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Teaching Initiatives

Bentley is committed to the infusion of business ethics and social responsibility, including an emphasis on diversity and service-learning, throughout the curriculum at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The following list of courses demonstrates the depth and range of coverage, and illustrates the types of discussions and experiences that are integrated into discipline-based courses.



Bentley Undergraduate Courses in Business Ethics/CSR

ID 206 Preparing for the 21st Century: The New Model, the New Person, the New Corporation

ID 306 The Role of Community Service in a For-Profit Organization

LA 109 Law and Ethics for Cybersociety

PH 130 Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility

PH 131 Business Ethics: Philosophy of Work

PH 133 Business Ethics: International Business Ethics

PH 135 Special Problems in Business and Professional Ethics

PH 301 Environmental Ethics

Bentley Undergraduate Courses With Focused Coverage of Business Ethics/CSR

AC 332 Fraud Examination
Coverage includes the prevention, detection, investigation and resolution of financial fraud, including fraudulent financial statements, employee fraud, and tax fraud. Ethical issues confronting accountants and fraud examiners are discussed, as well as the use of ethical codes of conduct as a means of reducing corporate fraud. The course involves guest speakers, including agents from the IRS and FBI.

AC 340 Accounting Information Systems
Coverage includes analyses of Sarbanes-Oxley and related governance legislation (e.g., the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] and Check 21) and their impact on the control environment within companies. The increased scrutiny of the audit profession is also covered. These issues are woven through the course discussion of internal control and process assessment.

AC350 Federal Income Tax
Course covers the ethics of tax compliance, the ethics of tax policy, and the ethics of the accounting profession.

EC 346 Environmental Economics
The course examines the importance of environmental issues to the corporate sector and ways in which businesses are responding both to new regulations and consumer awareness of environmental risks. Analytical tools are also developed to evaluate environmental policy solutions, including direct regulation, pollution taxes, abatement subsidies, and the trading of emissions rights.

EXP 201 Advanced Inquiry in Writing (Kirsch: Ethics and the 
Conduct of Business)
Emphasis is placed on ethics and business conduct. Students are expected to write a research paper on a topic related to ethics in their future profession, attend lectures sponsored by the Center for Business Ethics, and bring examples of current ethics cases to class for discussion, reflection and analysis.

EXP 201 Advanced Inquiry in Writing (Moul: Doing Well by Doing Good)
We often admire those who choose to “do the right thing” not only for the deed, but also because of the cost or sacrifice attached.  But an increasing body of evidence — some of it anecdotal, some of it quantifiable, all of it powerful — suggests that though “right” actions may in fact have costs or sacrifices attached in the short run in the long run they work to everyone’s benefit, including those who may initially resist them. Students engage in reading, writing, and discussion of real-life examples of corporations and other business organizations that have concretely demonstrated the power of “doing the right thing” for its own sake in making the world a safer, more hospitable, and comfortable place for everyone, in which sustainability is the byword.  

FI 390 Bentley Investment Group
A hands-on course on equity valuation, explores ethical concerns underlying the tendency for equity analysts to avoid negative recommendations on the stocks they cover. Focus on potential conflicts of interest that analysts face by working for investment banks that depend on fees from the firms whose very stocks the analysts cover and recommend. Also discussed are the social responsibility implications of analysts herding together and avoiding a recommendation that differs from that of the majority of analysts covering the stock. Course emphasizes the types of issues that are central to the ethical dilemmas students will face when they work as analysts on Wall Street.

ID 305 The Science and Business of Biotechnology
The course examines a number of ethical issues throughout the semester, including cases on: clinical trials and compassionate use, conflict of interest issues in technology transfer, taking and patenting someone's cells without their knowledge or consent, the FDA’s role in approving prescription drugs, and genetic testing and discrimination.

XD 255 Public Relations Writing
A strong emphasis is placed on truth, credibility and ethical conduct by public relations professionals in communications. Case studies, including the Tylenol tampering controversy, the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and Merck's withdrawal of Vioxx, are examined from an ethical and crisis communications vantage point.

XD 320 Managerial Communication                                  
This course develops skills in business writing and presentations. It covers delivering informative objectively, reporting on the ethical dimensions of business communication practices, and developing effective persuasive approaches, in both written assignments and presentations. Students will improve their use of visual elements in presentations, apply business ethics frameworks to analyze business communication practices, and learn to analyze and address critical audience concerns in persuasive situations. 

