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Student Accounts

We encourage you to read the information listed on this site regarding the Student Accounts Office and the services we provide. Student Accounts is responsible for billing and collecting fees for tuition, housing, meal plans, health insurance, computers, parking violations and any other applicable fees.

Our goal is to work with students and parents to resolve outstanding balances. We understand that students and their families may experience financial difficulties and it is important for those types of issues to be communicated to our office at an early stage. We urge students and/or parents to contact our office prior to the due date of the bill to discuss any financial concerns that they may have. The earlier the issue is discussed the more tools we have to assist students in resolving the situation. If you have any questions not answered on this site, please contact us.

Important Student Account Dates

Spring Semester Payment Due Dates
Spring Day UndergraduateBalance due in fullJanuary 7th*
Spring Graduate/Full Time and All Part Time StudentsBalance due in fullJanuary 21st
Spring SemesterPayment PlanDecember - March 15th of the Month
All Day Undergraduate & Spring Graduate/Full Time and All Part Time StudentsLast day to enroll in a payment planJanuary 27th
*If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the actual due date is the following business day.
NOTE: Charges posted after the due date must be paid in full upon generation of the billing statement


Winter/Summer Session Payment Due Dates
Winter Session All StudentsBalance due in fullNo later than the first day of classes
Summer Session 1 UndergraduateBalance due in fullMay 28th*
Summer Session 2 UndergraduateBalance due in fullMay 28th*
Summer Semester GraduateBalance due in fullMay 28th*
Summer Semester All StudentsPayment PlanMay - June 15th of the month


Fall Semester Payment Due Dates
Fall Day UndergraduateBalance due in full (bills are available online mid-July)
Enroll/Waive Health Insurance
August 6th
Fall SemesterPayment PlanAugust - November 15th of the month
Fall Graduate/Full Time and All Part Time StudentsBalance due in full
Enroll/Waive Health Insurance
September 3rd
Fall Day Undergraduate & Fall Graduate/Full Time and All Part Time StudentsLast day to enroll in a payment planSeptember 20th

Please click here for a schedule of proration dates.

Contact Information

For general inquiries please call the Student Financial Services front desk: 781-891-3441
Office hours: M-F 8:30-4:30PM Regular, M-T 8:00-5:30PM Summer