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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add a document on my page?

1. Step One: To link to a PDF or document, click the Link icon on the toolbar. Clicking the Link button will 

bring up pop-up box screen. (Make sure the link type is Internal Path)

2. Step Two: If the file has not previously been added, then click the link to upload a new file. If the file has 

been added, please skip to Step Six.

3. Step Three: On the Add File screen, click “Add Files” to add a file to the database.

4. Step Four: Once you have selected your file to be uploaded, click the Start Upload button. After that, click


5. Step Five: On the next page, you can rename the file. Make sure to add the appropriate media tag, then click Save.

6. Step Six: Now you can search for the document in the Link field.

7. Step Seven: Click “OK”.

How do I get my page to show up in the menu?

Digital Engagement has to do this for you. Please submit a request via email at or form here

When I edit my page, none of the editing icons are showing. Why?

This may be because of compatibility issues with your browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, try using Chrome or Firefox.

When I save a change in Drupal and log out, the site is not updated. Why? 

This is most likely because of caching. The cache is a temporary storage of data designed to improve the speed at which the data are accessed. Hence, when you make a change to a page, it may not be reflected immediately because what you are seeing is a cached version of the page. It usually takes a few hours for the cache to clear. However, you can clear it manually by going into your browser settings and clearing it there.
Disclaimer: If you made a change and you still do not see your changes 12 hours later, send in a request and we will do our best to assist you.

Where can I find images to use on my site?

When you click on the image icon in the Drupal WYSIWYG, you will see all the available images in the media library. Marketing and Communications also has a huge database of images that we have available for users. Send a request using the form, describing what you are looking for and we can send you some options. You can also use Google Images, but be sure to only use images that are labeled for reuse with modification. 

How do I create a new page? 

This is what we did during your first Drupal training session. After clicking "Add Content", if you need help figuring out which content type to use, please contact

Can you help me with design on my pages?

We offer limited design resources upon request with images and graphics.

When I upload a document, a little icon appears next to it. Why?

You are uploading the file into the media section, which is designated only for images and video. You need to use the file upload tool instead.