INT 298 Global Commerce and Human Rights in Chile 
Focus is placed on the intersection of global commerce and free trade with the ethical issues of human rights, labor rights, and the environment. The course examines the impact that a hyper-capitalist state (first, under dictatorship and now under democracy) and its relationships with more powerful countries like the United States have on issues such as poverty, child welfare, women's rights, and the violent repression of social movements, and environmental problems such as air and water pollution, the depletion of marine life, and deforestation.  Students are also asked to consider how the companies they will work for may impact vulnerable populations and environments and how they as employees may be able to offer solutions to some of these ethical and social problems.

LA 104 Gender and the Law
Issues covered include job discrimination from both a legal and an ethical point-of-view.

LA 106 Outsiders and the Law
Issues covered include job discrimination from both a legal and an ethical point-of-view.

LA 300 Cyberlaw 
Emphasis is placed on the ethical implications of the Internet and computer use.

MG 240 Interpersonal Relations in Management
As part of class discussions, issues of personal integrity, especially related to self esteem and emotional intelligence, are explored. Personal integrity is also woven throughout the course as a means of building trust and credibility in relationships at work.

MG 241 (Honors) Leadership, Power and Politics 
An ethics module centers on Machiavelli’s The Prince, and ethical issues are interwoven throughout the course, including a discussion of the types of ethical problems likely to arise from the use of different leadership styles. Other readings that prompt ethics discussions include Tzu's The Art of War and Dupress’s The Art of Leadership.

MG 340 Special Topics in Management: Classes to Careers
Personal ethics module asks students to reflect on their own values, mission and desired level of contribution to their community and society. Students will work through a number of professional dilemmas to establish and articulate their own ethical position and role play their response. The objective is for students to reflect on what ethics and social responsibility mean for them as professionals in the context of daily work decisions.

MG 340 Special Topics: e-Business
The course incorporates separate modules that examine issues around privacy and piracy related to illegal file sharing and intellectual property.

MG 340 Special Topics: Introduction to Consulting
Ethical considerations are woven throughout case discussions, emphasizing such issues as confidentiality, being offered engagements that are against one's personal values, and repercussions of organizational changes. Students examine the ethical dilemmas in consulting, drawing out the range of options available to them, consequences of those options, and situations that limit options.

MG 340 Special Topics: Managing in the Global Environment
Strong emphasis is placed on questions of ethics and corporate social responsibility in international settings where issues of poverty, pollution, security, worker exploitation and natural environment exploitation are prevalent.

MG 340 Special Topics: Morality and Profit Maximization
The course explores the possibility of maximizing profits (or achieving the goals of a not-for-profit) without hurting another individual, an individual's property, or society. It has been done repeatedly by firms around the world, although these successes are rarely reported in the press, management texts, and the organization theory literature. The purpose of this course is to show students how it has been done (and how it should be done), while simultaneously examining the difficulties associated with such endeavors. Students will create an internal “Social Audit” document for Bentley and other organizations while studying theories of networks, organic structures, and morality. They will also interact with guest speakers, examine business plans, develop marketing strategies, and analyze business case studies of business organizations (large and small) in the U.S., Europe, Central American, and Asia.

MG341 Management Consulting Skills 
Course emphasizes ethical consulting, including: identifying the impact of one’s work on all stakeholders; the consultant’s responsibility to tell the client what they may not want to hear; being upfront about one's ability as a consultant to achieve certain outcomes; and ethical billing practices.

MG 345 Organizations and Environment
Emphasis is placed on the dynamics of stakeholder management, business’s economic, legal, ethical and social responsibilities, and the relationship between individual values, external pressures, organizational structure and culture, and ethical behavior.

MG 360 Negotiating
Emphasis is placed on ethical concerns regarding tactics used in negotiation, including the use of lies and deception, the total value one should take from a negotiation, and the impact of negotiations on third parties that are not directly involved in the particular negotiation.

MK400 Marketing Management
Emphasis is placed on how successful organizations have a socially responsible purpose that improves the standard of living for a target set of customers.  Discussion of competitive strategy includes a focus on social responsibility and ethical behavior.  The power of ethical behavior is also addressed in the section on delivering products and services.  Analysis of brand management also looks at what people value.  

MK 342 Advertising
Ethics coverage focuses on questionable advertising tactics (e.g., stereotyping, subliminal advertising), questionable advertising targets (e.g., children) and advertising questionable products (e.g., alcohol and tobacco).

