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Entrepreneurship Hub

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The E-Hub at Bentley

Helping our community develop an entrepreneurial mindset and learn an entrepreneurship skillset that is uniquely Bentley.

Supported by faculty and alumni entrepreneurs, the E-Hub nurtures the creative ideas of students and members of the Bentley community to address the consequential challenges of today - as founders, corporate intrapreneurs, family business owners, and more. We do this through: 

  • Connections with alumni entrepreneurs across many industries
  • Access to state-of-the-art resources
  • Opportunities for mentorship and personal growth
  • Programs and courses that promote an entrepreneurial mindset

Get Involved and Learn More

E-Hub Initiatives

E-Hub Incubator Program

Support student teams with early-stage ideas into startup ventures with seed funding and other resources.

Person wearing a suit shaking a hand in front of a building

I2I Program

Partnership with Federal Lab's advanced research to convert inventions into market-ready innovations to foster entrepreneurial ventures.

Living Learning Community

The Future Entrepreneurs Community supports aspiring students pursue entrepreneurship in various fields with other likeminded peers.

Speaker Series

Alumni talk about entrepreneurship success stories, career choices and how to work with different industry sectors

Coaching Sessions

Small group discussions with alumni who provide valuable insight into various aspects of the entrepreneurial process

Mentor Networks

Connect with a faculty or alumni mentor for advice on your start-up venture

Curated Visits

Follow leads by alumni and student clubs to attend events around Greater Boston to discover the startup and entrepreneurship ecosystem


Competitions designed and led by faculty and/or student clubs, supported by alumni and sponsored by the Bentley E-Hub


See who the E-Hub is partnering with to connect Bentley students to the entrepreneurial community


Academic Offerings

See how Bentley and the E-hub delivers the knowledge to succeed in this fast-paced environment. 

The Somers Garage

The Somers Garage, located in Jennison 132, serves as a dedicated space for students and teams engaged in the development of their entrepreneurial endeavors. 

Other Resources

Discover our dynamic online resource packed with curated titles and websites for entrepreneurs at all stages.

brent chrite
Bentley students have been entrepreneurs for generations, and I’m proud of the work we’re doing to give today’s students the opportunities they deserve to expand entrepreneurial mindsets and hone their skills.
Dr. E. LaBrent Chrite
President, Bentley University

Our Community

Executive Council

Work to ensure that the efforts of the E-Hub are delivering the skills and knowledge required for success today


Faculty Council

Contribute ideas for developing the entrepreneurship initiative and helps prioritize efforts and projects.


Faculty Entrepreneurship Research Working Group

A forum for multi-departmental research exchanges on entrepreneurship

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Alumni Successes

Sustainable Sippin'

Shannon Fairweather ’20 and Daniel Linger ’17 bring sustainability and socially responsible business to Bentley.

Statement Piece

Clothing line by Peyton Gadaire ’22 embodies  community, confidence and comfort.

Plugged In Business

Gabriel San Miguel '22 launches e-commerce platform to help local companies in Puerto Rico.

Designing a Dream

Leonardo Paul '20 and Joshua Elysee '21 create a clothing line to inspire and empower others.

Photo of Todd Pavone
It's not about having a traditional business education OR an entrepreneurship education. Students need both. That is what Bentley delivers.
Todd Pavone '92
CEO and President of Virtustream

Student Clubs

For More Information

An Investment in Innovation

Steve '08 and Samantha Somers invested $1M in Bentley's Entrepreneurship Hub to help create an ecosystem that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset among the campus community and gives students the support they need to build successful businesses. Their vision is that this gift will create a new generation of entrepreneurs who will give back even more to Bentley.

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steve somers