Campus Location
Collins Hall: Ground Floor
Campus Map
Contact Information
Phone: 781.891.2212
Hours of Operation
September through May: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Closed Saturday and Sunday
June through August: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Closed Saturday and Sunday
Please Note: Mail Services follows the business hours of operation for the University and will be closed during posted holidays or instances of inclement weather.
We welcome your feedback in continuing to enhance and provide the best service possible; emails with suggestions should be sent to
Bentley Mail Services FAQs
Student Packages (Incoming)
Students will receive email notification from Bentley Mail Services when their package is available for pick up. Emails or delivery notifications from other sources including the sender does not indicate that your package has arrived on campus or that processing has been completed and ready for pick up. Hundreds of packages arrive daily at Bentley, which are processed and prepared for students to come pick up from Mail Services.
The key to knowing your package is available for pick up is when you receive an email from Bentley Mail Services at
To pick up a package, an individual must present a Bentley student ID or other clear and legible photo ID (license, passport, etc.) at Mail Services. Package recipients will be asked to sign for all packages upon receipt. To authorize a proxy to pick-up a package, the recipient must reply to the specific package pick-up notification stating the name of the proxy. In turn, the proxy must present a photo ID at Mail Services to pick up the package.
It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the package at Mail Services or make arrangements for pick up in a reasonable time frame. During high volume package processing times, Mail Services may utilize an alternative distribution location within campus which will be indicated on the package pick-up email notification.
Perishable Packages
Due to storage limitations and sanitation considerations, Mail Services will hold all perishable packages for up to seven (7) consecutive days. After seven (7) consecutive days unclaimed items will be disposed of. Perishable packages include fruit, food, flowers and clearly marked perishable items.
These items will be tagged and scanned into the package tracking system, individuals will be notified by email, and called if a cell phone number is available.
With the exception of perishables, packages are kept until picked up or for a maximum of thirty (30) consecutive days. If not collected within the first fourteen (14) consecutive days, an email is sent to the recipient notifying them that the package is scheduled for return in fourteen (14) days.
US Mail Receipt and Delivery
Bentley University Mail Services is located on the first floor of Collins Hall. We encourage students to “Go Green” and utilize electronic delivery of mail, subscriptions, magazines, and catalogs instead of having these items sent via the US Mail.
Mail Services receives and sorts all incoming resident student mail each business day. Students will receive an e-mail notification from Mail Services indicating that they have mail requiring pick up at Mail Services.
Please note, mail and package deliveries are received centrally at Mail Services. Door to door deliveries to residence halls are prohibited.
All mail must be addressed completely as follows:
Your First & Last Name - STUDENT
Bentley University
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705
General postage can be purchased as follows:
Postage Stamps:
Stamps can be purchased at the Bentley Bookstore in Collins Hall. In addition, stamps can be purchased on-line at Note: Registration is required and shipping costs may apply.
General Postage:
Postage for USPS packages and or larger mail items can be purchased at Mail Services by using Falcon Funds on your Campus ID.
Processing of Outgoing Mail, Priority Letters and Packages
There are several options available for students sending mail off campus including:
Outgoing student mail — both letters and packages — may be dropped off at Mail Services at Collins Hall. Please note, that all mail going off campus must have appropriate postage.
All outgoing packages must be brought to Mail Services. Once there, students can purchase services for various carriers (Federal Express, U.P.S., U.S. Postal Service, etc.) and leave the package for pick up. Mail Services also processes all standard mail and letters sent through the U.S. Postal Service.
U.S. Postal Service Mail Boxes:
There is a U.S. Postal Service mail box located outside the main entrance to Collins Hall.
Forwarding Your Mail
Before leaving for the summer, ALL students are required to notify senders of their forwarding address. It is imperative as you make arrangements to move out of your residence hall for the summer, that you notify any merchant sending mail to your campus address to re-route it to your summer residence. Please keep in mind that it takes approximately three to four weeks for mailing lists to be updated.