SO 263 Sociology of Work and Organizations
Modules explore issues of organizational culture and ethics, social responsibility and stakeholder management, and the broader relationships between business and other institutions in society and the global environment.

Bentley Undergraduate Courses with General Coverage of Ethical Issues, Social Responsibility, and Service-Learning

COM 326 Language and Literacy (Spack)
Focuses on how conceptions of language and literacy are shaped by social, cultural, political, economic, and pedagogical factors that change over time and serve particular interests. Students tutor English language learners in association with Bentley’s Service-Learning Center, and their final projects are designed to benefit community partners.

EXP 201 Advanced Inquiry in Writing (Atlas: Grant Writing)
Emphasis is placed on writing grants as part of an embedded service-learning course. The focus of the grant writing shifts from semester to semester. Class projects have included groups of students paired with nonprofit community partners in the Boston area and the Bayou La Batre Health Clinic as part of the Katrina relief effort (e.g., building funds; health and wellness resources; full time personnel; subcontracted staff; technology needs). A course outcome is a grant proposal that is substantially ready to submit to a funding organization.  The project also involves conducting research on potential funding sources, and selecting one or more funders to which to submit a grant proposal.  

GO 100 American Government
The course focuses on providing students with the tools to became active citizens. Through current events, discussion focuses on the ways the formal and informal structures of the U.S. Government function in our daily lives. Students are challenged to explore how they personally could influence each issue or event, with an emphasis on social responsibility and civic action. Discussion examines what is moral and what societal forces define morality. A fourth-credit service-learning option is available in some sections to encourage students to engage in civic activities.

GO 105 City/State Government and Politics
This course approaches the study of state and local government from the perspective that sub-national governments are integral to the creation of engaged citizens. State and local governments offer a myriad of opportunities for participation in civic life. The issues addressed by state and local government deal with multiple conceptions of community — how best to organize society in a way that reflects our responsibilities to each other and to a broader community.

GO 218 Media and Politics 
Examines the role of the press in American politics as it investigates, interprets and influences public affairs and opinion. Also addresses government's impact on the press through laws, leaks and lies. The focus will be on government/press relations under recent presidential administrations. Emphasizes business/ government relations, especially the social impacts of regulation, de-regulation and privatization.

GO 252 Politics and the Economy (Gainsborough)
This course looks at how politics and markets have intersected to shape urban life. The course focuses on professional ethics as it considers the role of the real estate industry, the planning industry, and the mortgage/banking industry in shaping the housing opportunities available to all Americans. The course also considers the responsibility that any individual community has to worry about the housing and job opportunities available to all the residents in a region.

GO 299 Politics of Technology 
Emphasizes business/government relations, especially the social impacts of regulation, de-regulation and privatization, and the “digital divide” in information technology.

HI 236 Irish History from St. Patrick to the ‘Troubles’
In tracking Irish history, ethical issues of religious toleration and repression, diversity, the use of terror by the state and the citizenry, and the ethical dilemmas raised by the Irish famine and the continuing tensions in Northern Ireland are explored.

HI 306 War and Society
This course traces the history of war from the middle ages to the present, focusing on five particular cases: the Hundred Years War and the battle of Agincourt; the American Revolution; The French Revolutionary Wars; World War I; and the Vietnam War. In each case ethical issues raised involve when it is appropriate to go to war, how prisoners of war and civilians should be treated, the concept of honor, the plight of soldiers, the impact of technology on how war is waged, terrorism, inhumane weapons, and the problem of applying rules to warfare.

HI 324 Revelry and Revolution in Early Modern England
This course focuses on the English religious reformation and the efforts by both Catholics and Protestants to suppress the other’s faith. It also covers the English civil war between Crown and Parliament that divided friends and family. Both topics raise a host of ethical concerns that are explored, including the ways governments dealt with religious dissent, where to draw the line between political allegiance and loyalty to one's faith, and choosing sides in a civil war with all the personal and political costs involved.

HI 325 Early Modern Europe
This course deals with the Reformation and considerable time is spent considering religious toleration. Discussion focuses on the Inquisition, religious wars, heresy laws by both Catholics and Protestants, and the impact of religion on science and business and freedom of conscience.

