley community​

2. Provide recommendations annually to the University Cabinet in concert with the annual budget process​

3. Ensure that significant opportunities to leverage existing technology are considered as a first approach for any technology-enabled solution in order to optimize investments and IT resources​

4. Propose and investigate innovative ways to leverage and improve technology-enabled processes and systems on campus

Collaborative Process

IT Governance Structure

Strategic decision-makers from both administrative and academic areas of the University are involved
in all aspects of the governance process.

Project Advisory Board - Senior, strategic leaders on campus that have been delegated by members of the President's Cabinet (Director or AVP level).  Meets regularly to review, assess, and prioritize projects. Creates a recommendation and roadmap for approval.

President's Cabinet - reviews the project roadmap recommendation and provides final approval of projects.

Project Management Office (PMO) - Facilitator of the governance process. Collects project requests, supports business case development, and convenes the various groups to support the creation of a recommendation to Cabinet.


IT Governance activities are tightly aligned with the University annual budgeting and planning cycle. Since funding is an important part of many projects, project budgets are considered in concert with the future fiscal year budget recommendation made each March.  Bentley's fiscal year begins July 1 and ends on June 30.

Summer - Project requests are submitted for the future fiscal year. The PMO and Project Advisory Board work together to establish business cases by Fall (October).

Fall - The Project Advisory Board is convened to discuss business cases, prioritize, and recommend projects for the next fiscal year.

Winter - The Project Advisory Board's recommendation is reviewed by the Finance team and submitted for President's Cabinet for approval. 

Spring - The budget is established for submission in March to the Board and final approval in May.  The final project approvals are determined

For any questions or if you'd like to submit a project for consideration, please contact Karen Vitali, Director, Project Management Office.