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Center for Integration of Science and Industry

Research Studies & Reports


NIH funding for vaccine readiness before the COVID-19 pandemic

Kiszewski, A.E., Cleary, E.G., Jackson, M.J. & Ledley, F.D.

March 8, 2021


Comparing long-term value creation after biotech and non-biotech IPOs, 1997-2016

Cleary, E.G., McNamee, L.M., de Boer, S., Holden, J., Fitzgerald, L. & Ledley, F.D.

January 6, 2021


Foundational research and NIH funding enabling Emergency Use Authorization of remdesivir for COVID-19

Cleary, E.G., Jackson, M.J., Folchman-Wagner, Z. & Ledley, F.D.

July 6, 2020


Profitability of Large Pharmaceutical Companies Compared With Other Large Public Companies

Ledley, F.D., McCoy, S.S., Vaughan, G. & Cleary, E.G.

March 3, 2020


Contribution of NIH funding to new drug approvals 2010–2016

Cleary, E.G, Beierlein, J.M., Khanuja, N.S. & Ledley, F.D.

February 12, 2018

Clinical Therapeutics

Landscape of Innovation for Cardiovascular Pharmaceuticals: From Basic Science to New Molecular Entities

Beierlein, J.M., McNamee, L.M., Walsh, M.J., Kaitin, K.I., DiMasi, J.A. & Ledley, F.D.

June 24, 2017


Marine Microalgae: Climate, Energy, and Food Security from the Sea

Greene, C.H., Huntley, M.E. Archibald, I., Gerber, L.N., Sills, D.L., Granados, J., Tester, J.W., Beal, C.M., Walsh, M.J., ... & Corless V.

November 7, 2016

Council on Undergraduate Research

Connecting business and STEM education through undergraduate research

Bouldin, R.M., Hall, G.J., Oches, E.A., Szymanski, D.W., & Ledley, F.D.

Summer 2015

Algal Research

Algal biofuel production for fuels and feed in a 100-ha facility: A comprehensive techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment

Beal, C.M., Gerber, L.N., Sills, D.L., Huntley, M.E., Machesky, S.C., Walsh, M.J., ... & Greene, C.H.

July, 2015

Nature Biotechnology

Making the biotech IPO work

McNamee, L.M. & Ledley, F.D.

November 1, 2013

Nature Biotechnology

Patterns of technological innovation in biotech

McNamee, L.M. & Ledley, F.D.

October 10, 2012

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