ID 211 Introduction to Gender Studies 
The course looks at social change through the lens of gender. Students are encouraged to notice injustice and think about what they can do to bring about fairness. Discussion focuses on inequalities in American education, business and the global village, and current events are used as a way to demonstrate the urgent need for individuals to promote justice. The course has an underlying theme of social responsibility, emphasizing what individuals as citizens can do to change the status quo and how we can encourage equity in our personal, public and civic lives. The course also offers a fourth-credit, service-learning option to encourage students to begin to engage in improving the world.

ID 311 Gender in the Professions
The course explores the role of gender in shaping the workplace, including remedies for such topics as gender segregation, the glass ceiling and glass escalator, sexual harassment, and pay inequalities. Discussion delves into gender inequalities in the global economy and proposes ways to mitigate them, including an examination of CEDAW, the international document to improve the lives of women worldwide. The course also offers a fourth-credit service-learning option to encourage students to begin to engage in improving the world. Students are encouraged to run for public office and are provided with insights into the process.

LIT 392 Banned Books 
The course examines censorship head-on, focusing on books that somebody somewhere tried to keep away from you, and working to figure out why.  Course readings will include vivid portrayals and frank discussions of sexuality, race, religion, politics, violence, and profanity, undoubtedly encountering controversial and even distasteful ideas. Among the reasons for reading these texts will be to find out whether and why these ideas are dangerous, as their critics claim, and what (if anything) should be done about it. Finally, while we won't operate in a moral vacuum, we will consider the value of these unusually risky literary explorations, as well as the value of our own peculiar combination of pleasure and discomfort as we engage these texts ourselves.  Students in this course will be working on educational projects for display to the public in the Bentley Library, and will also have the opportunity to earn Service-Learning credit by volunteering at the Waltham Public Library.

MK 321 Consumer Behavior (Foxman)
This course focuses on understanding consumer behavior concepts and theories and applying them in the context of a not-for-profit organization. In a course-embedded service-learning project, students design, implement, and report on consumer research to answer a community partner’s questions regarding the characteristics, motivations, and behaviors of the publics it serves.

NS 130 Natural Disasters
The course has an underlying thread of global social responsibility throughout the semester, emphasizing case studies of individual disasters that communities around the world have endured. Discussion includes why we should care about disasters around the globe, what effects we ourselves might experience as a result of a catastrophe elsewhere, what can be done to mitigate such situations, and how we as private citizens can respond to disasters in an empathetic and supportive manner.

PH 101 Problems of Philosophy 
Significant focus ethics and ethical frameworks, with a special focus on business ethics. 

PH 351 Perspectives on Povert
Course examines the moral obligations of government, other institutions, and individuals in dealing with poverty. Among the questions considered are: Should societies just satisfy the basic needs of all their members? How should we deal with conflicting claims about justice, rights, needs, freedom and equality? Are current U.S., state, and local policies dealing with poor people morally justified? What alternative policies might be better? Explores answers to these questions through study of different philosophical theories and through investigation of one or two current problem areas as cases. Investigation also includes substantial service-learning experiences in an institution that serves poor people.

PS 132 Issues and Investigations in Psychology (Davis)
The course has an underlying thread of ethics and global social responsibility throughout the semester. Discussion includes why ethics is important both personally and professionally, by utilizing frameworks such as Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, Milgram’s obedience study, contrasting views of intelligence, and sundry other methods of psychological inquiry regarding human behavior. An underlying goal is to develop an appreciation of psychological forces that shape, organize and constitute human behavior.

PS 252 Dynamics of Personality
This course delves into personality development and dynamics from conception through old age, with an underlying theme of individual and social responsibility. The goal of the course is to develop students' understanding of how they become who they are and how to enhance their interactions with others as ethical and responsible citizens of the world.

PS 311 Social Psychology
Coverage includes an examination of the impact of automatic processing on stereotyping and the resulting issues of racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. Attention is give to the self-serving hypothesis and the need to believe what we think is accurate, honorable and justified, and how selective attention and reduction of cognitive dissonance can be used to justify unethical behavior. Discussion also focuses on the need to conform and how this might support certain unethical acts, and related processes of diminished responsibility in groups and the use of groupthink to reinforce unethical behavior.

