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Undergraduate Grading Policy for the Spring 2020 Semester

By Tuesday, May 12 at 11:59 pm EDT, all students must submit a decision regarding their course grades for the Spring 2020 semester. Students will be able to choose from the following two options:

Option A: students can choose to keep their letter grades for all of their courses this semester. 
Option B: students can choose to have all of their letter grades converted to Pass/Fail this semester (i.e. students will not be able to choose individual courses to be converted to Pass/Fail). 

  • If students choose to have their letter grades converted to Pass/Fail, letter grades of A through D- will be converted to “Pass” by the Registrar’s Office.  
  • All letter grades of F will remain F even in the pass/fail option.
  • The option to replace an F by repeating a course in a future semester will remain.
  • Students taking both undergraduate and graduate courses in the same term may opt for one of the four combinations:
    1. All undergraduate and graduate grades pass/fail
    2. All undergraduate and graduate grades as letter grades
    3. Undergraduate grades as pass/fail and graduate grades as letter grades
    4. Undergraduate grades as letter grades and graduate grades as pass/fail

If students do not select one of these options by May 12 at 11:59 pm EDT, they will receive the letter grades submitted by their professors for all of their courses. 

The last date to withdraw from a spring 2020 course has been extended to Monday, April 10, 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I able to choose which classes I want to take pass/fail versus getting a letter grade?
No, you will have the option after finals to convert your entire semester to pass/fail or keep the grades that you earned.

What is the lowest grade I can get to pass a class?
The lowest grade to pass an undergraduate course is a D-.

How will the GPA work for the spring semester if I elect the pass/fail option?
The pass option in your grades will be GPA neutral. That means if you pass everything, you will have the same GPA you had at the start of the spring semester. If you fail a course, you will still have to replace it with another course in order for the F to be factored out of your GPA.

Will I still be able to make the Dean’s List or President’s List if I choose the pass/fail option this spring?
Students who choose the pass/fail option for spring 2020 will not be eligible for Dean’s List or President’s List.

I am retaking GB 112 this semester. What happens if I take the pass/fail option for my spring grades?
If you are retaking a course such as GB 112, MA 123 or MA 123L and choose the pass/fail option, you will have the pass replace the previous grade. A pass is not factored into your GPA, but your GPA will improve since the lower grade is now excluded.

In other words, passing the course will replace the grade you previously had and would raise your GPA. The lower grade will still appear on your official Bentley transcript, as it always does.

What if I am taking a prerequisite course for an upper-level class that I want to take in the fall semester? Will that still count as fulfilling the requirement?

Yes, taking a prerequisite course as pass/fail will still meet the prerequisite requirement for the following semester. You will not be able to use the course as a prerequisite if you fail the course in the pass/fail grading option.

How will taking courses pass/fail affect my scholarships and other financial aid?
If you have an academic scholarship with a GPA requirement for renewal, a passing grade, or P, will be GPA neutral. That means if you pass everything, you will have the same GPA you began with at the start of the spring semester, which will be used to assess your eligibility for scholarship renewal. Academic scholarships have differing cumulative GPA requirements. Please refer to your initial acceptance letter for GPA renewal criteria. If you are unable to locate this information, you can contact the Office of Financial Assistance at If you are currently on probation for your academic scholarship this spring, you will be given another semester to bring your GPA to the required cumulative level.

Similarly, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to receive Bentley and federal/state aid. This includes having a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and passing two-thirds of all attempted courses. The Pass/Fail option will be GPA neutral. However, if you receive a “Fail” this will count toward the calculation of pass rate for attempted courses. The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy can be found in the 2019-2020 Bentley Financial Aid Guide for Continuing Students. If you are currently on SAP probation for spring, your probation will be automatically extended for an additional term. For all additional questions, please contact your Financial Assistance Counselor in the Office of Student Financial Assistance directly.

Will the pass/fail option this semester take away the one pass/D/fail course I get to take as part of my regular Bentley program?
No, you may still take your optional pass/D/fail course at Bentley and use it towards an eligible course. This is an unusual semester and you will not be penalized by having to use your one pass/D/fail option for the spring 2020 semester.