The U.S. Postal Service cannot forward mail sent to a student’s campus address even if that student has completed their Change of Address Form.
In addition to notifying senders, students must notify the Registrar’s Office of their new address. This ensures our records are current in the event you need to be contacted.
Please note that the University is not required to forward student mail during the summer months. Before leaving for the summer all remaining mail and/or packages should be picked up from Mail Services.
Special Services
If you require special services that need attention beyond the standard mail delivery process, please contact the Mail Services manager at 781.891.2212.
Due to storage limitations, no packages or items exceeding 50 lbs, or palletized freight, will be accepted by Mail Services.
The following items are not approved for delivery to Bentley Mail Services and will be declined and returned to sender upon arrival:
- Flammable materials
- Gas grills
- Weapons/ ammunition/ firearms
- Objects made to look like firearms
- Fireworks
- Hover boards
- Pressure cookers
- Alcohol
- Marijuana
- Smoking, vaping, and drug paraphernalia (vaping supplies/ hookahs)
- Bulk furniture and equipment.
Packages that appear to contain problematic, hazardous or dangerous equipment or materials not listed above, will be stored in Mail Services pending notification and approval of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and the Chief of University Police, as deemed necessary, prior to being tagged and student notification issued.
Stamps can be purchased in the Bentley Bookstore located in Collins Hall. Postage for larger US Mail items can be purchased at Mail Services using Bentley Falcon Funds only.
Shipping & Receiving
Materials and equipment ordered by the Bentley community that are oversized or weighing over 50 lbs. are received and processed through the Shipping and Receiving Department.
Shipping & Receiving Department
Bentley University
450 Beaver Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705
PH: 781.891.2278
FX: 781.891.2082
Receiving An Order
When a department submits a purchase requisition or places a Purchasing Card order directly, the SHIP TO address should include your Department, Building Codes, and Purchase Order Number when applicable.
Departmental Name
Building Code and Room Number
Purchase Order Number
175 Forest Street ***or in the event of an oversized or heavy package
450 Beaver Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705
This information tells the trucking company the exact shipping address, the Purchase Order number that the materials are charged to, and the internal destination of the materials.
One exception to this procedure involves computer hardware. As a rule, computer equipment for students is routed by Shipping and Receiving directly to Academic Computing Services (LIN 014). Computer equipment for Faculty and Administrative staff is routed by the Shipping and Receiving Department directly to Client Services (Miller 105). Computer Equipment is inspected where the materials are inspected committed to inventory and set-up for departmental usage. This process is intended to insure that the computer equipment is properly inspected, delivered and installed for the ordering department.
Shipping Items Off Campus
Returns to vendors:
If an item received is incorrect or damaged, the department should first notify the vendor and receive instructions to return item(s).
The item(s) should then be returned to Shipping and Receiving via the same means of transportation that it was received. (i.e.: If the Grounds Department delivered the shipment initially then a work order would be submitted to have the Grounds Department pick it up and return it to Shipping and Receiving. If Mail Services delivered it to your department, arrange for Mail Services to pick up the item for return.)
The sender is responsible for all items until Shipping and Receiving has signed for receipt of the item. Once the item has been received by Shipping and Receiving, it will be shipped according to the instructions provided by the department.
Shipments to customers (outgoing):
Oversize and heavy packages which need to be shipped off-campus may be sent to Shipping and Receiving with a shipping label and cost center information. Shipping and Receiving will choose the most cost-efficient vendor for shipment.
Frequently, this will be United Parcel Service (UPS). If UPS is not preferred, you can suggest a shipping company to the Shipping Clerk at the time you request shipping services. Charges for shipments will be back-charged to the sending department. If the shipment is going to an international destination, the address must reflect the required mailing information applicable, and applicable customs forms must be included in the package(s).