SO 132 Sociological Issues and Investigations in Medicine and Technological Innovations
The course explores topical areas of medicine and technological innovation, looking at ethical and social issues in the production and dissemination of medical practice. Emphasis is placed on how these practices influence, and are influenced by, technological and biotechnological innovation. Throughout the course, the underlying ethical, legal, and social implications of the practice of medicine are examined, especially as it continues to be infused with technological innovation. Illustrative issues include: how illness is socially distributed in the United States; the factors that account for rising health care costs; social consequences of declining health coverage for the entire population; the extent to which technological innovations in saving (or salvaging) life have changed medical and social designations of death; and the possibility of enhancing end-of-life care through organ donation.

Bentley Graduate Courses in Business Ethics/CSR

GS 603 Leadership, Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities

ETH 700 Ethical Issues in Corporate Life

ETH 750 Managing Ethics in Organizations

ETH 810 Research in Business Ethics

LA 720 Law and Ethics  

Bentley Graduate Courses With Focused Coverage of Business Ethics/CSR

AC 730 Business Processes and Systems Assessment
Coverage includes analyses of Sarbanes-Oxley and related governance legislation (e.g., the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] and Check 21) and their impact on the control environment within companies. The increased scrutiny of the audit profession is also covered. These issues are woven through the course discussion of internal control and process assessment.

AC 750 Federal Income Tax 
Course  covers the ethics of tax compliance, the ethics of tax policy, and the ethics of the accounting profession.                                                                  

AC 793 Professional Accounting Research and Policy Formulation
Course covers the professions’ responsibilities to the public, conflicts between professional codes of conduct and individual ethical  behavior, the use of accounting in organizations’ efforts to gain or maintain power, stakeholder engagement in professional standard setting, and ethical decision-making in accountants’ career concerns.

FI 640 Equity Valuation  
Teaches students to value equity securities, starting with the top-down approach and industry analysis/forecasting. Examines valuation theory, models and applications. Students analyze the IPO process to gain a detailed understanding of equity market operation, issues that affect these markets and where they are headed. The course has a component on ethics and corporate governance. 

FP 601 Investments and Capital Accumulation
Ethical responsibilities of an investment planner and the role of the SEC in protecting investors and the integrity of the securities markets are integral elements of class discussion and assignments as is a comparison of ethics in academic and professional settings.  Throughout the semester, students explore creative ethical solutions to potential pitfalls in investment planning.

FP 620 Trusts, Gifts and Estates  
Ethical issues are explored in the context of representation of family members with possible conflicting interests.

FP703 Marriage Separation and Divorce
Course examined ethical issues in representing clients during the negotiation and execution of premarital agreements.

FP 704 Financial Planning for Non-Traditional Families
Ethical considerations are involved in the context of planning for family units with conflicting interests as well as the ethics regarding the sale of appropriate financial investments.

FP 705 Elder Planning Techniques
Course examines ethical considerations in the representation of family members with possible conflicting interests and in Medicaid planning.

IPM 722 Information Privacy: Policy and Strategy
Course emphasizes ethical considerations in information privacy, stressing the importance of “doing the right thing” and addressing concerns of multiple stakeholders, especially in those areas where the law is often silent.

GR 630 Team Effectiveness: Theory and Skills
Course develops the ability to lead and work effectively in teams as well as to know when teams are and are not the best way to reach organizational goals. Emphasis is placed on identifying competing values and beliefs as they influence differing perceptions of ethical dilemmas. Focus is placed on different ethical frameworks and the need for teams to identify when conflict is value based and the need to discuss values and beliefs as a way to work through the conflict.

FP 601 Investments and Capital Accumulation
The ethical responsibilities of a investment planner and the role of the SEC in protecting investors and the integrity of the securities market are integral elements of assignments and class discussion. The course also explores issues of ethics in academic and professional settings. Throughout the semester, students explore ethical solutions to potential pitfalls in investment planning.

GS604 Global Strategy
Emphasis is placed the changing political, technological and social environment as it impacts the strategic process, including a recognition of and respect for individual and group values and an awareness of ethical issues and the international environment. The impact of agency problems on firm performance and challenges of corporate governance are also examined.

HF750 Testing and Assessment Programs
Covers the principles and practices of the ethical treatment of human subjects in usability evaluations and the responsibilities of a human factors professional in regards to safeguarding the identity and data of participants. There is a required student class presentation on professional ethics. A major issue in this area is ensuring that business organizations that conduct usability evaluations have a written policy on ethical treatment and the human factors professional's responsibility to make sure the policy is created and followed. A related issue is the responsibility of human factors professionals to encourage the organizations they work for or consult with to make their products accessible to the widest possible audience. There is a class presentation and readings on Federal laws requiring accessibility to all products.

