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The W. Michael Hoffman Center for Business Ethics sees great opportunities in collaborative efforts to promote ethical business practices, and to this end, provides to its visitors and the public a rich collection of resources.


HCBE's Executive Fellows held a discussion on how to recognize and create ethical cultures within organizations. It was edited into a book, which is now available on Amazon.

HCBE has an extensive multimedia library that contains one of the largest collections in the United States of business ethics books, journals, videos, and resources for practitioners. Our collection of books includes the hard-to-find proceedings of HCBE’s original conferences on business ethics from the 1970’s and 1980’s, which were some of the first conferences on business ethics in the world.

In the early days of the field, scholars associated with HCBE produced a number of path-breaking books, including The Ethical Edge (1995), Values Added (1997), and Ethics Matters (2000). In recent years, Wiley’s Foundations of Business Ethics series has been under the general editorship of W. Michael Hoffman and Robert Frederick. Together with Mark Schwartz, Hoffman and Frederick collaborated on a textbook, Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, now in its 5th edition, and also published by Wiley.

Social Media Pages

The HCBE is on multiple social media platforms. Find us on the following pages:

The Ethics Buzz Newsletter

Ethics Buzz is a newsletter prepared by Bentley students once per semester, highlighting what's going on in the world of business ethics, and sharing news about the HCBE's events and programs.

The Ethics Buzz Newsletter

Codes of Conduct and CSR Reports

HCBE maintains links to hundreds of corporate codes of conduct and CSR reports. Click here to see the complete lists.

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)

As a signatory institution, Bentley University has been committed to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) from its earliest days. Click here to learn more about our commitment to PRME. See below for reports summarizing our activities associated with PRME and the UN Global Compact. The HCBE has been responsible for producing these reports since 2018.