If I am a senior who expects to graduate in May and have a major GPA or cumulative GPA below 2.0, should I choose the pass/fail option?

It is not advised to choose the pass/fail option in these circumstances. The grade of pass will not be calculated into either GPA. Therefore, your GPA will remain the same as it was at the end of fall 2019. In order to graduate, you must meet the minimum GPA of 2.0 for both your major GPA and your overall GPA.

I am on Academic Probation this semester, what happens to my academic status if I choose the pass/fail option this semester?
If you currently have an academic sanction of Academic Warning or Academic Probation, you will retain the same academic status for your next semester at Bentley. This means that if you are currently on Academic Probation and choose to take your classes pass/fail this spring, you will remain on Academic Probation for the fall 2020 semester.

Additionally, if you choose the pass/fail option and you still fail a course, this will not count against you, although the grade will remain on your permanent Bentley record. For example, if you received an Academic Warning, pass four courses and fail one, you will remain with an Academic Warning for next fall semester and not get a harsher academic sanction.

If you have an academic sanction for spring 2020 and elect to be graded for this semester, you will be reviewed by the Academic Performance Committee in late May. However, the Academic Performance Committee will take into consideration the unusual nature of the spring 2020 semester in their review.

I am taking three out of my four minor courses this spring semester. I already transferred in a course for my minor from a summer class I took at another school. Will I still be able to graduate with my minor if all of my grades in the minor are pass/fail?
Yes, if you have courses that are pass/fail for the spring 2020 semester you will still be allowed to count them towards your requirements. In a situation with a minor having all pass/fail courses, the 2.00 GPA requirement would be waived.

I am a BS/MS student in Finance. Can I take my undergrad courses as pass/fail and my grad course for grades or vice versa?
Students currently enrolled in the BSMS/ASF program may choose to take either their graduate courses or undergraduate courses or both as pass/fail. For example, at the end of the semester after final grades are in, you might choose to take your graduate course(s) as pass/fail, but get grades in your undergraduate courses. Please note that to pass a course, students must earn a C+ or above in graduate classes and a D- or above in undergraduate classes.

Taking courses in the BSMS/ASF program pass/fail will not affect your status in the program. If you have individual questions or concerns, please email Professor Claude Cicchetti or Academic Advisers Valerie Como or Karina Ovalles.

How will taking my spring courses pass/fail affect my eligibility for honors at graduation?
Students graduating in May 2020 will be considered for graduation honors based upon their most recent overall grade point average. Students who elect pass/fail in the spring 2020 semester will have graduation honors calculated based upon their cumulative GPA after the fall 2019 semester. Students who elect grades for their courses in the spring 2020 semester will have graduation honors calculated based upon their cumulative GPA after the spring 2020 semester.

I am in a blended term through Falcon Fast Track. Can I select pass/fail for my grad classes and not for my undergrad classes or vice versa?
Yes, students enrolled in the Falcon Fast Track program may select one of the following options:

  • Undergraduate courses and graduate courses all converted to pass/fail
  • Undergraduate courses and graduate courses all assigned letter grades
  • Undergraduate courses selected as pass/fail and graduate courses graded
  • Graduate courses selected as pass/fail and undergraduate courses graded

For questions related to Bentley graduate programs admission’s policy please contact the Office of Graduate Admission.

How will my grades be changed to pass/fail? Do I do it myself in Workday?
A form will be sent to students directly advising them on how to select the pass/fail option. 

Will employers or graduate schools look at my transcript differently if I take my classes pass/fail this semester?
Many colleges and universities have moved to some type of pass/fail option for their students this semester. Bentley students will not be alone in dealing with this situation.

The staff of the Pulsifer Undergraduate Career Development Center has conducted outreach with key corporate partners, and overall, taking courses pass/fail in spring 2020 this will not be perceived negatively by companies. This is a unique semester and some institutions are not allowing students any option but pass/fail. However, the Undergraduate Career Development Center recommends that you if you do receive good grades this spring you should allow the courses to remain graded.

For individual questions or concerns, please contact