MG 601 Competing in a Global Marketplace
This interdisciplinary course presents a conceptual framework for scanning the global business environment. This scanning or information-gathering process is a critical part of how the corporate general manager formulates strategy. The course comprises four main areas that identify internal and external forces affecting the firm's ability to compete domestically and internationally: 1) sociocultural and ethical forces and issues; 2) global economic and financial forces; 3) political/legal forces and issues; and 4) global technological forces. The objective is to provide the student with the skills and methodology necessary for market analysis and business strategizing on a global scale.

MG 620 Business of Biotechnology
Integrates science and business in studying the biopharmaceutical industry as a model for innovative business practices in high-technology, R&D-dependent companies and industries. Course modules devoted entirely to ethics: ethics in marketing, clinical trials, research and conflict of interest issues, and in the area of technology transfer and intellectual property.

MG 630 Interpersonal Behavior in Management
Develops a conceptual foundation in the theory of interpersonal dynamics. Considers such topics as perception, personality, attitudes and interpersonal communication. Applies these models of interpersonal behavior to managerial and organizational issues. Enhances interpersonal competence, especially listening and assertiveness skills. Ethics is a subject woven throughout.  It is most directly considered in learning about the self concept and the application of values as part of developing interpersonal competence.  It also comes into play with the concept of emotional intelligence and empathy in relations with others.

MG 632 Managing Effective Work Teams
Purpose of the course is to help students manage and work effectively in teams and groups. Focus is placed on developing a greater understanding of task group dynamics, individual behavior on teams, and team management skills. Examines the ways in which team dynamics (as influenced groupthink, peer pressure, organization hierarchy, goals) can lead to flawed decision making, which is tied it into current ethical scandals. Focus on the ways in which “good” people can make unethical choices when team dynamics do not promote effective discussion of tough issues.

LA 725 Cyberlaw
The course explores the ways in which electronic commerce has changed the laws relative to doing business in the on-line environment. Focus is placed on the legal and ethical issues associated with such topics as on-line privacy policies relative to company e-mail, database information and management, and business computer use. Trademarks and on-line copyright protection will also be discussed.

MG 635 Negotiating
Emphasis is placed on ethical concerns regarding tactics used in negotiation, including the use of lies and deception, the total value one should take from a negotiation, and the impact of negotiations on third parties that are not directly involved in the particular negotiation.

MG 661 International Management Behavior
Culture and ethics module focuses on the process of ethical decision-making in a global context. The increased complexity of ethical decision-making is considered through cases and discussions, and the course routinely draws on practitioners as guest speakers to illustrate these challenges and engage students in "live" case analyses.

MG 670 Managing in a Diverse Workplace
Course address the knowledge, skills and attitudes managers need to fully employ all the resources of an increasingly diverse work force emerging in the United States today.  In the context of exploring how people who are different from each other can work together effectively, we specifically examine the dynamics of race, gender, nationality and sexual orientation in the workplace. We will investigate the impact of diversity on individuals, groups and the organization as a whole. Ethical issues are interwoven throughout each of these topics.

MG704 Management Consulting Skills 
Course emphasizes ethical consulting, including: identifying the impact of one’s work on all stakeholders; the consultant’s responsibility to tell the client what they may not want to hear; being upfront about one's ability as a consultant to achieve certain outcomes; and ethical billing practices.

MK 713 Marketing Promotion and Communication
Ethics module focuses on common criticisms often leveled at marketing communication (MC), for example, MC increases costs of products, helps to sell inferior products, sets unrealistic expectations, and is done in bad taste. Course encourages students to determine if these criticisms are warranted and, if they are, what they can do about them. 

TX 604 Multi-Jurisdictional Taxation
Ethical standards in tax practice and the exploration of international differences in are integral elements of class discussion and assignments. The course also explores ethical issues in academic and professional settings. Throughout the semester, students practice reasonable interpretation of tax law dealing with international and multi-state transactions, contrasting it to cases of abusive tax avoidance.

TX 791 Practicum in Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic
Provides students with an opportunity for clinical fieldwork under the supervision of a faculty member. Students prepare and deliver educational workshops to taxpayers, and serve as the primary taxpayer contact in resolving tax controversies. Students are responsible for identifying, researching, resolving and communicating complex tax issues, with an emphasis on helping low-income individuals with their federal tax problems.