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Interim Title IX and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

The Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy outlines all gender- and sex-based misconduct at Bentley University, as defined and supported by the United States Department of Education. This policy provides an overview of important definitions, methods of reporting an incident, and prohibited conduct on campus, as well as two different adjudication processes through which alleged violations will be processed: The Title IX Adjudication Process and the Gender-Based Harassment & Discrimination Adjudication Process. Please note that this policy and the accompanying appendices supplement the 2024-2025 Student Handbook, and all Bentley students are expected to review these documents. Access the policy and appendices below:

Interim Title IX and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

Appendix A - Campus and Community Resources

Appendix B - Responding to Allegations

Appendix C - Investigation and Adjudication Procedures involving Students

Appendix D - Investigation and Adjudication Procedures for Employee-to-Employee Matters

Appendix E - Types of Employees at Bentley University


Confidential Employees are available at Bentley University in the following offices:
The Counseling Center
The Sexual Resource Specialist
The Health Center
Spiritual Life
University Ombudsperson



24-Hr Emergency Information

Call (781) 891-3131 if you're experiencing a medical or emotional emergency.

Massachusetts Act Relative to Sexual Violence on Campus: The Every Voice Bill
  • Each institution must establish a campus security policy that includes the designation of at least one confidential resource provider, who may have another role at the institution, but may not be a student, a Title IX coordinator, or an employee required by Title IX to report to the Title IX coordinator.
  • The confidential resource provider will be able to provide information on:
    • Reporting options, and effects of each option.
    • Counseling services.
    • Medical and health services options.
    • Available school-based support measures.
    • The disciplinary process.
    • The legal process.
  • The confidential resource provider will receive training regarding awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct and trauma-informed response.
  • Information provided to the confidential resource provider will not be released to a campus official, law enforcement, or any agency without the written consent of the reporting party. The confidential resource provider will not disclose confidential information without the prior written consent of the reporting party, except as required by state or federal law.
  • A confidential resource advisor will not act as a counselor or therapist unless licensed under chapter 112.
  • A confidential resource advisor will not be disciplined or retaliated against for advocating for a reporting party's needs.
  • Notice to a confidential resource of an act of sexual misconduct will not be considered constructive notice to the institution

Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination Report Form

Anonymous Reporting Option:

Additional Reporting Options

Click below for the Resources and Support webpage:

Resources and Support

If you have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, and/or stalking, it's not your fault. You always deserve to be safe and respected. No matter which resources or actions you choose, there are many people who are committed to help.


No-Contact Orders

Learn more about No-Contact Orders

Annual Security Report

Bentley Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training

Bentley CSA Training Instructions:

  1. Supervisors: if you have not already, please let Liz Humphries know (first name, last name, email, B#) of any students who you are sharing the CSA training with, so we can accurately track participation.
  2. Go to: Campus Safety Authority (CSA) Training
  3. Click on the green box to the right to begin the CSA Training Module
  4. View the video (15 minutes)
  5. Answer the assessment below the video and press submit
  6. Confirmation email will be sent after submission is received
Bentley Title IX/GBHD Student Leader Training

Bentley Title IX/GBHD Student Leader Training:

  1. Go to: Title IX/GBHD Student Leader Training
  2. View the video (35 minutes)
  3. Complete the Assessment (5 minutes): Title IX/GBHD Student Leader Training Assessment

Training & Education

Per the 2020 Federal Regulations issued by the Department of Education, all colleges and universities must train all personnel involved in the Title IX process and publish training materials on their websites. Training must involve review of the new rule’s definition of sexual harassment and the scope of the application of Title IX to college programs and activities, how to conduct a formal or informal process, and how to “serve impartially,” including avoidance of “prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.”

Title IX Compliance and Athletics

Title IX Hearing Officer and Decision-Maker

Title IX Interactive Mock Hearing Training

Title IX Restorative Justice and Misconduct Response

Title IX Severe, Pervasive, and Objectively Offensive (SPOO)

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Staff Contacts

Office of Institutional Equity

Kelly Downes 
Director and Title IX Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Vin J. Ciampolillo
Associate Director, Investigations and Alternative Resolutions | Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Pronouns: he/him/his

DeeDee Cook
Equity and Title IX Intake and Support Manager
Pronouns: she/her/hers