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Course Away

Submission Process

To avoid delays in the processing of your request please review the following key sections of the form: 

  • Complete all required (*) sections of Course Away Request Form, including course descriptions for each class 
  • Must include course syllabus for all course submissions; update syllabus file name to COURSE subject code, course #, and institution
  • Pre-approval is still required for any all course away classes
  • Summer 2024 course away requests can be submitted here
  • Course away requests submitted after May 24, 2024 may take longer than the expected 2 weeks. Keep this in mind when applying. 
  • For information about summer study abroad Course Away, please refer to the Office of International Education website  


Below you can find links to data for courses that have been previously approved for transfer credit. Feel free to use this information as a guide when submitting course away requests. Note that all course aways must be approved before you enroll and submit them for transfer credit at Bentley. Just because a course is in this data does not automatically guarantee that the credit will be eligible to be applied to your record.

Students who started during or after fall 2022

Students who started before Fall 2022

Note that if there is a conflict between what a course is equated to between the two spreadsheets, the “Students who started during or after fall 2022” list will be considered the current equivalency. Any course highlighted in the “Students who started before Fall 2022” list is due for reapproval. Other non-highlighted courses may also be subject to rereview by faculty. 

Review Process
  • Please allow two weeks after submitting a fully completed request for review, however some requests may take more than two weeks and we will do our best to get back to you in timely manner 
  • Ensure that you have changed the file name as outlined in the submission process 
  • As soon as the review of your request has been completed you will receive an automatic response
How to calculate 10% of your Bentley program
  • Add all of your advanced standing/transfer credit (i.e. credit for coursework completed prior to your initial Bentley enrollment)
  • For students entering prior to Fall 2022, deduct the total incoming credit from the total number of credits needed to earn your Bentley degree:
    • 122 credits if you enrolled as a first-year student (123 credits if Sustainability Science or Health Studies major)
    • 121 credits if you enrolled as a transfer student (122 credits if Sustainability Science or Health Studies major)
  • For students entering in or after Fall 2022, deduct the total incoming credit from the total number of credits needed to earn your Bentley degree 
    • 120 credits if you enrolled as a first-year or transfer student
  • Take 10% of that net result to determine your potential Course Away eligibility
How to receive credit for approved and completed course(s)
  • To receive credit for approved courses, you must request an official transcript from the outside institution and have it sent to the Office of the Registrar at If the transcript needs to be sent via mail, it should be directed to: 

Bentley University/Office of the Registrar
Rauch 111- Course Away 
175 Forest Street/Waltham, MA  02452 

Transcripts for summer courses away are due by October 15 of the same year; transcripts for winter courses away are due by March 15 of the same year. 

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Students Who Entered Prior to Fall 2022

Policies and Guidelines

Once enrolled at Bentley, students can transfer in (through Course Away) up to 10% of their Bentley program from other institutions. Please note: Students must complete a minimum of 60 credits at Bentley to meet graduation requirements.  Students are responsible for ensuring they understand and adhere to the Course Away credit maximum 


If a student's intended course away is needed to meet the co-or prerequisite for a course at Bentley, the prerequisite waiver form must be accompanied by documentation confirming that the student is registered for the course away. The prerequisite waiver form and the proof of course registration must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at Without this documentation, you will not be permitted to register for the Bentley course with the applicable co-or prerequisite. 


Students may enroll in no more than 13 credits of summer course work, 16 if their current GPA is at least a 2.7. This includes summer credits earned at Bentley*, regardless of course delivery mode, transfer credits earned at another institution through the Course Away process, or a combination of Bentley and Course Away (transfer) credits. Students taking courses for credit beyond this limit may not apply the additional course credits to their academic program. 

* Summer courses are defined as courses taken between the end of the Bentley spring semester until the beginning of the Bentley fall semester in any given calendar year. Bentley summer courses include May intensives. 

  • Courses must be approved in writing by the Registrar’s Office in advance of the course being taken 
  • Students take courses elsewhere at their own risk. Bentley University cannot guarantee that course content is 100% comparable to its Bentley equivalent. Students should exercise care as to whether they think courses taken elsewhere will offer the proper foundation for their subsequent coursework at Bentley 
  • Students are permitted to take courses away only during interim periods between terms or during the summer term. Please note: Permission to take courses outside of Bentley during Fall or Spring terms will only be granted for students with extenuating circumstances and for compelling reasons. Requests to take courses during Fall or Spring terms must be accompanied by an Academic Petition. 

*For seniors intending to graduate in May and who are approved to take courses away in the Spring term, official transcripts must be received in time to be processed prior to graduation. (Please see the Registrar’s office for deadlines and special instructions.) 