United Parcel Services (UPS):
When an item is being returned via UPS, the original sender should be notified so that a Return Authorization Form can be requested. The package should then be sent to Shipping and Receiving to be returned to the appropriate vendor. There is no charge to the department for such shipments. Once again, all materials should be properly labeled for shipment.
To ship out to a customer via UPS, refer to the section above on Shipments to Customers. The department will be charged back for the shipment using the normal charge back procedures.
Personal Shipments:
Due to volume and security issues, incoming and outgoing shipments of personal items are not accommodated by the University. Please do not arrange to have such items delivered to the University's address. In turn, the University assumes no liability for receiving or delivering such items if sent to the campus.
No. Mail being sent for university business should be placed in the department’s outgoing mail box for pickup by Mail Services personnel. It will be brought to the mail room, postage will be applied and it will be sent to the USPS. Please place your department cost center/charge code with your outgoing mail.
Contact Mail Services prior to the mailing at 781.891.2212. Mail Services staff will work with departments to complete the mailing and make recommendations for potential costs savings.
The university has an account established with Federal Express for priority mailing. If you need shipping materials or air bills, contact Mail Services at 781.891.2212 and they can deliver them to your office during the next scheduled mail delivery.
All necessary forms (Post Office, UPS, FedEx, etc.) or air bills must be completed and affixed to the package. The package can then be placed in campus mail.
If you are sending a registered or priority package, Federal Express is the preferred method. Federal Express makes a final pick up from Mail Services by 4:00 p.m. If it is after this time, there is a Federal Express drop box located outside the first floor entrance of the Rauch Building. Daily pick up from the box is at 6:30 p.m.
Mail Services provides complete service to all academic and administrative departments including receipt and delivery of incoming and outgoing mail and interoffice mail. The following times outline daily mail delivery and pickup to campus offices:
9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Morning Mail Delivery — Incoming mail is delivered to each department and outgoing and interoffice mail is picked up for sorting and distribution
2:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Afternoon mail delivery — Interoffice mail is delivered along with any additional mail received by the U.S. Postal Service from their 12:30 p.m. delivery
4:30 p.m.
U.S. Postal Service picks up outgoing mail from the afternoon mail delivery.
Receipt and Delivery of Priority Letters and Packages
Mail Services uses an automated package tracking system to manage all overnight and priority packages from the sender to the recipient. Once a package is received by Mail Services, it is logged into this system. Upon delivery to the appropriate department, the recipient will be required to sign for the package.
Processing of Outgoing Mail, Priority Letters and Packages
All outgoing general, priority and interoffice mail should be placed in a department’s outgoing mailbox for pickup. Outgoing mail that is not prepared for afternoon mail delivery should be delivered to Mail Services to ensure same day receipt by the U.S. Postal Service.
Note: For all packages, please identify the method of shipping (USPS, Federal Express, UPS., etc.). All packages with general labeling only will be sent through the U.S. Postal Service as standard first class mail with no insurance or method of tracking.
The University has an account established with Federal Express for priority mailing. If you need shipping materials or air bills, contact Mail Services at x2212 and they can deliver them to your office during the next scheduled mail delivery.
Postage charges are prepaid by the university. Departments will be back-charged on a monthly basis for postage used. General postage can also be purchased as follows:
- Postage Stamps: Stamps can be purchased on-line at USPS Page.
Note: Registration is required and shipping costs may apply. - General Postage: General postage can be purchased at Mail Services for U.S. Postal Service mail only, by using Falcon Funds on your Campus ID.
Fulfillment Services
Mail Services provides on-site fulfillment services to the university, including low-volume bulk mailings requiring simple folding and inserting. Large volume mailings requiring limited fulfillment services can be accommodated, but may be sent off-site for completion. Please contact Mail Services in advance of your deadline so we can help provide you with the best solution for your project.
Special Services
If you require special services that need attention beyond the standard mail delivery process, please contact the Mail Services manager at 781.891.2212.
We thank you for your adherence to our policies and we look forward to servicing your needs through Bentley University Mail Services.