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Student Records Authentication

It is very important to verify exactly what the school, employer or government needs for authenticating/validating/legalizing education. Each School/Company/Embassy has it's own requirements and if the correct documents are not submitted in the correct form it may affect you negatively. Please note that the processing of the notarization usually takes 3 - 5 business days (perhaps longer during busy times, holidays or vacation time). The State Department states that Apostilles can take up to 6 weeks for processing so please plan accordingly.

Authenticating a transcript

Authenticating a diploma

To receive a notarized transcript:

  • order a transcript here
  • Login in or create your account
  • Click on "Send to Yourself, Another Individual or Third Party"
  • Product type should be "Paper Transcript- Pickup"
  • Recipient Name should be "Christine Finn"
  • Send an email to and attach the Student  Records Authentication Form (send first page only)

If you have questions please contact Christine Finn.

To receive an Apostille for your transcript please mail the following in one package:

FIRST STEP: Order transcript following instructions above

SECOND STEP:  Please mail:

  • Student Records Authentication Form (send first page only)
  • Check, money order, or travelers check for $6.00 US (for each Apostille, one check can be written for multiple Apostilles) made out to:
    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - please note the country of destination on the check
  • Federal Express account number. You will be charged for :
    1.   the notarized copy to be sent to the State Department
    2.   the Apostille to be sent from the State Department to yourself

This information should be mailed to:

Bentley College
Office of the Registrar
Attn: Chris
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705

If you do not have a FedEx account you can get one at
If you do not wish to open an account please provide the following:

  • Postage paid envelope (that will hold 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches papers) addressed to:
    Secretary of the Commonwealth
    Commission Section, Room 1719
    One Ashburton Place
    Boston, MA 02108
  • Postage paid envelope (that will hold 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches papers) addressed to yourself

*** Please note that you should be supplying 2 postage paid envelopes, 1 for the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and 1 to be sent back to you.

If you are having someone else pick up the notarized documents, please provide their name and contact information. They must have a photo ID to pick up your documents.

If you have questions please contact Christine Finn.

To receive a notarized/certified copy of your diploma please provide:

  • Student Records Authentication Form: (send first page only)
  • The ORIGINAL Diploma (please include the binder to protect in shipping, do not send it in a frame)
  • Federal Express account number. You will be charged for the original diploma to be sent back to you along with the notarization.

This information should be mailed to:

Bentley College
Office of the Registrar
Attn: Chris
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705

If you do not have a FedEx account you can get one at
If you do not wish to open an account please provide the following:

  • Postage paid envelope (remember that the diploma is 15 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 1/2 inches) addressed to yourself

If you are having someone else pick up the notarized documents, please provide their name and contact information. They must have a photo ID to pick up your documents.

If you have questions please contact Christine Finn.

To receive an Apostille for your diploma please mail the following in one package:

  • Student Records Authentication Form (send first page only)
  • Check, money order, or travelers check for $6.00 US (for each Apostille) made out to:
    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - please note the country of destination on the check
  • The ORIGINAL Diploma (please include the binder to protect in shipping, do not send it in a frame)
  • Federal Express account number
    You will be charged for :
    1.  the original diploma to be sent back to you (I do not send it to the State Department)
    2.  the notarized copy to be sent to the State Department
    3.  the Apostille to be sent from the State Department to yourself

This information should be mailed to:

Bentley College
Office of the Registrar
Attn: Chris
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA 02452-4705

If you do not have a FedEx account you can get one at
If you do not wish to open an account please provide the following:

  • Postage paid envelope (that will hold 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches papers) addressed to:
    Secretary of the Commonwealth
    Commission Section, Room 1719
    One Ashburton Place
    Boston, MA 02108
  • Postage paid envelope (that will hold 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches papers) addressed to yourself
  • Self addressed, postage paid envelope to receive your diploma back
    (remember that the diploma is 15 1/2 x 12 1/2 x 1/2 inches)

*** Please note that you should be supplying 3 postage paid envelopes, 1 for the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and 2 to be sent back to you.

If you are having someone else pick up the notarized documents, please provide their name and contact information. They must have a photo ID to pick up your documents.

If you have questions please contact Christine Finn.