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Entrepreneurship Hub


CIC Workspace

Accessing the Vibrant Workspace in Boston's Innovation Hub with a Presence for your Start-up at the Bentley E-hub Desk at CIC


The Bentley E-hub CIC Workspace Initiative is designed to provide members of the Bentley community access to the vibrant entrepreneurial community in Greater Boston as they develop their ventures. The E-hub is a leasing member at CIC (Cambridge Innovation Center). CIC is the premier co-working space that focuses on innovative start-ups. The E-hub now provides access to a Dedicated Workspace at CIC to teams of Bentley community members who are well on their way to building their entrepreneurship ventures.


Access to this Dedicated Workspace is intended for actively building your start-up venture. Access to this Dedicated Workspace is not intended just for professional networking or socializing. Access is, therefore, based on your progress towards developing your start-up venture, and a competitive process.

Access Details

When is a Team eligible to access the CIC Workspace 

  • Teams of Bentley community members who have progressed beyond an initial idea for a start-up venture may consider applying for access. Ideally, the team should have developed their idea for a start-up, should have progressed past Phase 2 of the Incubator program, which includes working with faculty and/or alumni mentors.
  • If you are not yet at a stage where you have a fully developed business idea or if you are working on your ideas and want to use resources and spaces where you can brainstorm, collaborate, and engage in early-stage idea development, we encourage you to explore the various other resources and spaces on-campus, such as the Somers Garage run by the E-hub or the Creative Space in Collins Hall. These spaces offers an informal, welcoming environment conducive to creativity and ideation. They are ideal for individuals or teams who are in the nascent stages of their entrepreneurial journey. You can also use these resources to further develop your idea. And you can access the Orbit Platform to identify co-founders and build your team, or look at what others are building and ask to join their team.

Teams must fulfill all the following criteria to establish initial eligibility. 

  • The team is engaged in developing a start-up venture.
  • The team lead is a Bentley community member (student/recent alum).
  • The team has actively participated in and progressed past Phase 2 of the Incubator program.
  • The team agrees to abide by the code of conduct for use of the workspace.
  • The team has worked with one or more faculty and alumni mentors to develop their idea
  • The team has formed a business entity to pursue their idea
  • The team has done market feasibility assessment
  • The team has developed a business model and a revenue model

How will a Team use the Workspace

  • One (lead) member of each selected student team will be provided access to the E-Hub desk at CIC.
  • The member may bring along upto three team members (whose ID's will be screened at the front desk).
  • After this screening, access to CIC will only be "along with" the lead member of the team.
  • The typical start date for access will be (November e.g. 2024) and an end date (the following September e.g. 2025).  
  • Lead team members of multiple teams may access the desk simultaneously.
  • Access to the E-Hub desk is meant to provide the student team a presence at CIC as they build their start-up venture.
  • The E-hub will help your team, once selected, learn how to use their time at CIC. 

Code of Conduct for Using the CIC Workspace

  • The lead member of the team is responsible for collecting the access card from CIC.
  • No member of your team may use the Workspace as a study location.
  • Each member of your team agrees to use the Workspace as a place to work on your venture and connect with the CIC ecosystem.
  • Each member of your team who access the E-Hub desk at CIC agrees to represent their own venture, the Bentley E-Hub and the Bentley University with the highest standard of professionalism. Any abuse or disruption of CIC will result in the removal of access.

How will the E-hub manage concurrent use

  • All teams who move past Phase 2 of the Incubator will be provided access to the E-Hub desk at CIC.
  • The lead member of the team will be responsible to bring along one or two other members of the team to manage their access. 

how to get there