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The Office of the Provost

Leading Academic Affairs

The Provost’s Mission

The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer, representing the interests and views of faculty to the Cabinet and the Board of Trustees, and ensuring that the key infrastructure to support faculty research, formal instruction, curricula, degree programs, assurance of learning, and accreditation is in place and operating effectively. 

Paul Tesluk headshot
Our world-class faculty in business and the arts and sciences — through their scholarship and educating and inspiring our students to pursue successful, rewarding careers — create positive change in the world.
Paul Tesluk
Bentley University Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs


presidential fellows

Introducing the Presidential Fellows

Five extraordinary teacher-scholars who advance innovations in teaching, learning or thought leadership have been chosen as Bentley’s inaugural Presidential Faculty Fellows. Congratulations to Mateo Cruz, Mark Frydenberg, David Stamps, Ahmet Kurt and Dave Szymanski on this honor! The Fellowship program is intended to support academic innovations that advance Bentley University’s Falcons Forward 2030 strategic priorities.

Learn more about our Presidential Fellows HERE

MLK Day of Social Justice, Celebration, Learning and Listening.

This January our campus came together for the MLK Day of Social Justice, Celebration, Learning and Listening. It was a first for us at Bentley – canceling classes to allow our entire community to come together to remember and honor Dr. King and learn from each other. I couldn’t be more proud of how we rallied together and challenged ourselves to create this wonderful new tradition on our campus. The incredible array of workshops, presentations, drop-in spaces and learning opportunities — more than 45 in all — was an impressive reflection of all that our students, faculty, staff and alumni have to offer.

Learn more about how we celebrate MLK day at Bentley

MLK day logo Bentley University
Executive PhD team

Launching Our Part-time Executive PhD Program

Launched in Fall 2023, Bentley’s part-time, three-year Executive PhD in Business program offers unique access for professionals to doctoral business studies. Designed to work for executives who have a minimum of 10 years’ business experience, the program attracts and develops a new breed of high-achieving industry leaders who combine business acumen with a research-driven mindset. Through a combination of online classes and immersion weekends on campus, each cohort of PhD students gain advanced analytical and management skills to tackle significant challenges and make informed decisions — for their companies, for their boards, for their research organizations or for a future career in academe. PhD graduates will leave Bentley with an enhanced ability to identify and address the most consequential of challenges and the advanced management skills needed to effectively implement critical change in an evolving, dynamic, global organization.

Read more about the program

Provost Newsletter

Fall 2024: Provost’s Newsletter

Our Provost’s Newsletter, Innovation with Impact, highlights and celebrates the research, pedagogical and professional accomplishments of our faculty, staff and students. 

In our current issue, you’ll learn more about innovative projects and partnerships that are having a positive impact on society, including research to exploring “bird flu” outbreaks among dairy cattle and immersive learning modules that utilize VR technology to explore biodiversity and climate injustice.

Read the Newsletter

lose-up image of a herd of dairy cows staring directly at camera.

Read Past Issues here:

AI in Academia: Navigating the Future

AI in Academia podcast logo

In this inaugural episode, Paul Tesluk, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Bentley University discusses the role of higher education leadership in supporting AI, Bentley’s response to the use of AI in teaching and scholarship, a new AI task force at Bentley, and using AI for scaling operations and reducing costs for programs and initiatives.

Listen to the full episode

Contact the Office

Our team in the Office of the Provost would be happy to answer any questions or concerns from members of the greater Bentley community.

Please reach out to our office and we will be in touch shortly.

Phone: 781.891.2155