  • The Registrar’s Office reviews courses students wish to take at institutions outside of the U.S., but in their home country. Students taking courses at institutions outside of the U.S., but not in their home country, must submit a course away request to the Cronin Office of International Education for review 
  • Students opting to take a course at another institution must ensure they meet the prerequisites established by that institution 
  • Courses must be credit-bearing courses comparable to 3 or more semester credits, and may not duplicate previous coursework. Please note: CEU (Continuing Education Unit) courses are not transferable 
  • As of summer 2023, if the course away institution is on a quarter system, the credit will be converted to semester hours. For example, a 4-credit course at a quarter school will transfer in as a 3 credit Bentley course. If the course away school is on the semester system, a 4-credit course will be received as 4 Bentley credits 
  • Contact the course away institution to confirm if they are a quarter or semester school 
  • A maximum of 6 total credits may transfer into a major and 3 total credits may transfer into a minor 
  • GB courses may not be taken away. In addition, the following courses may not be taken away: 
  • AC 340
  • CS 360 (CS majors)
  • COM 210 (XD majors)
  • EC 381 or EC 431 (EC majors)
  • EC 391 or EC 441 (EF majors)
  • FI 351 (FI & FA majors)
  • MK 400 (MK majors/minors; BEMK majors) 
  • MG 240 (MG majors/minors)  
  • MG 345 (MG majors/minors)
  • Course Focus Requirements may not be transferred in  
  • Internships and/or internship courses are not eligible for Course Away credit with the exception of approved, credit-bearing internship programs offered by the Cronin Office of International Education 
  • Course Away approvals apply to undergraduate program requirements only. Students considering graduate study at Bentley should consult their program requirements to assess if classes taken elsewhere meet graduate admission standards 
  • A minimum grade of 2.0 (C) must be earned for the course taken away to be eligible for course away credit. Please note: Only the course away credits (TR) will appear on your Bentley transcript rather than the actual grade 
  • To receive credit for approved courses, you must request an official transcript from the outside institution and have it sent to the Office of the Registrar at If the transcript needs to be sent via mail, it should be directed to:  

Bentley University/Office of the Registrar 
Rauch 111 
175 Forest Street 
Waltham, MA  02452   

  • Transcripts for summer courses away are due by October 15 of the same year; transcripts for winter courses away are due by March 15 of the same year 

Students Who Entered During/After Fall 2022

Policies and Guidelines

Once enrolled at Bentley, students can transfer in (through Course Away) up to 10% of their Bentley program from other institutions. Please note: Students must complete a minimum of 60 credits at Bentley to meet graduation requirements.  Students are responsible for ensuring they understand and adhere to the Course Away credit maximum. 

If a student's intended course away is needed to meet the co-or prerequisite for a course at Bentley, the prerequisite waiver form must be accompanied by documentation confirming that the student is registered for the course away. 

The prerequisite waiver form and the proof of course registration must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at Without this documentation, students will not be permitted to register for the Bentley course with the applicable co-or prerequisite.  

  • Courses must be approved in writing by the Registrar’s Office in advance of the course being taken 
  • Students take courses elsewhere at their own risk. Bentley University cannot guarantee that course content is 100% comparable to its Bentley equivalent. Students should exercise care as to whether they think courses taken elsewhere will offer the proper foundation for their subsequent coursework at Bentley 
  • Students are permitted to take courses away only during interim periods between terms or during the summer term. Please note: Permission to take courses outside of Bentley during Fall or Spring terms will only be granted for students with extenuating circumstances and for compelling reasons. Requests to take courses during Fall or Spring terms must be accompanied by an Academic Petition. 

*For seniors intending to graduate in May and who are approved to take courses away in the Spring term, official transcripts must be received in time to be processed prior to graduation. (Please see the Registrar’s office for deadlines and special instructions.) 

  • The Registrar’s Office reviews courses students wish to take at institutions outside of the U.S., but in their home country. Students taking courses at institutions outside of the U.S., but not in their home country, must submit a course away request to the Cronin Office of International Education for review. 
  • Students opting to take a course at another institution must ensure they meet the prerequisites established by that institution 
  • Courses must be credit-bearing courses comparable to 3 or more semester credits, and may not duplicate previous coursework. Please note: CEU (Continuing Education Unit) courses are not transferable 
  • As of summer 2023, if the course away institution is on a quarter system, the credit will be converted to semester hours. For example, a 4-credit course at a quarter school will transfer in as a 3 credit Bentley course. If the course away school is on the semester system, a 4-credit course will be received as 4 Bentley credits 
  • Contact the course away institution to confirm if they are a quarter or semester school 
  • A maximum of 6 total credits may transfer into a major and 3 total credits may transfer into a minor. 
  • Internships and/or internship courses are not eligible for Course Away credit with the exception of approved, credit-bearing internship programs offered by the Cronin Office of International Education 
  • Course Away approvals apply to undergraduate program requirements only. Students considering graduate study at Bentley should consult their program requirements to assess if classes taken elsewhere meet graduate admission standards 
  • A minimum grade of 2.0 (C) must be earned for the course taken away to be eligible for course away credit. Please note: Only the course away credits (TR) will appear on the Bentley transcript rather than the actual grade. 
  • To receive credit for approved courses, students must request an official transcript from the outside institution and have it sent to the Office of the Registrar at If the transcript needs to be sent via mail, it should be directed to:  

Bentley University/Office of the Registrar
Rauch 111
175 Forest Street 
Waltham, MA  02452   

  • Transcripts for summer courses away are due by October 15 of the same year; transcripts for winter courses away are due by March 15 of the same year. 

More information is available on Course Away and policies and procedures through Undergraduate Academic Services.